Vicki L. Tate Senior Librarian

Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
Vicki L. Tate
Senior Librarian
Appointment to the University of South Alabama: 1995
Appointment to the rank of Associate Librarian: 1995
Appointment to the rank of Senior Librarian: 1998
Tenured: 1998
Bachelor of Arts. 1976. KNOX COLLEGE, Galesburg, IL
Major: International Relations; Minor: Russian Area Studies
Masters in Library Science. 1978. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, Champaign-Urbana, IL
Concentration in reference and government documents.
Bachelor of Science. 1989. ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY, Normal, IL
Major: Biology
Post-Baccalaureate work. 1990-1992. ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY, Normal, IL
Courses in Biology.
University of South Alabama Library, March 1995-present
Federal Depository Librarian, 1995-present
Liaison, Alabama State Data Center, 1995-present
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
Milner Library, Illinois State University, August 1992-March 1995
Responsible for: providing general reference and documents service to the public; overseeing
documents collection development and maintenance of the collection; developing instructional
guides and bibliographic programs for government documents; teaching library instruction for
English 101 classes; and working with electronic products issued through library depository
Milner Library, Illinois State University, August 1991-August 1992
Responsible for entire documents collection and supervision of documents staff. Provided
reference service and librarian instruction for government documents; reorganized the
collection, including updating reference collection and expanding the periodical collection;
supervised the rearrangement and moving of documents collection to a different floor.
Milner Library, Illinois State University, May 1987-May 1991
Responsible for collection development, library instruction and faculty liaison with the criminal
justice department. Created handouts for instruction and reference use, revised the collection
development policy and conspectus.
Milner Library, Illinois State University, August 1983-August 1991
Responsible for: providing general reference and collection development at the undergraduate
level; teaching library instruction to English 101 classes; overseeing periodical collection and
reference collection within the department; and scheduling instruction for English 101 classes.
Montieth Library, Alma College, (Alma, MI), September 1981-June 1983
Responsible for basic reference duties; management and supervision of circulation unit; library
instruction, collection development and faculty liaison within selected departments (Art,
Biology, Business, Communications, and Political Science); and supervision of interlibrary
Law Library, University of Illinois, October 1979-June 1980
Responsible for circulation unit, reserve materials and microforms collection; supervised
circulation desk manager and students; staffed reference desk and gave library instruction to
non-law students.
Urbana Free Library (Urbana, IL), March 1978-June 1978
Conducted a feasibility study concerning archiving municipal documents in the public library;
investigated the costs and problems of creating a depository for municipal agencies at the public
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
2007 Excellence in Librarianship Award, USA University Library, May 2007.
PUBLICATIONS (Listed in reverse chronological order.)
Federal Documents Selector, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government
Documents 2014: Meeting Information Challenges” Library Journal, v. 140, no. 9 (May 15,
2015) pg. 32-38.
Federal Documents Judge, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government Documents
2013: Three Decades of Excellence” Library Journal, v. 139, no. 9 (May 15, 2014) pg. 26-33.
Federal Documents Judge, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government Documents
2012: Looking Back, Moving Ahead” Library Journal, v. 138, no. 10 (June 1, 2013), pg. 48-54.
Web publication: “Training Resources LibGuide” FDLP Connection, v. 3, iss. 2, (Mar/Apr 2013)
Federal Documents Judge, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government Documents
2011: Past as Prologue” Library Journal, v. 137, no. 9 (May 15, 2012), pg. 30-36.
Federal Documents Judge, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government Documents
2010: Digital Diamonds and Budget Cuts” Library Journal, v. 136, no. 9 (May 15, 2011), pg.
“GODORT Archives: Preserving Our History” Documents to the People, v. 38, no. 2 (Summer
2010), pg. 20-25.
Federal Documents Selector, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government
Documents 2009: Digital Dreams and Dashboards” Library Journal, v. 135, no. 9 (May 15,
2010), pg. 42-46.
Federal Documents Selector, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government
Documents 2008: Looking Back, Moving On” Library Journal, v. 134, no. 9 (May 15, 2009),
pg. 34-38.
Web publication: “VIP Report from Vicki L. Tate (University of South Alabama)”, JURISDOCS,
v. 30, no. 1, (Spring 2008), pg. 13-14.
Federal Documents Selector, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government
Documents 2007: Blogs, Battles, & Bees.” Library Journal, v. 133, no. 9, (May 15, 2008), pg.
Federal Documents Selector, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government
Documents 2006: Content and Access Remain Key.” Library Journal, v. 132, no. 9, (May 15,
2007), pg. 52-58.
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
Federal Documents Judge, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government Documents
2005: Opportunity, Vision, Change” Library Journal, v. 131, no. 9, (May 15, 2006), pg. 52-58.
