March FICMNEW Meeting

March FICMNEW Meeting
March 25, 2009
9:00 -12:00 Eastern Time
Location: USFWS Building
Host: Jenny Ericson
Call In Number: 877 692-0949 Passcode: 8835732
Draft Agenda:
Please submit any additional agenda items to Rita Beard or Jenny Ericson
9:30 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
Rita, Jenny
Ellen Gabel, NFWF
Chista Speekmann,
Jenny Ericson
10:45 – 11:15
11:15 – 12:00
Call to Order
Changes and updates for Pulling Together
Up-date on the Q-37 revisions
FICMNEW web site, updates and assignments
NIWAW X - Analysis from a federal
Ongoing business and committee reports:
 FICMNEW meetings
Agency Updates
Upcoming mussel workshop
Next FICMNEW Meeting: April 29
Ellen Gable, Christa Speekman, Lee VanWychen, Joe DiVittoria, Mike Lusk, Jenny
Ericson, La Donna Carlyle, Rita Beard, Al Tasker, Pete Eagan, Chris Diongi, Gordon
Brown, Gina Ramos, Bonnie Harper Lore,
Ellen Gable: NWFW
Hired a consultant to look at the program, evaluation was favorable, many organizations
were not aware of programs in the area, pleased with result of program,
Next steps:
 Try and focus program geographic areas,
 make the program more effective ,
 more efficient,
 Create focus area may be species related eg. Gunnison sage grouse, impacting sea
 Draft RFP will be sent around to agencies
 No funding call for this year
 May be advantage to have award cycle behind the federal funding cycle
Q-37 Christa Speekmann – APHIS
A slide show presented the proposed changes in regulation and procedures. You can
request a copy of slide show from Rita Beard, if you were unable to attend.
There was much discussion about the details of the proposed changes and their
Web Site Discussion: Jenny and Mike Ielmini are chief contacts
 Home Page: Is in good shape
 Background: Is also in good shape. Jenny create live link to agencies. Everyone, all
agencies send web address to Jenny.
 Guidance and Coordination: It is complete for now. Jenny will make ensure
 Education: Gina Ramos
 Calendar: Rita Beard
 Notices and Updates: Al Tasker will take lead
 Partners: Pete Eagan and Mike I.
 Contact Us: Create an email contact. Have a rotating contact list with agencies.
Mike I. will take lead in establishing
Lee could you provide some feedback on the meeting. There was some difficulty in the
planning for the year. Should be recognized that this tasks takes time and effort to
organize and either we need assistance or hire someone –Recap of discussion of NIWAW
what are we doing for 2010, role of Healthy habitats and IWAC for FICMNEW meeting
in April 29th. Rita will ask Lee.
Status of MOU
Sub committee continues to working on MOU. Currently no estimate on the time to get a
new MOU. Looking for help on the team, if anyone would like to volunteer please
contact Gina/Mike. Gina ... the committee will meet in April and put together a draft or
a timeline. The committee hopes to have a draft by August for circulation.
Want to have both more speakers and also more in depth discussion. The agencies should
be using FICMNEW meeting: to make progress on topics, interchange of ideas and
gather new information. Are there some topic areas we should be covering? We should
take time for agency updates; this is an important part of the FICMNEW experience.
After discussion it was decided to trade off (month to month) between speakers and
internal discussions. Next meeting will focus on agency updates and discussions.
Potential speakers: new DOI science advisor. Kitt Batten position paper at
Gordon Met with her briefly recommends looking at the transition paper. Try to arrange
a meeting with her and would be willing to come and meet us. Decision: TO have
meetings with speakers
Consensus that will not occur, lack of time and travel dollars. Rita will attend because of
Agency Reports
BIA: Hosting regional meetings, stress biocontrol
$1,021,000 for distribution to tribes,
Over 300 proposals received from tribes, up to regional coordinators where money is
being spent
BOR: Upcoming mussel May 5-6 meeting BOR is sponsoring. Still putting together the
speaker list. Several non federal agency speakers will be invited. Cost will be $90.00
and will be in Las Vegas
APHIS: Fund is six priority areas, for cooperators not other federal agencies. Should be
approximately two million for education and outreach and mitigation capacity.
Wavyleaf basket grass meeting later this month. May have outcome become a task group.
DOT: The latest brochure on aquatics is nearing completion. Let Bonnie know how
many for each agency.
Next meeting: Will emphasize agency updates