Biographical Sketch

Biographical Sketch
Antonia Diaz-Valdes Iriarte
Ph.D. Student
Boston College
MSW, Pontific University Catholic of Chile; BA, Pontific University Catholic of Chile
Research Interests
Promoting the wellbeing of older adults; The role that public policies play on the wellbeing of older adults,
especially the retirement income system; Statistics in social sciences and Evidence-based approach.
Awards and Fellowships
Social Work Doctoral Fellowship: Boston College
Teaching Experience
Course Assistant for Data Analysis: Data Analysis I and II of the School of Social Work at the Pontifical
Catholic University of Chile (August 2010 – December 2012)
Head instructor for the Quantitative Methods course at the Universidad Finis Terrae, Faculty of Education
and Family Studies. (July 2014 - December 2014)
Research Experience
May 2013 - July 2015: Analyst and institutional investigator in the UACEI (Unit assurance quality and
integrity), Finis Terrae University
2012- 2014: Disciplinary Master of Social Work at Catholic University with accreditation Conicyt.
- Thesis conducted to critically analyze the evidence-based movement in general and with application to
social work practice. Thesis is entitled "Use of evidence in the Chilean social work: openings and closures
of evidence-based approach: Case applied to public policies based on evidence". Thesis
indexed FONDECYT N ° 1110428, Tutor Patricio Mirando (PUC) and cotutor Jorge Delva (U. Michigan)
Diaz-Valdes, A. (2013) Políticas Públicas Basadas en Evidencia: Aperturas y clausuras para el Trabajo
Social chileno. Revista Perspectivas N 24. ISSN 0717-1714
Selected Presentations
Diaz-Valdes, A. (November 2014) Limits and possibilities of the Evidence-Based policies in its
applicability to social work. Second National Research Conference on Social Work (UCSH).
Diaz-Valdes, A. (November 2012) Evidence-Based Social Intervention: Openings and Closures for the
Chilean Social Work. First National Research Conference on Social Work (UCSH).