Federal Documents Judge, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government Documents
2004: All Digital” Library Journal, v. 130, no. 9, (May 15, 2005), pg. 56-61.
Federal Documents Judge, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government Documents
2003: Electronic Moves Center Stage”, Library Journal, v. 129, no. 9, (May 15, 2004), p. 5257.
Federal Documents Judge, GODORT Notable Documents Panel, “Notable Government Documents
2002: Another Casualty”, Library Journal, v. 128, no. 9, (May 15, 2003), p. 54-58.
Co-Regional editor (Region 10, AL, AR, GA, LA, MS, TN) of Directory of Government Document
Collections & Librarians, 8th ed., published by Government Documents Round Table
(GODORT) and American Library Association (ALA), printed by LexisNexis, 2003.
Co-Regional editor (Southeast Region) of Directory of Government Document Collections &
Librarians, 7th ed., published by Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) and
American Library Association (ALA), printed by Congressional Information Service (CIS),
“People Weekly” in American Mass-Market Periodicals, edited by Alan and Barbara Nourie,
Greenwood Press, 1990, pg. 359-367.
“Playboy” in American Mass-Market Periodicals, edited by Alan and Barbara Nourie, Greenwood
Press, 1990, pg. 367-375.
College and Research Libraries Division (ACRL), Member, 1995-1998
Government Documents Round Table (GODORT), Member, 1995-present
By-Laws Committee, Co-Chair, June 2012-June 2013; Chair, June 2013-June 2014
Steering Committee, June 2012-June 2014
Cataloging Committee, July 2009-June 2011
Federal Documents Task Force (FDTF), Secretary, 1995-1996
GODORT Archivist, August 2000-present
Notable Documents Panel, Federal Documents Selector, June 2014-present
Notable Documents Panel, Federal Documents Judge, June 2010-June 2014
Notable Documents Panel, Federal Documents Selector, June 2006-June 2010
Notable Documents Panel, Federal Documents Judge, June 2002-June 2006
Web Archives Advisory Task Force, Chair, March 2007-Jan. 2008
Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT), Member, 2013-present
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
AlaGODORT, Member, 1995-2001
Alabama State Publications Task Force, July 1999-Oct. 2000
AlaGODORT Steering Committee, 1996-1997
Federal Documents Task Force, Chair, 1996-1997
GOVDOC-L (GOVDOC-L is a moderated LISTSERV-based discussion forum about government
information and the Federal Depository Library program.)
Moderator, Nov. 2003-present
VISUAL PRESENTATIONS (Listed in reverse chronological order.)
Facilitator and Coordinator, “Picturing America”, Nov. 2-Dec. 18, 2009, University Library, Third
Floor Gallery.
Facilitator and Coordinator, “Documents to the People: Federal Depository Library Program
Serving the Mobile Community for the Last 40 Years”, Aug. 1-Sept. 30, 2008, University
Library, Third Floor Gallery.
PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS (Listed in reverse chronological order.)
“Use of LibGuides to Promote Government Information at USA” Alabama Depository Annual
Meeting in Montgomery, AL, Oct. 29, 2014
“Finding Statistical Sources Using the Internet” Alabama State Data Center, Annual Affiliate
Meeting, Mobile, AL, Nov. 19, 1998.
WORKSHOPS PRESENTED (Listed in reverse chronological order.)
“Hunting Down Fugitives and What to Do with Them Once You Found Them”, Webinar, Help!
I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian series, NCLA GRS, June 19, 2012.
“Drug Education Information”, USA University Library, Sept. 18, 2008.
“Statistical Resources for Student Research”, USA University Library, Sept. 16, 2008.
“U.S. Congressional Serial Set”, USA University Library, June 5, 2008.
“U. S. Congressional Serial Set Workshop”, Burke Library, Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL, Oct.
29, 2004
WORKSHOPS ATTENDED (Last 5 years only, listed in reverse chronological order)
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
“Money Matters: Federal Agencies and Financial Literacy” Help! I’m an Accidental Government
Information Librarian Webinar, presented by Rebecca Hyde and Lucia Orlando on May 20,
“Understanding the Budget of the United States” Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information
Librarian Webinar, presented by Morgan Stoddard on Dec. 11, 2014
“Springshare LibGuides 2.0: Basic II” webinar, viewed Dec. 9, 2014
“Springshare LibGuides 2.0: Basic I” webinar, viewed Dec. 2, 2014
“Readex Civil War Collection” Webinar, ML Room 305, Oct. 21, 2014
“Data-Planet Outreach Tools” Webinar, presented by Bret (Data-Planet), ML Room 222, Oct. 1,
“Data-Planet Overview” Webinar, presented by Bret (Data-Planet), ML Room 222, Sept. 30, 2014
“ProQuest Databases—Executive Branch, Serial Set, and Statistical Insight” Webinar, presented by
Sara Palmer (ProQuest), ML Room 305, Sept. 23, 2014
“Public Access Assessment (PAA)” GPO Webinar, presented by Lara Otis, Sept. 3, 2014
“Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian …The Bureau of Labor Statistics”
Webinar, presented by Mary G. Scanlon, Aug. 13, 2014
“U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center: An Ocean of Data and Information at Your Fingertips”
GPO Webinar, presented by Donald Collins on May 28, 2014, viewed on Aug. 8, 2014.
