Graduate of Chalmers University
of Technology Gothenburg, 1974.
Currently senior adviser at the
Norwegian Public Roads Administration. A member of PIARC
Technical Committee 2.4 Freight
transport and intermodality.
Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Oslo, Norway
This paper is based on a report that has been prepared by a subgroup under PIARC´s technical
committee TC 2.4 – Freight Transport and Intermodality. Based on key developments in
freight haulage and the need for action, the aim of this study was to review collaborative
measures between road and other modes of transport and governmental measures aimed at
promoting intermodal transport. Answering the suggestion about turning the issue into a
catalogue of governmental measures, numerous measures to be taken by governments to
support intermodal transport are recommended. Because of the increasing problems in road
freight transport, it is important to consider intermodal alternatives that will make freight
transport more sustainable and to use suitable combinations of the different modes
productively. It is the role of public authorities to support intermodal transport and to
provide the suitable framework conditions taking into account the public interest and the
requirements of the industry.
Keywords: Intermodal transport, Intermodality, Freight transport, Governmental measures,
Best practice
Ce papier est basé sur ce rapport préparé par un sous-groupe du comité technique 2.4 de
l´Association mondiale de la Route (AIPCR) – Transport de Marchandises et Intermodalité.
Basé sur les développements clés des marchandises et le besoin d’action, le but de cette étude
a été de présenter les mesures pour faire collaborer le transport routier avec les autres modes
ainsi que les mesures gouvernementales pour promouvoir le transport intermodal. Pour
répondre à la suggestion d’en faire un catalogue de mesures gouvernementales, le sous-groupe
recommande un ensemble de mesures aux gouvernements pour encourager le transport
intermodal. En raison de l’accroissement des problèmes dans le transport routier de
marchandises, il est important d'envisager des alternatives intermodales pour rendre le
transport de marchandises plus durable en combinant de la façon la plus appropriée les
différents modes. C’est le rôle des pouvoirs publics d’aider le transport intermodal et d'en
définir le cadre pertinent en prenant en compte l’intérêt public et les contraintes de l’industrie.
Mots-clés: Transport intermodal, intermodalité, transport de marchandises, mesures
gouvernementales, les meilleures pratiques
1. Increasing Freight Transport, especially on Roads
Since the early 1990s in most developed countries, growth in freight transport has been higher
than in passenger transport, and often higher than economic growth. The main reasons of the
rapid growth of freight transport are globalisation, the spatial division of labour and the
individualization of demand.
During the past 30 years, road freight has been steadily capturing market share from rail and
inland waterway transport in Western European countries as well as most other countries
throughout the world. The longer term trend shows that total tonne-kilometres in the road
freight sector increased by a factor of more than 3.4 during the period 1970-2004. In 2004,
rail freight stood at less than 50 percent of its modal share in 1970 (European Commission,
2006). Forecasts indicate that road transport will continue to grow faster than other modes of
transport in the future.
2. Need for an alternative to pure Road Transport
The productivity of road transport is declining as a result of congestion, improved
enforcement of regulation and social standards (training, driving times) and is leading to
higher costs and loss of competitiveness of road transport. Road transport capacity will not
increase in tact with growth because of the costs of new infrastructure and local objections to
new roads and road extensions. New capacity is in any event taken by the massive growth in
private passenger transport.
Environmental problems (noise, pollution, area space use, etc.) are increasing, especially in
sensitive mountainous regions, coastal regions and urban areas. Concerns about climate
change are increasing. Road truck transport is heavily dependent on fossil fuel and high fuel
prices and price instabilities have to be faced.
Economic growth involves increased traffic flows, and to cope with this the different transport
modes need to combine their services to create an efficient and sustainable transport system.
