Document 11222320

1 Upon my initial visit to Jiminy Cricket Middle School I can say I was a bit overwhelmed. I grew up not far from the area and whenever I had previously thought of the Jiminy School District I had thought of small schools with lower number of students. I quickly realized that this was not the case though. In fact what I found out is that the Jiminy Cricket Middle School was not that different from the middle school that I attended. I am hoping that by doing some research on not only the demographics of the school, but also the demographics of the communities surrounding the schools I can get a good idea of what I will be presented with when I begin to teach. By looking at factors such as ethnicity, socio-­‐economic standard, and specific characteristics of the school itself I should be able to get an idea of the students and become better prepared for my student teaching experience. I look forward to a student teaching experience that will help me grow as a teacher and increase my passion for teaching physical education. Task 1.1 Jiminy Cricket Middle School is located in Sugar Grove, IL. Jupiter can be described as a rural farming community. There are 9,736 people in the town of Sugar Grove, of those 9,736 people 50.6% are male and 49.4% are female. The average age of an individual in Jupiter is 34.6 years old. Most people in the town would fall into the working class category. For males the most common industry for is construction and the most common industry for females is finance and insurance. The median household income is 85,169 dollars. The school district itself is of normal size for the area. It consists of four elementary schools, a middle school and a high school. The one way that it differs is that it pulls in students from several communities. The school district covers 140 square miles which includes the Villages of Venus, Mars, Pluto, Earth, Saturn, Degaba, Yeti, Jupiter and Egypt. Jiminy Cricket Middle School is a very new building. This is only the second year that there have been students in the building. The building was built in a “L” shape with each grade having their own 2 section of the building with the common areas being on the south west side of the building. When the plans for building were first being developed they were drawn up with the idea that there would be two middle schools in the district. Unfortunately though due to budget issues the plan for two middle schools had to be thrown out, because of this most of the school was redesigned to accommodate the extra students. However the cafeteria and the gymnasium were not redesigned. This does not cause many issues as the gym was already large enough to hold four P.E classes simultaneously with little issue. For most classes the typical class size is right around 25-­‐30 students. The exception to these numbers is Physical Education. In P.E the class size are 35-­‐40 students. The reason there is in an increase in numbers is that this year they have combined P.E and Health thus increasing the number. By examining the contextual factors of the community, district and school I should be able to have a better idea of the students I will be presented with during my student teaching experience. Task 1.2 The P.E class that I will be teaching is considered a general physical education class. The students learn a variety of sport skills throughout the year. As well as focusing on sport skills one day a week students are required to go to a health class that is taught by their P.E teacher. Once a week students also go to a fitness room in the school and hold class in there. A typical week consists of three days of sport skills, one day of health, and one day of fitness. Each period last for 41 minutes, but I lose 12 minutes of teaching time due to the fact that the students have to change for class. My total amount of teachable time for each period will be 29 minutes. One unique feature I found of the school is that the students are required to change for health also, thus eliminating any confusion on which days they dress for P.E. In total in one week students receive 87 minutes of physical education, 29 minutes of health, and 29 minutes of fitness. My first class of the day, which is also the class I will focus on throughout my teacher Western Teacher Work Sample is a class of sixth graders. This class is the second 3 period of the day and starts at 8:09 and runs till 8:50. There is a total of 32 sixth graders in this class. Of the 32 students in this class 12 are male and 20 are female. The ratio of boys to girls is a little one sided in this class, but I do not feel like it will affect my ability to affectively teach the students in the class. The gymnasium itself is located on the southwest side of the school. It is on the edge of the school located away from the majority of the classrooms in the building. The gymnasium is brightly lit with bleachers on both sides. It is a large gym that has two full size basketball courts in it. As well as having lines for two full size basketball courts it has lines for four smaller basketball courts and also four volleyball courts. It does not however have lines for badminton, pickle ball or any other sports. In total the gym as 12 basketball hoops that can be utilized at the same time. The gym can be divided into four different teaching stations. There are two curtains as well as a wall that can be utilized in order to divide the gym. As well as teaching in the gym I will also be teaching in the fitness room, health classroom and outdoors as well. The fitness room has a variety of different equipment which includes 6 stationary bikes, 2 recumbent bikes, 4 elliptical, 6 treadmills, 2 sets of dumbbells ranging from 5-­‐50 pounds, 2 cable machines, a set of medicine balls, and a variety of different weight training machines. The way it is set up is that the cardio equipment is around the outside of the room while the weight training machines are located in the center. The health room is pretty much like any other classroom that you have ever seen. It has a teacher’s desk with a computer at the front of the class with rows of desks. There are several different posters hanging up around the room. One nice feature of the room is the fact that it has a smart board that can be utilized to teach lessons. The one feature of this room that is not so appealing is the fact that is being used as storage for the overflow of football equipment. This may cause a distraction when I am trying to teach my health lessons. The last area that I will be using to teach is the outdoor facilities that are available at the school. The school offers two full size basketball courts, each with two hoops, four tennis courts, a 400 meter track and two one hundred yard football 4 fields that I can use as teaching stations. The variety of different areas for me to teach should allow me to be creative while designing my lessons. The school utilizes a school wide management system. If a student is behaving inappropriately they receive a “referral”. Being late for class, forgetting materials and being disrespectful are just some of the ways students can receive referrals. If a student receives three of these “referrals”, they then receive an after school detention. To go along with this punishment aspect there is also a new system they are implementing that is abbreviated as PBIS. The letters of PBIS stand for Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support. Whenever a teacher or building faculty sees students going above and beyond and behaving appropriately they give a student a PBIS ticket. These PBIS tickets are then turned into their homeroom teacher and are used for a variety of positive rewards. They can be used for raffles or a team could require a certain number of these tickets to gain access to a reward such as a picnic lunch, talent show or movie. Each quarter the students have their slate wiped clean and start from scratch. Over the summer the P.E teachers at Jiminy Cricket got together and developed a new curriculum. They came up with a plan that makes sure that there are always at least 3-­‐5 teachers that have classes each period. The curriculum that they developed was based upon several focuses which are cardiovascular, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility. Within each of these focuses they placed different units such as football, soccer, and softball to name a few. Lastly they aligned these different units with the State of Illinois learning goals for P.E. Each class is a single teacher classroom; however there are paraprofessionals that attend classes with several students. Through my observations I have noticed that these aides do not really participate in the activities, but rather just sit along the side. 5 Task 1.3 My second period sixth grade class consist of 32 students, 12 of which are boys and 20 that are girls. The class is primarily Caucasian, of the 32 students 29 are Caucasian and 3 are Latino. Within the class there is one student that I will have to modify my instruction for. This student has cognitive delays and seems rather shy. For this reason I am going to modify my instruction and make it so that the student can grasp the concept and not miss out on the lesson due to the fact that he does not cognitively grasp the idea of the lesson. In order to do this I will most likely be required to repeat instructions and provide some one-­‐on-­‐one instruction, but I do not anticipate that it will distract me too much from the entire class. I will also modify my lesson in order to include more group work in an effort to have the student socialize more with peers. I fully expect that in this class I will have a wide variety of skill level. As is common in middle school many of the students will be at different developmental levels. For this reason I plan to use a large amount of intra-­‐task variation. By doing this I will allow for all of the students to have a meaningful P.E experience. For motivation it seems like most of the students in this class are still excited for P.E. We have spent most of the first week on routine and procedure items with the students and I can tell they are becoming anxious to begin actually lessons in P.E. There have been several students who have come up and asked me when we would begin doing actually P.E. This is why I think that most of the students will be intrinsically motivated to participate. Task 1.4 Within Jiminy Cricket Middle School there are not many issues when dealing with social or cultural aspects. As I said earlier the majority of the school is Caucasian, in fact over 83%. The next closest race is Hispanic with just over 11% of the student population. Since the school is so homogenous I do not except to have the issue of race because any problems during my student teaching experience. 