“Working with DSIMS” GPO Webinar, ML Room 222, Sept. 5, 2013
“Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian … Climbing Capitol Hill: The Basics
of Congressional Research” Webinar, presented by Rosalind Tedford, Aug. 8, 2013 [viewed
Aug. 15, 2013, ML Room 222]
“Creating SuDoc Classes and Item Numbers” GPO Webinar, ML Room 222, June 26, 2013
“Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian … Just the Facts, Ma’am: Getting
Started with the U.S. Census & American FactFinder” Webinar, presented by Katharine Peter,
ML Room 222, June 12, 2013
“JagMail: Beyond the Basics” presented by Ann Hutchings, CSC Computer Services, June 5, 2013
“An Overview of RDA for FDLP Libraries” GPO Webinar, ML Room 222, April 16, 2013
“ProQuest Congressional for Reference” ProQuest Webinar by Daryl Newhouse, ML Room 222,
Sept. 7, 2012
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
“NEW ProQuest Congressional Database” ProQuest Webinar by Andrea Sevetson, ML Room 222,
Sept. 6, 2012
“Advanced Navigation in GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys)” GPO Webinar presented by
Keidi Ramos and Ashley Dahlen, ML Room 222, May 23, 2012
“Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian … American Community Survey”
Webinar, presented by Michele Hayslett, ML Room 305, May 4, 2012
“Lions, and Podcasts, and Videos! Oh My!” GODORT Webinar, presented by Kathryn Yelinkek,
ML Room 305, May 4, 2012
ProQuest Statistical Datasets Fundamentals Webinar, presented by Andrea Sevetson (ProQuest),
ML Room 222, March 2, 2012
“Formulas & Functions in Excel 2010” presented by Alla Zakharova, CSC Computer Services,
March 1, 2012
“Intro to Excel 2010” presented by Alla Zakharova, CSC Computer Services, Feb. 16, 2012
ProQuest History Vault “Civil Rights Struggle in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana” Webinar,
presented by Pam Cowart (ProQuest) ML Room 222, Feb. 6, 2012
“Word 2010 Introduction” presented by Amy Hutchings, CSC Computer Services, Feb. 2, 2012
“Introduction to Windows 7” presented by Richard A. Whipple, CSC Computer Services, Jan. 26,
“Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian Presents … What You Need to Know
About the Creative Commons” Webinar, presented by Rosalind Tedford (Wake Forest U.), UL
Room 305, Jan. 5, 2012
“Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian Presents …PubMed, PubMed Central
and Medlineplus—What’s the Difference?” Webinar, presented by Lea Leninger (U. of North
Carolina-Greensboro) ML Room 305, Dec. 9, 2011
ProQuest Statistical DataSets Webinar, presented by Pam Cowart (ProQuest), ML Room 305, Sept.
27, 2011
“Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian Presents …What You Need to Know
About the New American Fact Finder” Webinar, presented by Michelle Hayslett (U. of No.
Carolina-Chapel Hill), ML Room 305, June 9, 2011.
“E-Gov: Make it Work @ Your Library” Webinar, ALA Webcast, ML Room 305, Dec. 9, 2010
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
LibGuide Training Webinar, presented by Anna Burke (Springshare Library) ML Room 305, June
22, 2010.
“GPO’s FDsys Content Management System and Preservation Repository”, GPO OPAL web
workshop, June 16, 2010.
LexisNexis Statistical Insight and DataSets Webinar, presented by Pam Cowart (L-N), MCOB
Room 264, June 16, 2010
“Introduction to Adobe Acrobat 9 Seminar”, presented by Amy Hutchings, CSC Computer
Services, June 10, 2010.
“Charts in Excel 2007 Seminar”, presented by Alla Zakharova, CSC Computer Services, April 8,
“If-Analysis and Look-Up Functions in Excel 2007 Seminar (Part III)”, presented by Alla
Zakharova, CSC Computer Services, March 11, 2010.
“Formulae & Functions in Excel 2007 Seminar (Part II)”, presented by Alla Zakharova, CSC
Computer Services, March 4, 2010.
Scopus Training, USA COM Conference Room, Jan. 29, 2010.
“Helping GPO Identify Fugitive Publications”, GPO OPAL web workshop, Jan. 28, 2010.