Intermodality is seen as one possible approach with a high potential to make freight transport
more sustainable and ensure economic development. Intermodality is needed so that better use
can be made of alternative modes that have accessible spare capacity. Making better use of
available resources is not an expensive solution and reduces stress on over-used road
3. Development of Intermodal Transport and Key Problems
The first question to answer is: What is intermodal transport? This paper uses the broad and
well-accepted definitions of the Terminology on Combined Transport prepared by the United
Nations Economic Committee for Europe (UNECE), the European Conference of Ministers of
Transport (ECMT) and the European Commission. Intermodality or intermodal transport is
defined as “The movement of goods in one and the same loading unit or vehicle which uses
successively two or more modes of transport without handling of the goods themselves in
changing modes” (UNECE, 2001). A terminal is defined as: “A place equipped for the
transhipment and storage of Intermodal Transport Units” (UNECE, 2001). When speaking of
intermodal terminals, transfer points are included as part of the definition of intermodal
3.1 Trends in Intermodal Transport
The data and statistics situation in intermodal transport is not as good as in pure rail, road or
river/sea/waterway transport because today’s data collection is mode-related and not
consignment related. It is therefore difficult to find significant and comparable data. This has
to be considered when assessing the following developments in intermodal transport.
In 2004 freight transport within EU-25 was estimated at about 4 billion tonne kilometres. The
share of road transport is about 44%, maritime transport 39%, inland waterways 3%, rail 10%
and air and pipelines 4%. (European Commission, 2006a). Sea transport and road transport
are expected to continue to increase more than other modes in the future. Intermodal transport
has a remarkable share in short sea shipping, inland waterway and rail transport. The growth
rate in combined road-rail transport in Europe is around 8% to 10% per year and therefore the
same dimension as that of global container shipping (International Union of Combined RailRoad Companies – UIRR). The growth is higher in international transport than in domestic.
International traffic flows are concentrated on north-south corridors, especially transalpine
corridors. The trends in domestic intermodal transport differ greatly from one country to the
next, with decline today in France and Switzerland, stagnation in Austria, Spain and Belgium
and growth in Germany and Italy.
In Russia and Ukraine rail transport has a high share. Economic growth lies behind the
increasing freight volumes in these and other countries in Eastern Europe. Because of
increasing world trade and increasing containerisation, the freight volumes in intermodal
loading units will continue to increase. Therefore an increasing share of intermodal transport
can be expected.
In freight transport, rail has a much more important position in the US than in Western
Europe, with over 40% of the intercity market. In South America, the share of intermodal
transport is not as high as in Europe or the United States because of the weak intermodal
services and capacity mode. Share varies considerably from one country to another. The main
mode is road with a share margin of between 63% and 92%. The rail share varies between 1%
and 30%, while the inland waterway share varies between 0% and 13%.
Rail has an important role in Australia and China, but in other Asian countries road transport
generally is much more important. In India and Bangladesh, 70% of freight transport today is
by road (in Pakistan the figure is as high as 90%). In countries with sea access, short sea
shipping is important. Landlocked countries are dependent on efficient and high quality rail or
inland waterway connections to sea ports. In many countries, intermodal services (except
short sea) are limited.
African rivers and lakes have always been the main means of transport, exchange, trade and
development within the continent. The best known are the Nile (and the associated lakes, the
largest one being Lake Victoria), the Congo, the Zambezi, the Niger, the Senegal and the
Gambia. The Congo-Oubangui-Shanga basin is used for carrying a large share of goods
towards landlocked countries such as the Central African Republic and Chad. Ferries on Lake
Tanganyika carry a large share of imports-exports to Burundi in a multimodal chain with rail
and road transport. Currently, the combination sea/road is used for between 75% and 90% of
the freight. However, river and lake transport is virtually non-existent in the southern part of
Africa as well as large parts of North and West Africa.
3.2 Key Problems in Intermodal Transport
Although intermodal transport is growing, its share is still relatively low and the big
breakthrough of intermodal transport has still to come. The main reason for this development
is the inability of intermodal transport to adequately meet customer requirements in the new
logistics environment that emerged during the 1990s. Road transport is often considered to be
more flexible, cost effective, transparent and efficient, and to provide a higher quality service.
