Breakout Group Topics and Questions (5 or 6 groups)

Breakout Group Topics and Questions (5 or 6 groups)
1. Regional/Subregional Level
1.a. Forest Planning & FMPs: What information, tools, training or products would assist with
determining how much to treat?
1.b. List and prioritize potential action items to address needs.
2. Landscape Level
2a. Strategic placement of treatments on the landscape: What information, tools, training, or
products would assist with determining where to treat?
2.b. List and prioritize potential action items to address needs.
3. Project Level
3.a. Project level design: What information, tools, training, or products would assist with
determining how to treat & design of treatments?
3.b. List and prioritize potential action items to address needs.
4. Assessment of Treatments
4a.At what level (scale) do we assess the effectiveness of fuel and vegetation treatments?
4b. How will we track the effectiveness of fuel and vegetation treatments (eg. modeling,
monitoring, mapping)?