Biographical Sketch


Biographical Sketch

Kat Nielsen Ph.D. Student Boston College


MSW, University of Washington

BA, Pacific Lutheran University, Phi Alpha Honor Society

Associates of Arts and Sciences and Certificate in Social Services/Mental Health, Pierce College, Phi Theta Kappa

Honor Society

Career Goals

Kat’s career goals are to fill the gap in adoption research by focusing on the experiences of relinquishing parents, thwarted fathers, and other often overlooked members of the adoption constellation. She would also like to enhance adoption practice by educating the next generation of social workers to be ethical adoption competent practitioners.

Research Interests

Adoption; Non-traditional families; Parenting; Adolescence; Youth at risk

Publishable Paper Title

Working Title: Fatherhood: The Laws that Bind

Awards and Fellowships

Four-year Social Work Doctoral Fellowship at Boston College; Elaine B. Pinderhughes Fellowship (2013)

Research Experience

Research Assistantship (2014): Interviewing and transcribing as part of the MTARP project.

Selected Presentations

Nielsen, K.M. (2015). Fatherhood: The Laws That Bind [Poster Presentation]. New Worlds of Adoption

Conference 2015: Launching Into Adulthood. Rudd Adoption Research Program, Amherst, MA.

McGuigan, C., Hart, R., and Nielsen, K.M. (2015). PTSD: The Flashbacks You Never Wanted to Have.

2015 American Adoption Congress Conference. Cambridge, MA.

Nielsen, K.M. (2015). Fatherhood: The Laws that Bind. 2015 American Adoption Congress Conference.

Cambridge, MA.

Nielsen, K.M. (2014). How Privilege, Politics, and Class Contribute to Coercion in Pregnancy

Counseling. 2014 Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference: Sleeping Giants in Adoption: Power, Privilege, Politics, and Class. Queens, NY.

Nielsen, K.M. (2014). Mitigating the Pitfalls of Power, Privilege, and Class in Open Adoption

Communication Agreements. 2014 Biennial Adoption Initiative Conference: Sleeping Giants in Adoption: Power,

Privilege, Politics, and Class. Queens, NY.

Sisson, G., Transue-Woolston, A.H.L., Nielsen, K.M., Howard-Karp, M., Harris O’Connor, S. (2013). The

Other A-word: Adoption and Reproductive Justice [Panel Presentation]. 2013 Civil Liberties and Public Policy:

From Abortion Rights to Social Justice Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom, Civil Liberties and

Public Policy Program, Hampshire, MA.

McRoy, R.G., Bigelow, E., Nielsen, K.M., Drake, E., Drake, M., Shepard, P. (2013). Evolving Relationships and

Contact in Adoptions [Panel Presentation]. New Worlds of Adoption Conference 2013: Contact Between Adoptive and Birth Families What Works? Rudd Adoption Research Program, Amherst, MA.