The main barriers and key problems that hinder a breakthrough of intermodal transport are the
• Organisational barriers, i.e. too many partners involved, a lack of cooperation
between involved role-players, unclear responsibilities and liabilities, etc.
• Technical barriers, i.e. missing information technologies, no door-to-door tracking
and tracing, friction at transfer points, lack of standardisation (semi-trailers, certain
loading units), etc.
• Infrastructural barriers, i.e. unsuitable infrastructure at terminals, different rail
gauges, capacity restraints at terminals and their access roads, different rail track
equipment, lack of standardisation at terminals, etc.
• Operational, logistical and service-related barriers, i.e. a lack of transparency in
the transport chain, limited flexibility for short-term orders, priority for rail
passenger transport, limited intermodal services, a lack of information about
available services, a lack of awareness of possibilities of intermodal transport,
problems integrating intermodal transport in logistics chains of companies, etc.
• Financial and economic barriers, i.e. high investment costs for intermodal
equipment, intermodal terminals, high pre- and end-haulage costs, cost-intensive
storing capacity, etc.
• Political barriers, i.e. no harmonised framework conditions for pre- and endhaulage, terminal funding, etc.
4. Role of public Sector and Policies for Intermodal Transport
Economic growth means increased traffic flows, and to cope with this the different transport
modes have to be combined for an efficient and sustainable transport system to be created. In
this intermodal transport, using railways, inland waterways and shipping will all take on a
greater role. It is therefore important for the public sector and road authorities to promote
intermodal transport. If goods can be moved from road to rail, inland waterway and sea
transport, there will be improved accessibility for traffic that has no alternative but to use the
Freight transport is necessary to make the world “go around”, but it also has a negative impact
on society. Society therefore has to establish the framework conditions needed to create a
properly functioning market and reduce transport’s negative effects.
Investment in transport infrastructure is traditionally the task of public authorities, while
society has to encourage the efficient and sustainable use of public infrastructure. High
quality of service and reasonable costs are in the interests of the economy and society. It is
therefore a public responsibility to create transparent rules and equal conditions for all players
in the market. Public authorities have to encourage fair competition and reduce and internalise
the external costs of transport.
Presently, a large share of the transport market was under public control. This situation has
changed in many parts of the world. Liberation of the transport sector goes hand in hand with
globalisation, internationalisation and harmonisation in order to avoid distortions in
competition. In Europe, liberalisation reform has been more radical in the railway sector. The
first step was the separation of infrastructure from transport operations. However, in some
countries there are still ties between the infrastructure manager and the railway operator.
Within road transport and short sea shipping, national markets have been opened up,
including cabotage. National differences in pricing, however, distort competition on the
international transport market. Further harmonisation is necessary to create level playing
fields between countries and between different modes of transport.
In 2006, the European Commission presented a mid-term review of the 2001 Transport White
Paper: Keep Europe moving – Sustainable mobility for our continent (European Commission,
2006a). This mid-term review argues for a comprehensive, holistic approach to transport
policy. A European sustainable mobility policy needs to build on a broader range of policy
tools achieving shifts to more environmentally friendly modes where appropriate, especially
on long distance, in urban areas and in congested corridors. At the same time, optimal use of
each transport mode is paramount. All modes must become more environmentally friendly,
safe and energy-efficient. Finally, co-modality, i.e. the efficient use of different modes on
their own and in combination will result in optimal and sustainable utilisation of resources.
This approach offers the best guarantee for simultaneously achieving a high level of mobility
and of environmental protection. The EU will continue to support intermodal or multimodal
transport, but the goal of the same modal split in 2010 as in 1998 is no longer viable. The
tool-box for support includes action to remove regulatory obstacles to co-modality, to
stimulate learning and the exchange of best practice throughout the EU, to promote
standardisation and interoperability across modes and to invest in transhipment hubs.
Adapting dimensions of containers and vehicles to meet the needs of intelligent logistics will
be part of these considerations (European Commission, 2006b).