CONFERENCES / ANNUAL MEETINGS (Last 5 years only, listed in reverse chronological order)
Depository Library Council/Federal Depository Library Conference, Fall Virtual Meeting, Dec. 2-4,
American Library Association/GODORT Annual, Las Vegas, NV, June 26-July 1, 2014
Depository Library Council/Federal Depository Library Conference, Washington, DC, April 30May 2, 2014
American Library Association/GODORT Midwinter, Philadelphia, PA, Jan. 24-28, 2014
American Library Association/GODORT Annual, Chicago, IL, June 27-July 2, 2013
American Library Association/GODORT Midwinter, Seattle, WA, Jan 24-29, 2013
Depository Library Council/Federal Depository Library Conference, Arlington, VA, Oct. 15-18,
American Library Association/GODORT Annual, Anaheim, CA, June 21-26, 2012
Alabama State Data Center (ASDC) Annual Meeting, Muscle Shoals, AL, Nov. 10, 2011
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
Depository Library Council/Federal Depository Library Conference, Annual Meeting, Arlington,
VA, Oct. 17-20, 2011
American Library Association/GODORT Annual, New Orleans, LA, June 24-27, 2011
Depository Library Council/Federal Depository Library Conference, Spring Meeting, San Antonio,
TX, April 3-6, 2011
American Library Association/GODORT Midwinter, San Diego, CA, Jan. 7-10, 2011
Alabama Federal Depository Libraries Annual Meeting, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL,
Dec. 16, 2010.
American Library Association/GODORT Annual, Washington, DC, June 25-28, 2010
USA Faculty Senate, April 2012-March 2015
Library Caucus Leader, April 2012-April 2014
University Policies and Handbook Committee, April 2012-March 2015
Parliamentarian, April 2012-March 2013
USA Academic Affairs Policy Committee, Summer 2006-Spring 2009
USA Budget Council, Spring 2007-Summer 2008
USA Campaign Leadership Team, Spring 2007-Spring 2008
USA Faculty Senate, April 2006-April 2009
Chair, April 2007-April 2008
Chair-Elect, April 2006-April 2007
Past-Chair, April 2008-April 2009
Chair, Evaluation Committee, April 2008-April 2009
Ad Hoc Committee on Non-reappointment Policy, June-Sept. 2008
USA Faculty Senate, April 2002-April 2004
Secretary, April 2002-April 2004
USA Football Coach Search Committee, Dec. 2007-Feb. 2008
USA Fringe Benefits Committee, Spring 2007-Spring 2008
USA Honorary Doctorate Committee, Spring 2008
USA University Academic Standards Committee, 1997-1998
USA University Bookstore Committee, 1995-1996
USA Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Committee, July-Dec. 2008
United Way Key Person for University Libraries in 1995
Vicki L. Tate
University of South Alabama
Collection Development Committee, Fall 1999-present
Department Heads Committee, Fall 2013-present
Excellence Award Committee, Chair, 2008
Library Forum, Jan. 1999-present
Chair, Jan. 1999-March 2000
Promotion and Tenure Document Review Committee, June 1998-Sept. 1998, April 20012009, Jan. 2011-Dec. 2011
Chair, June 2002-2004, 2005-2009, 2011
Public Services Council, Fall 1999-Spring 2013
Public Services Committee, 1995-1998
University Libraries Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1999-present
Chair, Spring 2013
Chair, Spring 2005
University Library Faculty Committee, 1995-present
Search Committee, Chair, Documents/Serials Reference Librarian, Fall 1999-Spring 2000
Search Committee, Chair, Reference & Electronic Resources Government Documents
Librarian, Fall 2006-Spring 2007
Search Committee, Circulation/Reserves Librarian, Fall 2003
Search Committee, Instructional Technology Reference Librarian, Spring 2006-Summer
Search Committee, Reference/Electronic Resources Librarian, Fall 1996
Endeavor Implementation Task Force, August 1999-Spring 2000
Circulation Policy Group, August 1999-Spring 2000
Acquisition Policy Group, August 1999-Spring 2000
OPAC Policy Group, August 1999-Spring 2000
Endeavor Trainer, Winter/Spring 2000
IMC Relocation Task Force, Spring 2013
Location Codes Standardization Task Force, Chair, 1995
Serials Renewals Task Force, 1995-1996
Cataloging Internet Services Committee, Spring 1997-Fall 1997
Children’s Literature Grant Team, 2004
Collection Management Serials Management Team, 2000-present
Library Building Committee, Oct 1998-May 1999
Library Expansion ad hoc Building Committee, June 1999-Summer 2000
Systems Advisory Committee, Feb. 1997-August 1999
Public Service Focus Group, Chair, March 1997-Fall 1997
Acquisition and Collection Development Focus Group, March 1997-Fall 1997
Serials Focus Group, March 1997-Fall 1997