Static Non-contact and Transient Signal Atomic Force Microscopy Prof. Murti Salapaka

Static Non-contact and Transient Signal Atomic Force Microscopy
Prof. Murti Salapaka
NanoDynamics Systems Lab
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Iowa State University
In this talk two new methods of investigating matter at the nano-scale will be presented:
Static Thermal Noise Based Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Transient Signal
based AFM. Using the equivalent resonant frequency of the micro-cantilever as a
measure of the tip-sample separation and the detection of the resonant frequency from the
thermal noise response of the cantilever, the tip can be maintained at nanometer
separation from the sample for extended periods of time. It will be shown that with this
method, topographic oscillations in the sub-Angstrom range are detectable. In the
Transient Signal based imaging, by utilizing the cantilever model the fundamental
limitation on the bandwidth imposed by the high quality factor is alleviated. For detection
related imaging, such systems based approach provides orders of increase in bandwidth.
The relevant interdisciplinary research and teaching issues will be highlighted.