At the African continent level, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
(UNECA) supports intermodal transport policies. UNECA’s common objectives concerning
intermodal and multimodal transport are to develop an integrated approach of transport taking
into account all modes of transport, enhance harmonisation and coordination of transport to
avoid duplication and contradiction, approve and implement the conventions, agreements,
decisions on intermodal transport approved by African states, reinforce institutional and
human resources for intermodal transport, develop the use of new Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) in transport, implement regulations allowing greater
participation of the private sector, and participate to improvement and extension of transport
networks by construction of the missing links as well as improvement of services in transit
transportation corridors in countries without coasts.
5. Governmental Measures strengthening an Intermodal Transport System
There are numerous possibilities for government authorities to support intermodal transport.
Some of these measures are presented in this section.
5.1 Intermodal Transport Networks and Transport Plans
An important measure strengthening intermodal transport is when intermodal networks and
infrastructure are included in national transport plans, action programmes and state budgets -plans that cover the entire transport chain and not just isolated parts of the common network.
Development within business logistics and supply chain management ought to be considered
when national transport plans are being drawn up. Based on political goals and on the needs
of the logistics and transport industry, the necessary intermodal transport network and
infrastructure have to be secured within a national transport plan. Containing the macro
locations of existing and planned intermodal terminals, as well as the connections with
important seaports and other terminals, the plan can form the basis for funding requests, i.e.
only terminals or intermodal connections (start-up funds at the beginning of the service) that
are integrated within the transport plan can be funded.
5.2 Construction, Maintenance and Operation to achieve improved Accessibility to the
A precondition for the provision of effective and high quality intermodal services is an
adequate transport infrastructure. Barriers to the development of intermodal transport are
bottlenecks in the intermodal transport infrastructure. Efficient transport networks and
terminals are needed if these barriers are to be overcome, and therefore a focus on
construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure leading to the elimination, or at
least reduction, of these bottlenecks is paramount.
Strategies and measures designed to improve the intermodal transport infrastructure and
operation should include:
• Identification of current and future bottlenecks in intermodal transport networks,
including the identification of capacity needs and requirements.
• Intermodal terminal location planning considering the most important macro and
micro criteria.
• Improving terminal layout and design based on common requirements and
• Improving road access to inland and seaport terminals.
• Adaptation of priority rules in railway transport in favour of intermodal freight.
• Management of intermodal transport on terminals and on the transport networks.
• Benchmarking of the operation of intermodal transport chains including terminals.
• Further standardisation of infrastructure, equipment and services.
A joint effort by administrations, industry and other interested organisations to identify and
solve the bottlenecks in intermodal freight transport logistics is recommended.
5.3 Financial Support for Intermodal Solutions
Financial support for intermodal transport is given in different forms throughout the world. In
this section, examples from the European Union are presented and, in section 6, best practice
in government measures on a national level.
Funding the TEN-T network in the European Union
The trans-European transport network comprises infrastructure (roads, railways, waterways,
ports, airports, navigation aids, intermodal freight terminals and product pipelines) and the
services necessary for its operation. The priority measures are:
• Completion of the connections needed to facilitate transport;
• Optimal efficiency of the existing infrastructure;
• Achievement of the interoperability of network components;
• Integration of the environmental dimension in the network.
To finance projects it will be essential to obtain the best mix of the three existing sources of
funding, i.e. national budgets, the Community budget and resources generated by direct
contributions from users. Co-funding with the private sector is also important (e.g. PPP).
The Marco Polo programme
The general objective of the Marco Polo programme is to reduce road congestion, enhance
traffic safety and improve the environmental performance of the freight transport system
within the Union, thereby contributing to an efficient and sustainable transport system. The
first stage of the Marco Polo programme ran from 2003 to 2006, with a budget of 100 million
Euros for the EU25. The specific objective of the Marco Polo II programme is to shift at least
the expected increase in international freight transport during the period 2007-2013 off the
road. It has a budget of 740 million Euros and has been extended to countries bordering the
European Union. Marco Polo II is aimed at providing assistance in the form of risk-reducing
subsidies to bottom-up logistic services. Infrastructure funding can be part of the assistance in
cases where this infrastructure supports the logistic services.