6 Another topic that I will keep in mind while I am planning my instruction is just how the students are best motivated. In my short time at KHMS I have observed that most of the students are intrinsically motivated. They do not need any outside factor to motivate them but instead are intrinsically motivated to not only behave but to try their best also. This lines up with self-­‐determination theory that I have learned about in class. My main goal will be to keep my lessons at an appropriate developmental level for all of my students. As long as I can do that I believe that the students will stay excited about physical education and be self-­‐motivated. The last area that I must be concerned with is in legal and ethical issues. One major legal issue is the topic of inclusion, I do not anticipate this being a huge issue in my class, since there is only one child that it would really apply to and I have no doubt that through simple modification he will be able to participate and succeed in the class. What I will have to be more careful with is risk management. Like I said earlier when discussing my sixth grade class, there will be a variety of developmental levels. There is just no way to get around it when teaching middle schoolers. I will have to design my lessons to allow for intra-­‐task variation so that I can challenge all students. It will be important that my lessons are design so both high skill and low skill students can be successful. By doing research about Jiminy Cricket Middle School and the students that attend this school I know that I am now better prepared for my student teaching experience. The additional knowledge that I have gained will improve my ability to create meaningful learning experiences for my students. I look forward to using this new knowledge in creating a successful student teaching experience for myself. Task 2.1 The class I will be completing the Western Teacher Work Sample is a class of sixth graders. There are 32 students in this class. The unit I will be teaching is a combination of fitness and flag football. This unit will start on Tuesday September 7th and end Tuesday September 21st. During this time students will receive 7 class periods of flag football instruction and 2 periods of fitness instruction. Each class period will have 29 minutes of instruction. In a normal five day school week, students will receive 4 days of instruction in the flag football and fitness unit, with the other day be dedicated to health. In all during the unit students will receive 203 minutes of flag football instruction and 58 minutes of health instruction. There are several Illinois state learning standards that I plan to achieve through my flag football unit. The learning standards that I will be achieving are… 19.A.3a – Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences of locomotor, non-­‐locomotor and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games and sports. (Psychomotor) 19.C.3a – Apply Rules and safety procedures in physical activities (Cognitive) 20.A.3b – Identify and participate in activities associated with the components of health-­‐related fitness. (Psychomotor & Cognitive) 21.B.3 – Work cooperatively with others to accomplish a set goal in both competitive and non-­‐competitive situations (e.g., baseball, choreographing a dance). (Affective) Task 2.2 Unit Day(s) 1 2 Benchmark/Objectives Benchmark: 19.A.3a – Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences of locomotor, non-­‐locomotor and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games and sports. Objective 1: The Students will be able to show proper form when throwing a football to a stationary target approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 times. Benchmark: 20.A.3a – Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences of locomotor, non-­‐locomotor and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities games and sports. Objective2: The students will be able to show proper form and successful snap a football to a partner in shotgun formation with the partner approximately 3 yards away 4/5 times 6,7,9 3 4,8 5,6,7,9 Benchmark 19.C.3a – Apply Rules and safety procedures in physical activities Objective 3: The student will be able to apply the basic rules of flag football such as offsides, pass interference, and illegal flag wearing affectively during gameplay. Benchmark 19.C.3a -­‐ Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences of locomotor, non-­‐locomotor and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games and sports. (Psychomotor) Objective 3: The student will be able to throw to a moving target successfully 4/5 when the target is running an out, in, slant, or hook approximately 7 yards away. Benchmark 20.A.3b – Identify and participate in activities associated with the components of health-­‐related fitness. Objective 4: The students will be able to identify which area of health-­‐related fitness a physical fitness activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked. Benchmark 21.B.3 – Work cooperatively with others to accomplish a set goal in both competitive and non-­‐competitive situations (e.g., baseball, choreographing a dance). Objective 5: The students will work together as a team to create a team name, chant and plays to be used during gameplay. Task 2.3 My first objective is “The Students will be able to show proper form when throwing a football to a stationary target approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 times.” This is developmentally appropriate because I am working with sixth graders who although may have thrown a football before I have no way of knowing they have been taught the proper cues and elements of throwing. Also if you look at the performance standards for Illinois state standard 19A it falls right in line with stage F. One of aspect of stage F is for students to demonstrate locomotor/non-­‐locomotor skills while manipulating object. The students will have to manipulate the football while demonstrating the non-­‐locomotor skill which is the throwing motion. My second objective is “The students will be able to show proper form and successful snap a football to a partner in shotgun formation with the partner approximately 3 yards away 4/5 times”. This is an objective that will challenge many of the students in my class. Correctly snapping a football is not a skill that is often taught in football units and offers me a unique twist that I can add to my unit. It is also another manipulative skill that the students will have to master in my class. My third objective that I have selected to address during my flag football unit is “The student will be able to apply the basic rules of flag football such as offsides, pass interference, and illegal flag wearing affectively during gameplay.” I think that this is a really good objective for sixth graders. These students are just entering middle school where more will be expected of them. In order to achieve this objective students’ will need to take more responsibility upon themselves and be able to not only identify rules, but also follow the rules. If you look at the performance descriptors for 19C, under stage E it says students should be able to apply rules for activity necessary to maintain a safe environments. If students are able to identify the basic rules of flag football I think that goes a long way towards creating a safe environment. My fourth objective that I came up with is “The students will be able to identify which area of health-­‐related fitness a physical fitness activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked.” We all know that middle schoolers bodies are changing and that they are going through a period of rapid growth. It is important that they are able to identify the components of health-­‐related fitness so that they can keep their bodies healthy while they are growing. A performance descriptor for 20A under stage E is to identify the benefits of health-­‐related fitness. If the students are able to accomplish my objective it is fair to say that they have also obtained this performance descriptor. The last objective that I developed for my unit is “The students will work together as a team to create a team name, chant and plays to be used during gameplay.” Within my class I have several students who are more reserved and appear to have a difficult time socializing with peers. This is one of the reasons I choose this as an objective. I want to try to get the students more comfortable with talking and working with each. Teamwork is a large part of everyday life and something that the students should be exposed to often. This objective also lines up with many of the performance indicators for 21B. One of them is “perform cooperatively in a small group when participating in structured group activity.” Another performance indicator that it aligns with is “Complete a task with a partner or small group in a given amount of time with no teacher intervention.” This is a learning objective that will benefit everyone in my class. 1 Task 3.1 Benchmark/Objectives Phases of Assessment Type and/or Nature of Assessment Adaptations Assessment Benchmark: Pre-­‐Assessment: Throwing -­‐ My pre and post -­‐ I will use a variety of 19.A.3a – Demonstrate control Rubric assessments will be different sized when performing combinations and performance based footballs sequences of locomotor, non-­‐
