Te s Tech University

s Tech University
The Faculty Senate
3-G Holden Hall
Lubb ck, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656
April 3, 1987
Members of
he Faculty
FROM: Gerald Sko
, President
eeting #88, April 8, 1987
enate Room, University Center
Agenda for
3:30 p.m.,
Approval of
Report by Wi ham Hartwe 1, Vice President of the Faculty Senate,
on the Acade ic Council eeting
Comments by
nd discussi n with President Cavazos
Comments by
of Academic
nd discussi n with Virginia Sowell, Assistant Vice President
ffairs and esearch
Election of enate Offic rs for 1987-88 (see attachment for more _nformation
about nomine s)
Nominees for Vice Pres_dent
Nomi ees for Pre ident
he minutes
f the March 11, 1987 meeting
G orgette Get el
C rlton White ead
Thomas McLaughlin
Elizabeth Sasser
Nominees for Secretary
Michael Stoune
Robert Wood
Report of th Committee n Committees
(see attach nt for comm ttee recommendations)
Report of ot er Senate C mmittees
VIII. Facutly Sen
Other Busin
Student Senate
"An Equal Op ortunity/ Affirmative Action Institution"
Mike Sanders acknowledged receiv
that would allow the transfer of
"the need for increasing faculty
for appropriate monies to be use
not take. positions but acted at
of Regents and, as a result, the
ng March 11 resolution concerning legisl ation
faculty salary to other accounts. He in licated
salaries to a competitive level", and th a need
as appropriated. He also indicated he I lid
he direction of the President and the B ard
Senate should communicate with these of Lcers.
Tom Shubert indicated in a rece t letter that the UC night manager routi ely
checks all bulletin boards in th building for termpaper catalog
announcements. He has not found any but will remove them if found. This
procedure is in response to an e rlier Senate resolution.
April 8, 1987
TO: Members of th
Faculty Sen te, Texas Tech University
FROM: The Committe
on Committe
RE: Meeting of Ma
h 27, 1987
Committee on Committ e members:
hn Blair, Business Administration
omas McLaughlin, Arts & Sciences
rvin Platten, Education
mes C. Postell, Architecture
nnie Steele, Home Economics
orge Tereshkovich, Agriculture
remy Wicker, Law
iff Keho, Engineering, Chair
Below are the nomine s for vario s councils, committees and panels which ave
been numbered for co venience.
he name is followed by the number of vac ncies
to be filled. We ha e attempted to have more than enough nominees so tha
choices may be made.
I. Athletic Council -2
John Burns, Arts & Sciences,
Curt Hamre, Arts & Sciences,
R. Charles Moyer , Business A
Ray Purkerson, C liege of Ed
2. Honors & Awards
Jane Burns, Busi
David L. Higdon,
William T. Patte
Betty Lou Stout,
Biological Sciences
Speech & Hearing Sciences
ministration, Finance
ess Adminis
Arts & Scie
son, Arts &
Home Econom
ration, Accounting
ces, English
Sciences, Classical/Romance Languages
cs, Home Economics Education
3. Academic Affairs Information Systems - 3
Elton L. Brian, rts & Scien
Billy G. Freeman Agricultur
Robert E. Gades, College of
Gwen. Sorell, Ho
Steven H. Swinde , Arts & Sc
es, Aerospace Studies
, Agricultural Economics
Human Development-& Family Studies
ences, Mass Communications
4. Admissions & Ret ntions - 2
Robin Terry Ervi
M.A.K. Lodhi, Ar
Gary H. Potts,
Sandra Rosen, Ed
, Agricultu
s & Science
ts & Scienc
cation, Spe
e, Agricultural Economics
, Physics
s, Military Science
ial Education
5. Artist & Speake
Benard Davidson, Home Econom cs, Human Development & Family Studies
C. A. Reavis, E cation, Edu ational Leadership & Secondary Education
John Samson, Art & Sciences English
C. E. Teske, En neering, Te hnology
. Committee on Commit ee nominees
Page 2.
6. Benefits & Reti ement - 1
Stanley E. Fowl
Lewis E. Hill,
Paul Munter,Bus
7. Bookstore Advis
Thomas M. Lehma
Robert W. Sites,
Gary Strathearn,
C. E. Teske, En
8. Campus Security
, Home Econ mics, Humand Development & Family Studie 3
ts & Scienc s, Economics
ess Adminis ration, Accounting
y- 2
, Arts & Sci nces, Geosciences
Agricultura Sciences, Entomology
Arts & Scie ces, Geosciences
neering, Te hnology
Elton L. Brian, rts & Scien es, Aerospace Studies
Ricardo H. Marti ezdttg & Sc ences, Military Science
9. Code of Student
Robin Terry Erv
Sandra Rosen, Ed
Fred M. Sallee,
Tim Wiggins, Agr
onduct - 2
, Agricultu
cation, Spe
rts & Scien
culture, Ag
e, Agricultural Economics
ial Education
es, Naval Sciences
icultural Education and Mechanization
10. Convocations - 2
Peggy Williams, HPER
Myra Timmons, Ho e Economics Merchandising, Environmental Design & C nsumer Ec.