5.4 Security Issues in Intermodal Transport
Transport security has become a vital issue worldwide. The sustained threat of terrorist action
has rendered transport both a target and an instrument of terrorism. Following the events of 11
September 2001, many control regimes have been implemented in aviation and maritime
transport. Security rules may be extended to land transport and intermodal logistic chains. The
introduction of security measures by the United States for certain imports has already had an
impact on the supply chains of all continents. Careful consideration needs to be given to
international cooperation in order to improve worldwide standards and prevent unnecessary
and costly duplication of controls.
5.5 Research and Development
To help overcome reluctance to invest in new and more flexible transport technologies, the
European Union – as part of its R&D framework programmes, which cover a wide range of
scientific fields – has supported many projects seeking to give operators the tools they need to
run intermodal services effectively and improve the framework conditions for intermodal
transport. The Commission allocates millions of Euros each year to support research teams
across Europe and develop effective and efficient technologies for intermodal transport
services. By bringing together researchers from different Members States, this support
encourages the development of technologies with wide application. European Union research
funding is targeted closely towards policy aims.
5.6 Standardisation
Against the background of internationalisation and globalisation of markets and the growing
increase and interdependency of goods flows, standardisation in the field of freight transport
is an important issue. In relation to freight and intermodal transport, standardisation is done at
international (ISO), European (CEN) and national levels (national standardisation
organisations). Intermodal transport is mostly international or European, seldom national
transport alone. It is therefore obvious that standardisation should be established at
international (ISO) and continent level (European level: CEN) and only exceptionally at
national level.
The current state of standardisation in intermodal transport can be assessed as shown in Table
Table 1 – Intensity of standardisation activities in the field of freight transport (Rapp Trans
AG, 2005)
Standardisation fields in freight transport
Logistics, transport services
Transport systems
Tariffs, accounting
Vehicles, rolling stock
Load units
Trans-shipment technology
Transport telematics
National standards
Further standardisation needs in intermodal transport cover IT solutions, security, loading
units, equipment, services and the planning and design of infrastructure.
6. Best Practice in supporting Intermodal Transport
In Europe, there are numerous examples of good practice in government measures supporting
intermodal transport. Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland are all co-funding intermodal
terminals based on national regulations that are part of a strategy to support intermodal
transport. The funding rules are very different because of national framework conditions.
These countries are subsidising infrastructure and equipment for intermodal transport, and
sometimes also operations in a starting phase. In the later case, funding is (especially for new
transport services) aimed at supporting the project at the start-up phase, after which the
project should be self-sustainable. In particular Italy has many different aid schemes which
are approved by the European Union such as subsidies to intermodal operators, subsidies for
equipment to intermodal transport, vehicles, new technology, information systems, training
etc. There are also some subsidies for operation costs for loading and reloading and for rolling
motorways. Also other countries than Italy have these kinds of aid schemes, but not to the
same extent. The extent of the modal shift has to be quantified and is generally a component
of the agreement supporting the aid scheme.
Austria, Germany and Switzerland also use accompanying measures of importance, such as
the introduction of a heavy goods vehicle fee (including reimbursement for trucks used in preand end-haulage), heavy truck management for freight trucks on Alpine crossings,
enforcement of road freight transport regulations (driving hours, weight etc.) and an increased
total weight for truck transport in intermodal services. These kinds of measures have been
important as a part of a policy to move freight transport from road to railway and increase
intermodal transport. Other kinds of road freight transport management system have also been
tried out, for instance slot management and reservation systems in Alp tunnels.
Development projects of river and waterways transport in Africa show that alternative freight
transport modes can also be in use in developing countries. Best practice from Japan
shows that new intermodal solutions can have a significant impact on increasing intermodal
transport and the reduction of truck transport.