assessment. I will use -­‐ I will use footballs locomotor and manipulative motor Formative-­‐Assessment: a rubric to score the with different patterns in selected activities, games Written quiz over cues of students throwing textures. and sports. throwing ability. -­‐ I will change the Objective 1: -­‐ My formative distance for throwing. The Students will be able to show assessment will be a -­‐ For formative I will proper form when throwing a Post-­‐Assessment: Throwing written quiz over the demonstrate any football to a stationary target Rubric cues of throwing. skills necessary for approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 students times. -­‐ I will read any questions on written quiz students cannot read themselves. -­‐ I will attempt to reword any questions any students do not understand Benchmark: Pre-­‐Assessment: Snapping -­‐ My pre and post -­‐ I will use a variety of 20.A.3a – Demonstrate control when Rubric assessments will be a different sized performing combinations and performance based footballs sequences of locomotor, non-­‐
assessment. I will use -­‐ I will use footballs locomotor and manipulative motor Formative Assessment: a rubric. The pre with different patterns in selected activities games Written quiz over the cues of assessment will be textures. and sports. snapping done during practice -­‐ Allow students to 2 Objective2: The students will be able to show proper form and successful snap a football to a partner in shotgun formation with the partner approximately 3 yards away 4/5 times Post – Assessment: Snapping Rubric -­‐
and my post will be during game play. Snapping in flag football is a closed skill so the scoring should not be affected. My formative assessment will be a written quiz over the cues of snapping. -­‐
Benchmark 19.C.3a -­‐ Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences of locomotor, non-­‐
locomotor and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games and sports. (Psychomotor) Objective 3: The student will be able to throw to a moving target successfully 4/5 when the target is running an out, in, slant, Pre-­‐Assessment: Throwing to moving object rubric. Formative Assessment: Written quiz Post-­‐Assessment: Throwing moving object rubric -­‐
I will use performance based assessments for my pre and post-­‐test. Both will be done during game play. My formative assessment will be part of a written quiz administered during the unit. -­‐
look where they are snapping the whole time Let students use two hands while snapping a football For formative I will demonstrate any skills necessary for students I will read any questions on written quiz students cannot read themselves. I will attempt to reword any questions any students do not understand I will use a variety of different sized footballs I will use footballs with different textures. Have receivers wear brightly colored pinnies. Have the receiver run routes that are closer to the QB. For formative I will 3 or hook approximately 7 yards away. -­‐
Benchmark 20.A.3b – Identify and participate in activities associated with the components of health-­‐related fitness. Objective 4: The students will be able to identify which area of health-­‐related fitness a physical fitness activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked. Benchmark 21.B.3 – Work cooperatively with others to accomplish a set goal in both competitive and non-­‐
competitive situations (e.g., baseball, choreographing a dance). Objective 5: Pre-­‐Assessment: Work – out sheets Formative Assessment: Written Quiz Post-­‐Assessment: Work-­‐out sheets Pre-­‐ Assessment: Team work rubric Formative Assessment: Team work packets Post-­‐assessment: Team work demonstrate any skills necessary for students I will read any questions on written quiz students cannot read themselves. I will attempt to reword any questions any students do not understand -­‐My pre and post -­‐ One modification that I will assessments will be work out make is put a word bank on sheets. The students will the exercise sheets so that write down what exercise they know what components they did and what part of they have to choose from. health related fitness it addresses. -­‐I will provide a student sheet to students that has -­‐My formative assessment the different health will be part of a written quiz components and what they that I develop. are. -­‐
My pre and post-­‐
assessments will be a performance based rubric that I will use during gameplay My formative assessment will be a -­‐
Assign special responsibilities to students who get easily distracted. Select the groups so students that feed off each other are put on 4 The students will work together as a team to create a team name, chant and plays to be used during gameplay. rubric team packet that I hand out and see how each team works together to fill it out. different teams. Task 3.2 My first objective is “The Students will be able to show proper form when throwing a football to a stationary target approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 times.” For my pre-­‐assessment I am going to observe the students throw to a partner that ten yards away. I will quickly observe their form and whether or not they are accurate with their throws. This aligns with my objective since they will be throwing to a stationary partner and my main focus will be their form which is also part of my objective. Since I am watching five attempts I should get accurate, consistent and fair results. Be watching repeated attempts I will be certain whether or not the students are able to complete this objective. This objective is taken from the P.E curriculum that was recently developed for Jiminy Cricket Middle School. In the curriculum one of the goals for the flag football unit is for the students to demonstrate proper technique of the critical elements of arm movement using a variety of forms. This is why I choose to focus on the form in this objective. When developing a performance based assessment I was looking for one I could do quickly and would be fair for the entire class. Five pass attempts should not take very long and the situation will be the same for all of the students so it should be fair. My formative for this objective is a written quiz over the cues necessary for throwing form. This is a fair and accurate assessment, because we will review the cues in class many times. I will also provide a study sheet to the students several days 5 before we take the quiz. It is important to make sure the students know what they are supposed to be doing before I give them a post-­‐test to make sure I get accurate results. My post-­‐test is going to be the same exact test as my pre-­‐test. By doing this it makes it very fair and my results will be accurate and consistent. I will be able to make a direct comparison of student learning and see if I successfully achieved my objective. My second objective is “The students will be able to show proper form and successful snap a football to a partner in shotgun formation with the partner approximately 3 yards away 4/5 times” For my pre-­‐assessment students will have a partner and will be snapping the ball back and forth to each other. I will use a performance based assessment to score the students ability to snap a football. This will be a fair, accurate and consistent evaluation. The students will be told before I start assessing what I am looking for when they snap the football. It will be accurate because each of the critical elements will be part of the rubric and it will be consistent because I will be observing all of the students in the same situation. This objective is a teacher constructed objective. Snapping the football is a critical football skill, it is necessary to play flag football which is the reason that I am testing on it. When asking myself if the assessment is consistent and fair I wanted to make sure I could assess all of the students in the same situation, which should not be a problem. My formative assessment is once again going to be part of a written quiz. It will be multiple choice and over the cues of snapping. I am doing this because I need to make sure the students know what I am expecting out of them. If they can answer my questions on the quiz correctly I will know they recognize what I am looking for when they snap a football. It will be fair, accurate, and consistent because I will use the same terms on the quiz as I have in class so the students should not be 6 tricked on the quiz. My post assessment of snapping will be done during game play. I will observe students snapping to their teammates. In flag football there is no contact so the environment of the snap really does not change. Since this is the case my post-­‐test results will be able to be compared to my pre-­‐test results. I will be looking for the same critical elements during the post-­‐