Richard Tolley, rts & Scien es, Music
11. Elections - 1
David L. Higdon, Arts & Scie ces, English
Donna Medellin, rts & Scien es, Aerospace Studies
12. Energy Conservat on - 1
Elton L. Brian,
Don B. Shuster,
rts & Scien es, Aerospace Studies
rts & Scien es, Naval Sciences
13. Intellectual Pro erty Rights -2
Murray Coulter, rts & Scien es, Biological Sciences
Clifford B.Fedle , Engineeri g, Agricultural Engineering
Harry W. Parker, Engineering Chemical Engineering
14. International Ed cation - 2
Gary Elbow, Arts
Clifford B. Fedl
Henry T. Nguyen,
William T. Patte
& Sciences, Geography.
r, Engineer ng, Agricultural Engineering
Agriculture Plant -& Soil Sciences
son, Arts & Sciences, Classical/Romance Languages
tommittee on Commit ee nominees
Page 3.
15. Library - 2
B. L. Allen, A riculture, P ant & Soil Sciences
Gary Elbow, Ar S & Sciences , Geography
Robin Terry E in, Agricult re, Agricultural Economics
16. Minority Affai
Jesse Cross, A s & Science
Anthony V. Lev , Arts & Sci
Gary H. Potts, rts & Scien
C. A. Reavis,
ucation, Ed
Fredrick C. Vo en, Busines
Doyle R. Wood, rts & Scien
17. Parking Violat
Robert Pinder,
C. E. Teske, E
Richard Zartma
, Military Sciences
nces, Aerospace Studies
es, Military Science
cational Leadership & Secondary Educatio 1
Administration, Management
es, Military Science
Appeals a d Parking Advisory - 2
ome Economi s,Human Development & Family Studies
ineering, T chnology
Agricultur , Plant & Soil Sciences
18. Personal Safety Awareness James Brink, Ar S & Science
Donna Medellin, Arts & Scie
Neale Pearson, rts & Scien
, History
ces, Aerospace Studies
es, Political Science
19. Student Financi 1 Aids/Scho arship
William T. Patt rson, Arts
Sciences, Classical/Romance Languages
Gary Strathearn Arts & Sci nces, Geosciences
20. Student Publica ions - 2
Freda McVay, Ar
Daniel M. Osted
John Samson, Ar
Doyle R. Wood,
s & Science
rph, Arts &
s & Science
rts & Scien
, Mass Communications
Sciences, Military Sciences
, English
es, Military Sciences
21. University Disi ipline - 3
Gary C. Bryson,
Steven C. Cans
Marihelen Kamp,
Ricardo H. Mart
Donna Medellin,
Arts & Scie
n, Arts & S
nez, Arts &
Arts & Scie
ces, Aerospace Studies
iences, Naval Sciences
Plant & Soil Sciences
Sciences, Military Science
ces, Aerospace Studies
22. University Disi ipline Appe ls- 4
Gary C. Bryson,
Patrick Dunne,
Ellen B. Peffle
Kathleen J. Pow
Fredrick C. Vol
Margaret E. "Pe
Arts & Scie
usiness Adm
, Agricultu
rs, Busines
er, Busines
" Wilson, A
ces, Aerospace Studies
nistration, Marketing
e, Plant & Soil Sciences
Administration, Management
Administration, Management
ts & Sciences, HPER
Committee on Commit ees nominee
University Saf ty- 1
Murray Coulter Arts & Sci nces, Biological Sciences
Thomas Lehman, Arts & Scie ces, Geosciences
24. Animal Care &
se - 1
John J. McGlon , Agricultu e, Animal Science
Sue Tolleson-R nehart, Art & Sciences, PoliLical Science
25. Biosafety - 1
Murray Coulter Arts & Sci nces, Biological Sciences
26. Protection of :uman Subjec s - 3
Gary C. Bryson
Curt Hamre, Ar
Duane Jordan,
Stve Jorgense
Anthony Levy,
Arts & Sci
s & Science
echanical E
, Home Econ
rts & Scien
nces, Aerospace Studies
, Speech & Hearing Sciences
es, Aerospace Studies
27. Radiation & Las r Safety Ronald L. Hernd n, Arts & SCiences, Naval Sciences
Sunanda Mitra, lectrical Etgineering
James Viator, L
Page 4.