SMOV4 Status & Planning Mtg - 17Jul09 - Notes and... Spacecraft Subsystems ------------------------------

SMOV4 Status & Planning Mtg - 17Jul09 - Notes and associated files
Spacecraft Subsystems
------------------------------ All nominal
-------- UVIS Darks analysis ongoing
-- Dark current somewhat higher than Themal Vac 3 values
-- Possibly due to light leak (as previously reported) possibly correlated
with bright Earth crossings
-- But still well within specs
-- Analysis is ongoing
- UVIS/IR alignment with FGS frame
-- shifts are very modest
-- SIAF update in work
- See attached WFC3_SMOV_report_07-17
------ NUV Aperture Mechanism
-- Ops Requets for this morning is being processed
-- To execute later today (must be in place by HST secondary mirror
- Targe Acq updates in the SMS201 based on most recent analyses
-- last-minute rerun was required to correct an erroneous input
- FUV TA analysis in progress
- SIAF work happening today
- Recent activity:
-- 1 visit of FUV darks
- For more info on upcoming ORs and COS timeline, see attached
------ Remains in Suspend
- Forward plan under discussion today
- NCS Suspended this morning at 198/11:29
-- shortly after restart attempt
-- due to a TA speed low limit violation
- From Nzinga Tull's Flash Report:
-- During the today's (07/17/09) 11am briefing on the NCS safing, it was
agreed that no additional NCS re-start attempt will take place immediately.
-- At ~2:40pm, EPS SEs will back-out the taper charge flight software
modifications associated with the NCS restart.
-- Over the next few days, SI SEs will adjust the NCS CPL setpoint to
begin the process of warming NCC interfaces (in preparation for a future re-start
-- The group will reconvene early during the week of 07/20/09
--- to review the state of NCS
--- analyze data associated with today's NCS safing
--- plan for the next re-start attempt.
Planning & Scheduling
- SMS201 - rerun to correct last-minute commanding update for COS
- re-delivered
- SMS208 - complete, finals in process
- Data Volumes
~ 180 Gbits in 194
A little lower in 201 and 208 due to longer-exposure EROs
-------- Nominal
- Several re-dumps required due to small no. of missing packets
---------- Nominal
OPUS (DKenny)
-------------------- No new OPUS issues.
- Next fast track data isn't expected until Monday afternoon.
- OPUS quick fix 2009.2g (PRs 62851 and 63053) will be installed next week
-- day and time TBD.
- Two genslews are scheduled for Monday.
-- Ops requests will be submitted over the weekend.
- Nominal