Best practice in Latin America concerns primarily an original concept of a road-rail
motorway, the generalisation of dry ports and intermodal terminals and the development of
multimodal corridors. Rail-road intermodal transport is fairly underdeveloped in Latin
America, mainly because of height limits in tunnels. Successful experiences of rail-road
transport concern mainly ore transport in Brazil or raw produce (soy/cotton). Several
multimodal corridors converging on the United States are a reality in Mexico. In Bolivia,
eight multimodal corridors (rail-road-river-sea) have been developed since 2003.
Best practice varies considerably between countries all over the word, but also within
continents. Intermodal transport is primarily international. Therefore there is clearly a need
for harmonisation and coordination of national supporting and funding systems.
7. Benefits of Strategies and Measures promoting Intermodal Transport
There are very few ex post evaluations of measures in intermodal transport, and especially of
governmental support measures, and therefore it is difficult to say much about the
costs/benefits of measures of this kind. However, there are some smaller ex post evaluations
in the European Union, Switzerland and Japan. The following benefits can be expected from
measures and framework conditions supporting intermodal transport.
Benefits due to support of intermodal transport itself:
• Improvement in efficiency and quality of intermodal transport (best practice from
Austria achieved significant improvement in the quality of intermodal services for
• Increasing awareness of intermodal options (e.g. by the Marco Polo programme and
European research projects)
• Improvement of road access to seaport and inland terminals
• Improvement of cooperation in the intermodal transport chain
• Reduction of terminal costs and thereby overall intermodal transport costs
• Improvement of security in intermodal chains.
These improvements have led to a better position of intermodal freight transport in the freight
market and therefore also to a modal shift.
Best practice from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy shows a broad package of
governmental measures promoting intermodal transport. These countries have had a
significantly more positive development of intermodal transport than other countries in
Europe. There seems to be a connection between governmental support schemes and growth
in intermodal transport. This development has probably resulted in benefits for the society and
the environment, as well as for the private sector.
Benefits due to modal shift:
• Better utilization of the capacity of the whole transport system
• Relief from road freight transport on motorways and highways (e.g. with intermodal
transport measures, Switzerland significantly reduced road transit transport and thus
environmental and social costs).
• Reduction of environmental burdens such as pollution and noise (e.g. best practice
from Japan shows that new intermodal solutions can result in a significant reduction
of CO2 emission).
• Improvement of safety.
These benefits are important for road authorities. Roads can be relieved from unnecessary
freight transport and designated to freight that has no other alternatives than road transport.
8. Conclusions and Recommendations
Governmental measures promoting intermodal transport can lead to a better balance between
the freight transport modes, where advantages will be taken of sea and rail transport on longer
distances. The following measures are recommended:
• Consider intermodal transport in international, national and regional transport
• Integrate locations of intermodal terminals in national transport plans.
• Introduce infrastructural and operational measures to guarantee sufficient access to
• Encourage co-funding of intermodal terminals by national authorities.
• Grant subsidies for intermodal operations in the starting phase.
• Develop international standards.
• Harmonise framework conditions.
• Improve the communication situation in intermodal transport.
• Co-fund research and development.
• Create intermodal development centres.
• Improve intermodal transport statistics.
• Monitor and control effects of measures.
• Provide sufficient access to seaports for landlocked countries.
• Introduce heavy vehicle fees.
• Enforce road freight transport regulations (driving hours, weight, etc.).
• Manage road freight transport (slot management, reservation systems, information
systems, etc.).
9. References
European Commission COM (2006a) 314, Keep Europe moving – sustainable mobility
for our continent, mid-term review of the European Commission´s 2001 White Paper
European Commission COM (2006b) 336, Freight logistics in Europe – the key to
sustainable mobility
PIARC (2007). Measures promoting alternatives to the road and intermodal terminals.
Report of Technical Committee C2.4.
Rapp Trans AG et al. (2005). Integrated Services in the Intermodal Chain; Report on task
D: Improving intermodal terminals.
UNECE (2001). Terminology of combined transport. New York and Geneva, 2001.
Web-sites such as,,