test as the pre-­‐test which is why it will be a fair, accurate and consistent assessment. My third objective for my flag football unit is “The student will be able to throw to a moving target successfully 4/5 when the target is running an out, in, slant, or hook approximately 7 yards away.” My pre-­‐assessment is going to be done in modified game play. I am going to use a rubric while observing the students in a modified game in this performance base assessment. This aligns with my objective because the focus of my rubric will be their ability to lead a receiver properly. This will be a fair evaluation because all of the students will be judge on the same criteria. I will also have a variety of footballs so students will have equal chance to be successful during this pre-­‐assessment. It will be accurate because I will simply be looking at their ability to pass to a moving target. I will not be looking at their score for since I am already assessing that in a previous objective. By only looking at this one skill I should be able to make an accurate scoring for each student. It will be consistent due to the fact that each student will judge the same way on the same criteria. This assessment is a teacher constructed assessment. I choose this assessment because very rarely in a game of flag football will you throw to a stationary receiver. It is important to me to make sure the students can throw to a target that is moving. When trying to come up with a fair, accurate and consistent assessment I determined that I should only look at the ability to throw to a moving target and not their form. This way I can be accurate and consistent with my scoring. 7 The assessment will be fair because I am only watching the passers form. I am not concerned with whether or not the pass is caught or not, but where the football is thrown to. My formative assessment will be part of a written quiz. There will be several questions on a quiz about throwing a moving target. This will be a fair formative assessment because the quiz will use the same terms that I have used in class. This is also why it will be a consistent and accurate formative assessment. It also aligns with my objective because it will show me if students understand how to throw to a moving target. If I know that they understand how to, I should be able to expect that they will be able to show me on a performance based post-­‐test. My post-­‐test is going to be the same as my pre-­‐
test. I will use the same rubric during game play. By using the same rubric and letting students know what I am looking for it will be a very fair assessment. It should also be consistent and accurate for the same reasons as my pre-­‐test, which were the fact that each student is being tested on the same criteria and the fact that I am not look at form, but just the skill of leading a receiver. My fourth objective is a health related objective and it is the students will be able to identify which area of health-­‐related fitness a physical fitness activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked. My pre-­‐assessment for this objective will require students to fill out workout sheets. These workout sheets will have an area for what the students did and then what party of health-­‐related fitness it is. This aligns very closely with my instructional objective because I am making sure they can identify what part of health related fitness they are working on. I think this will be an accurate assessment because it will become very obvious to me whether they know what concept they are working on or not. This is the same reason it will also be consistent. By quickly looking if their workout matches up with their concepts I can see if they understand what we are looking at. I think the 8 modifications that I made to this assessment will make it fair for all students. My formative assessment is going to be part of a written quiz. I will give the students several situations and make them match them to the concept that is being worked on. This aligns with my objective because students will have to demonstrate that they understand the different health related fitness components in order to get a good grade on the quiz. It will be fair, consistent and because all students will have the same quiz and modifications will be made to ensure that they fully understand the question. It will also be accurate because students will be assessed on all different parts of health-­‐related fitness. My post-­‐test will be the same as my pre-­‐test. It will be align with my objective cause the students will have to be able to identify which health related fitness component they are working on. My fifth and last objective for my unit is “The students will work together as a team to create a team name, chant and plays to be used during gameplay.” For this task I plan to use a performance based rubric. I will score each student on their ability to work as a team to achieve a goal during a game of either modified football or flag football. This aligns with my objective because I am directly looking at their ability to work as a team which is outlined in my objective. It will be a fair, consistent and fair evaluation for several reasons. The first of these reasons being that I will have clear criteria that I am looking for when I am scoring the students, the second reason will be the fact that the students will know what exactly I am looking for from them when dealing with the issue of team work. By stressing what team work is I give every student the same chance to succeed. This is an objective that I constructed, I felt that teamwork is a skill that be used in all aspects of life. This is the reason that I decided to have an assessment on it. When trying to come up with a fair assessment, I wanted to make sure that I had clear goals for the students to achieve so 9 that there would be no question in what I want them to achieve. My formative assessment for this objective is going to be a team packet that I hand out. Before we move into gameplay I am going to get the students into teams and spend a day on the team packet. The team packet consists of them coming up with a team name, team chant, and team plays to be used during the game. I will observe how well they work together accomplishing this task for my formative assessment. I can expect that if they work well as a team in this task they will work well during gameplay. My post assessment aligns with my objective for the same reasons my pre assessment does as they will be the same rubric. I will have clear goals for the students to achieve when it comes to team work. I will judge all the students on the same criteria, thus making it a fair and accurate assessment. Task 3.3 Please see attachments Task 3.4 Please see attachments Task 3.5 Objective 1 The Students will be able to show proper form when throwing a football to a stationary target approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 times. 10 Pre-­‐Test/ Post-­‐test I have several adaptations I will be using for the pre and the post-­‐test for this objective. One of the adaptations I will be utilizing is a variety of different size footballs. I understand that students have a difficult time gripping large footballs. By having all different size footballs the students should be able to find one they can be successful with. I will also have footballs with different grips. This should allow for students to find a ball with the grip they like and should eliminate any excuse for a ball slipping out of a student’s hand. Another modification I have is that I can change the distance students throw. I am trying to judge students form on the throw and I feel like if the students are so concerned with throwing a distance that may be too far for them their form will suffer. Formative My formative assessment for this objective will be part of a written quiz I will administer. When coming up with adaptations for this assessment I focused on making sure students did not miss any questions because they did not understand the concept I was trying to get across in the wording of my question. I came up with several different ways to make sure this does not happen. The first is that I will model the different answers to the questions. For example if question one ask how they should hold a football when they throw and answer “A” says “Hold the football with only your thumb on the laces” I would be willing to demonstrate what that looks like to a student. My second modifications will be that I will stress the fact if the students do not know any of the words on my quiz I will explain what it means to them. My last modification will be that fact that if a student is having 11 trouble understanding any of the questions I will reword it until they do understand the question. By making these modifications I will ensure that the students have the best chance to succeed on my formative assessment. Objective 2 The students will be able to show proper form and successful snap a football to a partner in shotgun formation with the partner approximately 3 yards away 4/5 times. Pre/Post Test I will be using many of the same modifications for my second objective as I did in my first. I will have a variety of different size footballs and grip in order to ensure success like I did for my first objective. One modification that is unique to this objective is that I will be allowing students to use two hands if necessary. I will ask them to show me the proper grip for snapping, but after they do that I will let them use to hands. This is another modification I am using to combat the fact that some of the footballs may be to big for student’s hands. I will also be allowing for students to watch where they are snapping the ball the whole time. Normally you are supposed to be looking straight ahead when snapping, but I know I have some students who need to be able to track their target the whole time to be successful. Formative 12 My formative for this assessment is going to be a written quiz over the cues necessary to snap the football. Since it is the same type of assessment as objective 1 I will be using the same modifications. I will be using modeling, rewording and defining terms to make sure the students can succeed. By making these modifications I can assure myself that all of my students will fully understand what I am asking of them. Objective 3 The student will be able to throw to a moving target successfully 4/5 when the target is running an out, in, slant, or hook approximately 7 yards away. Pre/Post-­‐Test Since this is still a manipulative skill I will be using several of the same modifications as in objective 1 and 2. I will change the size of the footballs