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ACASI and Data Collec/on Methods for Research Steven Hue9ner February 23, 2012 Center for Community and Child Health Research Overview •  Purpose: How ACASI can be used in field/
community seKngs to improve the quality of data collected for research. •  Outline –  What is ACASI? –  Why should we use ACASI? –  How to use ACASI Center for Community and Child Health Research What is ACASI? •  Audio Computer Assisted Self Interview –  Uses a computer (laptop, desktop) to collect informa/on from respondents –  Respondent does not have to read the ques/on. Both the ques/ons and answer can be heard by the respondent –  Answers are given via a keyboard or touch screen Center for Community and Child Health Research Why use ACASI? •  Standardiza/on: All surveys are exactly the same, not always so with paper/skip pa9erns •  Quality Control: No interview varia/on/bias •  More accurate responses •  Can support mul/ple languages with one program •  Scien/fic integrity of the data Center for Community and Child Health Research Why use ACASI? •  Reduce /me to viewing and using your results –  Report can be generated aZer interview is done –  No issues of having to read or ascertain wri9en responses –  Minimize data transcrip/on and data entry errors Center for Community and Child Health Research Why ACASI is user friendly –  Ability to use touch screen or simple clicks of mouse –  Improves comprehension, par/cipants with lower educa/on and literacy rates can par/cipate –  Allows par/cipant to advance through the survey at their own pace –  Feeling of empowerment –  Provides anonymity Center for Community and Child Health Research What is job of the interviewer? •  Explain ACASI •  Demonstrate use of touch screen/keyboard •  Review brief tutorial to ensure client can answer ques/ons and operate computer •  Answer any ques/ons par/cipant may have Center for Community and Child Health Research Improved Data Collec/on •  Privacy for collec/ng sensi/ve informa/on, par/cipant does not have to disclose informa/on to interviewer •  Clients more likely to report truthfully about sensi/ve topics (sex, drugs, risky behavior) Center for Community and Child Health Research QDS for data collec/on •  Ques/onnaire Development System (QDS) •  Developed by NOVA Research Company •  Allows researcher to produce all materials needed to administer a ques/onnaire •  Allows researcher to describe the content, formaKng and data collected on a ques/onnaire Center for Community and Child Health Research QDS •  Program allows for design and program of survey instruments, administra/on, and data across mul/ple sites •  Low cost •  Mul/ple languages •  Easy to revise survey •  Codebook and change history Center for Community and Child Health Research ACASI Limita/on •  Time consuming for lengthy interviews •  Inability to probe respondents when responses may be unclear •  Need to have a dedicated power source •  Data collec/on devices may be stolen or breakdown •  Par/cipant may miss personal interac/on Center for Community and Child Health Research Collected Data •  With QDS you can: –  Track data and add data to one storage database –  View, edit, delete duplicate data –  Take mul/ple data form versions into a single standard version –  Easily export data to mul/ple sources (Access, SAS, SPSS) Center for Community and Child Health Research When crea/ng ACASI •  Things to take into considera/on –  The voice you will use for recording your ques/ons –  Beta Tes/ng –  Daily or weekly QA/QC on data Center for Community and Child Health Research Other Data Collec/on Methods
•  Along with ACASI there are other data collec/on methods being used –  PDA’s –  Smart tablets –  Cell Phones –  Discussion Center for Community and Child Health Research