and allow for different textures. This should make it so that the students can throw to the target. Two new adaptations that I am going to add are receivers wearing brightly colored jerseys and for the receivers to run slower route. The reason I having them wear brightly colored jersey is so that they are easily recognizable for the QB. The receivers will also run at only about 50% of full speed so that the QB can more easily lead them. Formative 13 The formative assessment for this objective is once again going to be on my written quiz over how to throw to a moving target. Since I am using the same formative assessment as before I will also be using the same modifications. I will use modeling, rewording and defining of terms in order to make sure all of the students fully understand the questions that are being asked of them. Objective 4 The students will be able to identify which area of health-­‐related fitness a physical fitness activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked. Pre/Post-­‐test For my pre and post-­‐test I will provide the students with a word bank so that they will be to see which different components they have to select from. I hope by doing this the students will be able to recognize which items they can select from. Formative For my formative assessment I explain any words the students may not understand on my written quiz. I will also ready to them any question they may not be able to read themselves. Objective 5 Pre/Post-­‐Test For the pre and post-­‐test I will be using a rubric to assess the students ability to work as a team. The modification that I plan to use for this is to separate students I know feed off of each other. There are several students in my class that I know I have a 14 difficult time accomplishing a task when they are grouped together. I will make sure that these students are on separate teams. By doing this I will give students an equal chance achieve on this assessment. Formative For my formative assessment I will once again separate students that I know tend to get off task when they are together. I will also give teams route sheets so that they can see the routes that I am expecting them to use. Task 4.1 Objective 1 The Students will be able to show proper form when throwing a football to a stationary target approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 times. 6/31 or 19% Exceeded 7/31 or 23% Met 18/31 or 58%Show Significant Weakness Exceeded = complete throw with perfect form and accuracy 5/5 times Met = Complete throw with perfect form and accuracy 4/5 times Significant weakness = Completed throw with perfect form and accuracy less than 4 times. Objective 2 The students will be able to show proper form and successful snap a football to a partner in shotgun formation with the partner approximately 3 yards away 4/5 times 0/ 31 or 0% Exceeded 3/31 or 9.6 % Met 28/ 31 or 90.3% Showed Significant Weakness Objective 3 The student will be able to throw to a moving target successfully 4/5 when the target is running an out, in, slant, or hook approximately 7 yards away. Objective 4 The students will be able to identify which area of health-­‐
related fitness a physical fitness activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked. Objective 5 The students will work together as a team to create a team name, chant and plays to be used during gameplay. 5/31 or 16 %Exceeded 5/31 or 16% Met 21/31 or 68% Showed Significant Weakness 0/31 or 0% Exceeded 0/31 or 0% Met 31/31 or 100% Showed Significant Weakness Exceeded = Completed the snap with perfect form and accuracy 5/5 times Met = Completed the snap with perfect form and accuracy 4/5 times Significant weakness = Completed the snap with perfect form and accuracy less than 4 times Exceeded = Accurately threw to a moving target 5/5 times. Met = Accurately threw to a moving target 4/5 times Significant weakness = Accurately threw to a moving target less than 4 times. Exceeded = Was able to identify which fitness component they were working on every time. Met = Was able to identify which fitness component they were working on most of the time Significant weakness = Was not able to identify which fitness component they were working on. 2/ 31 or 6% Exceeded 9/ 31 or 29% Met 20/31 or 65% Showed Significant Weakness Exceeded = Students showed the ability to work as a team all the team. Met = Student showed the ability to work as a team most of the time Significant weakness = Student rarely showed the ability to work as a team Discussion of pre-­‐assessment date By looking at my pre-­‐assessment data there are several things that I can take away from it. By analyzing my data from the first objective I can see that about half the class has already met the criteria for my objective. I can see that many of the students have some prior knowledge of the skill of throwing. Due to this I think that I should probably make that a little bit more difficult for the students. In order to do this I am going to increase the distance that the students have to throw the football. By doing this it will stress the importance of the follow through for students. If they do not use the proper follow through it will make it very difficult to throw the further distance. For my second objective very few of the students met the criteria for snapping a football. This was results that I expected. Snapping is not a skill that is often taught in P.E classes. I did not expect any of the students to have prior knowledge of the critical elements necessary for snapping the ball. I think that the objective that I set for the students will be achievable by the end of the unit. Once the students receive instruction on how to snap the ball they should be able to do it correctly. For my third objective I had 10 students who either met or exceeded my expectations. After seeing how many students successful threw to a stationary target I figured I would have some students who would already be able to accurately throw to a moving target. The pre-­‐assessment date showed that about 1/3 of my class had some prior knowledge on what was necessary to throw to a moving target. My assessment is set at a proper level as many students in my class still needs to increase their mastery level to reach the objective. My forth objective had very interesting pre-­‐assessment results. None of the students were able to meet or exceed my objective. I expected that one or two students would have some prior knowledge on the health-­‐related components of fitness. I may have to lower my expectations for the students since none of them had any prior knowledge. For my fifth and final objective I had 11 students who met or exceeded my expectations. I really thought that I may had set my expectations too low for this objective, since working as a team is something that the students had probably have had to do the before. Only 1/3 of the class was where I expect them to be by the end of the unit. By instructing them on some of the different items I am looking for they should be able to increase their mastery level of working as a team. Task 4.2 For this unit I will implement some technology. The technology I will be using will be in the fitness room. The fitness room has two T.Vs in it. Connected to the T.Vs are “Dance Dance Revolution” games. This is game that is used to get the students moving and work on their cardiovascular endurance. I will also use a CD player in the fitness room in order to play music. I hope by playing music it will set an upbeat tempo in the fitness room and keep the students motivated while working out. The last piece of technology I will be using will be several pieces of cardiovascular equipment. Many of +-­‐these machines have they own display unit that can tell students how long, what setting, or what resistance they are working out at. In addition many of these machines will also tell the students what their heart rate is while they are working out. These are the different ways I will be implementing technology in my unit. Task 4.3 Lesson 1 Introduce: Safety -­‐ Required equipment, warm-­‐
ups, Awareness on the field, Rule of No contact History Throwing and Catching Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Review – Safety Review – History Introduce: Introduce: Routes Snapping Continue: Continue: Snapping, throwing Catching hand position Learning Activities: Critical elements of Instant Activity: Lesson 4 – Fitness Lesson 5 Review –Safety Introduce: Fitness Room Continue: Learning Activities: -­‐ Orientation on Review – History Introduce: Defense Flag Pulling Continue: Snapping Learning Activities: Warm up -­‐ Stretching -­‐Throwing Toss to stationary target Catch while stationary Throw to different distances/levels Catching -­‐High catches stationary -­‐ Low catches stationary -­‐Side Catches Stationary Modified game play: Flag Football Freeze Tag – 2 Games Assessment Pre-­‐assessment: Assess throwing to stationary target throwing Learning Activities: Instant Activity: Warm-­‐up stretching -­‐Snap to Partner -­‐5 a piece -­‐5 a piece further back -­‐Snap Bridge -­‐Group Snap, Pass, Catch In groups we will put together snap pass catch Assessment: Pre-­‐assessment of snapping Pre Assessment of teamworrk Warm-­‐up stretch Routes -­‐ introduce hook, in, out, post, stop and go -­‐Divide into groups of 3 -­‐ Have groups of 3 practice routes -­‐ Let QB & WR create route -­‐ Run Route Assessment: Pre Assessment on throwing to a moving target Pre Assessment of Teamwork -­‐Handout review sheet for throwing, snapping, routes, and catching different machines -­‐Cover Cardio equipment first -­‐Weight machines second -­‐ Pass out Fitness Sheets Application: Have students fill out sheets to see if they know their health-­‐
related components Assessment: Pre-­‐assessment of health related components Learning Activities: Instant Activity: Warm-­‐up stretch Defense -­‐ Introduce man coverage -­‐Divide into groups of 4 -­‐ Let QB & WR create route -­‐ Run Route -­‐ Flag Pulling -­‐ discuss safety of flag pulling -­‐ Application: Flag pulling games Assessment: Formative Assessment Lesson 6 Week 2 Introduce: Team and team packets, plays Continue: Working as a team Learning Activities: Instant Activity: Warm-­‐up Stretches -­‐ Divide Teams up into teams of 7 -­‐ Hand out team packet -­‐ Teams come up with name, chant, Lesson 7 Review – Team Packets Introduce: 7 on 7 games Continue: Plays Learning Activities: Instant Activity: Warm-­‐up Stretches -­‐Teams get 10 minutes to review plays -­‐After review Lesson 8 Review – Team Packets Continue: 7 on 7 games Learning Activities: Instant Activity: Warm-­‐up Stretches Teams will review throwing and catching for 10 minutes After review games start Round Robin Tournament Lesson 9 Review – Orientation Introduce: On your own work Fitness Sheets Continue: Team Packets, Plays Learning Activities: Instant Activity: Warm Up Stretches Students will be given half the class to do cardio equipment -­‐ The other half will be doing weight come up with plays -­‐ Teams present names and chants Assessment: -­‐ Teamwork Rubric games start Round Robin Tournament -­‐Team not playing will be throwing and catching with each other First Games -­‐ 4 v 2 -­‐ 5 v 3 Assessments -­‐Throwing to stationary target -­‐Snapping Rubric Team not playing acts as refs First Games -­‐ 4 v 2 -­‐ 5 v 3 Team 1 refs -­‐ Second games -­‐ 5 v 1 -­‐ 3 v 2 Team 4 refs Assessment: Team Work Rubric Snapping Rubric Throwing Rubric machines, students will switch half way through class Assessment: Fitness sheets Lesson Plans, Technique for student behaviors, classroom management procedures -­‐Please see Lesson Plan attachments In my sixth grade class I have several students who may have a difficult time with my formative assessment. It is not that they will not understand the questions, it may just take them a little longer to complete the questions. For this reason I will allow unlimited time for students to complete my quiz. I will also allow students to ask my questions if they do not understand a question. Lastly I will model any questions they may have. During activity I will use intra-­‐task variation and teach by invitation techniques. This will allow students to work a t their own pace and not be forced to move on if they have not mastered a concept. Task 4.4 While selecting the activities for my lessons I tried to keep in mind many of the contextual factors that I discussed in part one of the Western Teacher Work Sample. One of these factors was the class size. The class is more than 30 students. I strive to keep all of the students active for almost the entire period in my lessons. I had to try to come up with activities that kept all 30 students active. To do this I have planned most of my lessons to be done outside. By having them outside I can utilize a large amount of space and really spread the class out. This allows me to keep all the students involved and not have lines in my lessons because I lack space. A student characteristic that will affect my lessons is just the varying level of skill of the students. I have students at different developmental and skill levels. This is something that I need to keep in mind when planning my lessons. To combat this and make sure all of my students can be successful I am going to have a wide variety of different footballs. I will have some varied size as well as textures. By doing this I think I will give my students the best chance to achieve my objectives. By looking at my pre-­‐assessment data there are several decisions that I have made about my unit. For a number of my objectives I had very few students who exceeded my expectations. Due to this fact I am going to use a lot of intra-­‐task variation within my lessons. I already know I will have students who will not be ready to move on while the rest of the class is. I do not want to rush these students and move them on to the next activity if they have not yet mastered. This is also the reason I have a variety of modifications in my lessons. I will allow them to change the distance they are apart from their partner in most of the activities or the type of football they are using. Task 4.5 The school of thought that I was most concerned with when developing this unit was the quality P.E school of thought. My main focus was the activity level of the students. For it to be considered quality P.E the students have to be active for at least 50% of the class period. My lessons are planned so that students will be active much more than 50% of the period. In all of my lessons there should be no lines. By creating lessons with no lines the students will be active for all the time except for instruction time. I also am offering several modifications so that all of the students will learn. I know that many students like to be recognized for their accomplishments and this is something that I am going to utilize in my unit. When I see students exceeding my objectives I will make sure that they are recognized. This should increase their motivation during my lessons. P.E is typically taught in the psychomotor domain and many of my objectives are also in this domain. There are however several cognitive components of my unit plan. One of the cognitive portions is the physical fitness sheets I will be using in the weight room. Students will need to be able to identify which component of fitness they are working on during different activities. This will require them to use cognitive skills and psychomotor skills to accomplish the task. The other cognitive portion of my unit is my formative assessment. For this assessment students will have to be able to recall the different cues we have talked about in class. I want to make sure that the students know what I expect out of them. If the students do not cognitively know what is expected out of them I cannot expect them to be able to perform the different skills. I think the activities that will most likely promote learning during my unit are my lessons on route running and the physical fitness lesson. I think the route running lesson will be very affective. I will basically be breaking down flag football to the most basic component which is running a route verse a defense. I think that the students will really enjoy the challenge of trying to run routes and catch passes against their peers. They should be motivated to work hard. Many of the students also have never had different routes broken down them. By doing this I will be introducing a new concept of the game for them. The other part of my unit I feel will be affective is my physical fitness units. The fitness room at the middle school is very nice and students are always asking when they get to use it. Due to this fact students should be motivated when we do get to use. These health components that I am introducing to the students are new concepts to them. I think that since they have no idea of them that they may interest them. They will learn what it actually means to be healthy. I think the activity that best reflects my ability to create instruction that is achievable, meaningful and motivating for students will be my snapping lesson. None of my students exceeded my objective for snapping and that is what I expected. The reason for this is the fact that none of them have ever received instruction on it. By breaking it down to simple cues I am certain that the students will learn the skills necessary and be able to achieve my objective. It will be meaningful because this is the first time they have received instruction on it and snapping is a skill that will not change for the students. It will be no different for the students whether they are doing it during learning tasks or if they are doing it during a game. It is a skill that will transfer easily to gameplay. Lesson Plan
Name: Pete Townsend
Lesson #: _1_of __5_
Date: 9/14/2010
Activity: Flag Football
Grade Level: 6 Grade
Important Entry Considerations:
The class consists of a larger amount of girls than boys. The differences in the gender
should not cause me to make any significant changes to my lesson. There are not many
prerequisite skills that are needed for this lesson as it is an early lesson in teaching flag
football. As with any new skill it requires some hand eye coordination and the
willingness to repeat the same activity in order to be successful. The issue that I will run
into is a varied degree of skill in throwing the football. As in normal in middle school I
have a wide variety of different developmental levels. Also there are several students
who have already have played football in youth leagues, while I have other students who
have no experience with football. I would expect the students who have played football
in organize leagues to be more skilled in football.
There are no students within this class that require special needs. I will however have
different types of equipment that will allow low skill students to still be successful. The
changes I will make are to use several different types of balls to throw and catch. I will
get some that are softer and easier to squeeze when catching. I will also get some
footballs that are smaller so that they will be easier for students to catch. I believe by
making these modifications most of the students will be successful.
Learning Objectives/ Standards/ Assessment:
The Students will be able to show proper form when throwing a football to a stationary
target approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 times.Illinois
State Learning Standard: Goal _19_ standard_A_ Benchmark Level _3a__ Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences in locomotor,
non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns.
Assessment: I will use a rubric as a pre-assessment of the students ability.
Safety plans: I will go through this checklist each day before I begin my lesson. Not all
parts of the checklist will apply for every lesson.
Safety Checklist for Flag Football
Safety Check Conducted Daily
Footballs – Pumped-up,
Sufficient Grip, Laces in
proper shape
Flags – not ripped, clip in
good shape, two flags for
each belt
Weather – Forecast checked,
check for bad weather in
Field – Field dry, clearly
marked, area free of debris,
survey field for holes
Practice – Adequate space
for all players, warm-up
appropriate for activity,
stretch to loosen muscles,
safe clothing and footwear
Practice – adequate space
between players, safe
distance for strokes,
appropriate warm-up, players
in appropriate & safe
clothing and footwear (incl.
shoes tied)
Games – match players by
ability, keep number of
students on field appropriate,
appropriate fitness level
Safety Warnings –
- Make sure receiver is
ready for ball
- using equipment for its
intended purpose only
- Run ball back to QB
- No contact
Posted in clearly visible
Legible & clear
Appropriate for activities &
Equipment/Materials: (Distribution and Collection)
10 real Footballs, 10 soft footballs, 10 small footballs, 4 cones,
I will have the students help me carry the equipment outside. Once we are outside the
equipment will be set in the front of the class. I will divide the footballs into three piles.
A pile for real footballs, soft footballs and small footballs. After I get the students paired
up and put in the correct formations I will have partners discuss which type of football
they want to use. After they select which type one partner will walk over to where the
footballs are and get the football and return to their original spot.
At the end of the activity I will ask the student with the football to walk it over and place
it in the pile that they got it from. After all the footballs have been returned I will ask for
the students to come and sit down so that we can move on to our final activity.
Contingency Plans (if needed):
This lesson is that can easily be adapted to a gymnasium. I see no reason why I could just
not simply just have students complete all the activities indoors instead of outdoors. Due
to this fact I do not feel like I will need a contingency plan.
Motivational Strategies:
There are several different strategy that I will use as motivation for this lesson. Several
of my students already play in a youth football league. I will bring that up and ask them
how they are doing in their season. I hope that this will get these students interested. I
also have the advantage of doing my unit during football season. Since I have that
advantage I will ask students if they have seen the most recent game. I will ask them
what skills they saw during the game.
Instructional Sequence
Activity/Time Instruction
(direction, cues, safety
Warm Ups (3 The students will enter
the gym and go directly
to their squads. Once
the students are sitting
quietly in their squads I
will take attendance.
After attendance is done
I will lead the students
in warm-up stretches
(2 min)
(2 min)
Students will walk
outside to the designated
learning area for the day
This is when I will
mention my
motivational strategy of
asking which students
play football and ask
X = Students
T = Teacher
(Obj- assessed)
Task 1
(One knee
pass and
catch – 5
(5 minutes)
Task -2
students about the most
recent big football game
T.V. After referencing
the game I will tell the
students what we are
working on for the day,
which will be throwing
and catching a football.
I will go over the cues
while the students are
sitting down for the first
learning task. These
cues are going to be
-Elbow Back
- “L” Shape
- Buckle your seat belt
For this task I will have
the students find a
partner. After they have
found their partner they
will get a football. I will
have a variety of
different sized football
for the students to use.
They will be spread out
so the students do not
bunch up while trying to
get a football. After
students have found a
partner and a football
they will line up 5 yards
apart on one knee. I will
go in the center of the
two lines and
demonstrate what they
should be doing. They
will be on one knee
throwing to their
partner. This will allow
them just to focus on
their upper body in the
Students will in the
same formation, but I
will instruct one of the
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are or
are not using to
correct form
when throwing
the football
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill.
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
One knee
throw- 10
5 mins
lines to move 5 yards
back. I will instruct
them on the cues and
review any of the cues
that I see the students
not doing. I will stress
the fact that if they do
not have correct form it
will be tough to throw
the ball ten yards on
their knee.
whether the
students are or
are not using to
correct form
when throwing
the football
X= Students
T = Teacher
Task 3
Stand up
throw and
(7 mins)
If I see the students
understand the cues for
throwing on one knee I
will progress to having
them stand up. When
they stand up I will
introduce one new cue
for throwing and the
cues for catching. These
cues will be
-Step with opposite
-Above waist –
- Below Waist –
Pinkies together
Students will already have
the equipment necessary for
this task.
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will already have
the equipment necessary for
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are or
are not using to
correct form
when throwing
the football
this task.
Throw and
(3 mins)
Students will stay in the
same formation to start.
I will instruct them that
they are to throw to their
partner. If their partner
catches they need to take
a step back. If their
partner drops it they are
to kneel on one knee and
stop throwing.
X= Students
T = Teacher
(1 min)
I will ask the students to
go over the cues as I
demonstrate at the front
of the class the correct
form for throwing and
Students will already have
the equipment necessary for
this task.
I will have the students
return the equipment to
where they got it from and
then have a seat so that they
can listen to my conclusion
Classroom Management Plan
1. When the whistle blows students
1. Students first receive a verbal
are quiet and ready to listen.
warning to stop behavior.
2. Students are respectfully towards
2. Students receive a second verbal
each other and teachers.
warning. This time they are
3. Students practice safety
informed that if the action
4. Students give their best effort
continues they will lose daily
5. Students are ready for class
3. Student is told that they have lost
their points for the day.
Procedures / Routines
Area Addressed
1. Students enter the locker room
1. Entering the gymnasium
and change
2. When students enter the gym they
2. Warm-up for the days activities.
sit in their squads.
3. Students do warm-up routine in
their squads
4. Students end the class period by
reviewing the cues for the day.
5. Students are dismissed to the
locker room by teacher.
6. After changing they sit by their
locker and wait for dismissal bell.
3. Ending the class period
4. Exiting the gymnasium.
5. Class room dismissal
Lesson Plan
Name: Pete Townsend
Lesson #: _2_of __5_
Date: 9/14/2010
Activity: Flag Football
Grade Level: 6 Grade
Important Entry Considerations:
The class consists of a larger amount of girls than boys. The differences in the gender
should not cause me to make any significant changes to my lesson. There are not many
prerequisite skills that are needed for this lesson as it is an early lesson in teaching flag
football. As with any new skill it requires some hand eye coordination and the
willingness to repeat the same activity in order to be successful. The issue that I will run
into is a varied degree of skill in throwing the football. As in normal in middle school I
have a wide variety of different developmental levels. Also there are several students
who have already have played football in youth leagues, while I have other students who
have no experience with football. I would expect the students who have played football
in organize leagues to be more skilled in football.
There are no students within this class that require special needs. I will however have
different types of equipment that will allow low skill students to still be successful. The
changes I will make are to use several different types of balls to throw and catch. I will
get some that are softer and easier to squeeze when catching and snapping. I will also get
some footballs that are smaller so that they will be easier for students to catch. I believe
by making these modifications most of the students will be successful.
Learning Objectives/ Standards/ Assessment:
The Students will be able to show proper form and accuracy when snapping to a partner
that is 3-5 yards behind them 4/5 times.
State Learning Standard: Goal _19_ standard_A_ Benchmark Level _3a__ Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences in locomotor,
non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns.
Assessment: I will use a rubric as a pre-assessment of the students ability.
Safety plans: I will go through this checklist each day before I begin my lesson. Not all
parts of the checklist will apply for every lesson.
Safety Checklist for Flag Football
Safety Check Conducted Daily
Footballs – Pumped-up,
Sufficient Grip, Laces in
proper shape
Flags – not ripped, clip in
good shape, two flags for
each belt
Weather – Forecast checked,
check for bad weather in
Field – Field dry, clearly
marked, area free of debris,
survey field for holes
Practice – Adequate space
for all players, warm-up
appropriate for activity,
stretch to loosen muscles,
safe clothing and footwear
Practice – adequate space
between players, safe
distance for strokes,
appropriate warm-up, players
in appropriate & safe
clothing and footwear (incl.
shoes tied)
Games – match players by
ability, keep number of
students on field appropriate,
appropriate fitness level
Safety Warnings –
- Make sure receiver is
ready for ball
- using equipment for its
intended purpose only
- Run ball back to QB
- No contact
Posted in clearly visible
Legible & clear
Appropriate for activities &
Equipment/Materials: (Distribution and Collection)
10 real Footballs, 10 soft footballs, 10 small footballs, 4 cones
I will have the students help me carry the equipment outside. Once we are outside the
equipment will be set in the front of the class. I will divide the footballs into three piles.
A pile for real footballs, soft footballs and small footballs. After I get the students paired
up and put in the correct formations I will have partners discuss which type of football
they want to use. After they select which type one partner will walk over to where the
footballs are and get the football and return to their original spot.
At the end of the activity I will ask the student with the football to walk it over and place
it in the pile that they got it from. After all the footballs have been returned I will ask for
the students to come and sit down so that we can move on to our final activity.
Contingency Plans (if needed):
This lesson is that can easily be adapted to a gymnasium. I see no reason why I could just
not simply just have students complete all the activities indoors instead of outdoors. Due
to this fact I do not feel like I will need a contingency plan.
Motivational Strategies:
My motivational strategy that I will use for this lesson is making the students aware that
we are learning the skills we need in order to play a full game of flag football. By
making students recognize that if they master the skills we are working on that we are
that much closer to playing a game I think that will motivate them to work hard and try
their best to make sure they learn the skill.
Instructional Sequence
Activity/Time Instruction
(direction, cues, safety
Warm Ups (3 The students will enter
the gym and go directly
to their squads. Once
the students are sitting
quietly in their squads I
will take attendance.
After attendance is done
I will lead the students
in warm-up stretches
(2 min)
(2 min)
X = Students
T = Teacher
Students will walk
outside to the designated
learning area for the day
This is when I will
mention my
motivational strategy of
telling the students that
we are learning the skills
necessary to play games.
(Obj- assessed)
I will also introduce the
cues necessary for
snapping. These cues
will be…
- Feet shoulder width
- Hold like passing
- On ground
- Flick Wrist
Task 1
(Snap – 3 yards
(5 minutes)
Learning Task
----------------Snap 5 yards
5 mins
For this task I will have
the students find a
partner. After they have
found their partner they
will get a football. I will
have a variety of
different sized football
for the students to use.
They will be spread out
so the students do not
bunch up while trying to
get a football. After
students have found a
partner and a football
they will line up 3 yards
apart on one knee. I will
go in the center of the
two lines and
demonstrate what they
should be doing. After I
demonstrate I will have
the students snap the
football back and forth
Students will in the
same formation, but I
will instruct one of the
lines to move back
roughly two yards. I
will stress any of the
cues that I see the
students no
demonstrating. I will
also stress snapping the
wrist harder in order to
make it to the QB who is
further away.
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are or
are not using to
correct form
when snapping
the football.
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill.
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are or
are not using to
correct form
when snapping
the football.
X= Students
T = Teacher
Learning Task
(7 mins)
Students will already have
the equipment necessary for
this task.
I will instruct the
students to find one
other group to pair
up with and to line
up in a single file
line to listen for
more instruct. I will
place students in
their correct
position. There will
be a center, QB,
Receiver and ball
retriever all in single
file line. They will
practice snapping the
football to a QB who
will throw the ball to
a receiver. After
each snap-throwcatch combo
students will rotate.
They will be
instructed on the
rotation during my
demonstration. The
rotation will be Ball
retriever to receiver
to center to QB to
ball retriever
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will already have
the equipment necessary for
this task.
Students will stay in the
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are or
are not using to
correct form
when snapping
the football
same basic formation for
this application, but they
will move roughly 3-5
yards apart. In this
game the students will
be in a single file line.
After they snap to one of
their teammates will run
to the end of the line.
They will continue to
snap and run to the end
of their line. They will
do this until their entire
team has made it past a
designated point.
End line
X= Students
T = Teacher
(1 min)
Students will already have
the equipment necessary for
this task.
I will have the students
return the equipment to
where they got it from and
then have a seat so that they
can listen to my conclusion
I will ask the students to
go over the cues as I
demonstrate at the front
of the class the correct
form for snapping a
Classroom Management Plan - (include here or attach plan you will use with all
1. When the whistle blows students
1. Students first receive a verbal
are quiet and ready to listen.
Students are respectfully towards
each other and teachers.
Students practice safety
Students give their best effort
Students are ready for class
warning to stop behavior.
2. Students receive a second verbal
warning. This time they are
informed that if the action
continues they will lose daily
3. Student is told that they have lost
their points for the day.
Procedures / Routines
Area Addressed
1. Students enter the locker room
1. Entering the gymnasium
and change
2. When students enter the gym they
2. Warm-up for the days activities.
sit in their squads.
3. Students do warm-up routine in
their squads
3. Ending the class period
4. Students end the class period by
reviewing the cues for the day.
4. Exiting the gymnasium.
5. Students are dismissed to the
locker room by teacher.
5. Class room dismissal
6. After changing they sit by their
locker and wait for dismissal bell.
Lesson Plan
Name: Pete Townsend Horan
Lesson #: _3_of __5_
Date: 9/14/2010
Activity: Flag
Grade Level: 6 Grade
Important Entry Considerations:
The class consists of a larger amount of girls than boys. The differences in the gender
should not cause me to make any significant changes to my lesson. There are not many
prerequisite skills that are needed for this lesson as it is an early lesson in teaching flag
football. As with any new skill it requires some hand eye coordination and the
willingness to repeat the same activity in order to be successful. The issue that I will run
into is a varied degree of skill in throwing the football. As in normal in middle school I
have a wide variety of different developmental levels. Also there are several students
who have already have played football in youth leagues, while I have other students who
have no experience with football. I would expect the students who have played football
in organize leagues to be more skilled in football.
There are no students within this class that require special needs. I will however have
different types of equipment that will allow low skill students to still be successful. The
changes I will make are to use several different types of balls to throw and catch. I will
get some that are softer and easier to squeeze when catching. I will also get some
footballs that are smaller so that they will be easier for students to catch. I believe by
making these modifications most of the students will be successful.
Learning Objectives/ Standards/ Assessment:
Students will demonstrate their ability to throw to a moving target running a variety of
football routes 4 out 5 times.
State Learning Standard: Goal _19_ standard_A_ Benchmark Level _3a__ Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences in locomotor,
non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns.
Assessment*: I will use a rubric as a pre-assessment of the students ability.
Safety plans: I will go through this checklist each day before I begin my lesson. Not all
parts of the checklist will apply for every lesson.
Safety Checklist for Flag Football
Safety Check Conducted Daily
Footballs – Pumped-up,
Sufficient Grip, Laces in
proper shape
Flags – not ripped, clip in
good shape, two flags for
each belt
Weather – Forecast checked,
check for bad weather in
Field – Field dry, clearly
marked, area free of debris,
survey field for holes
Practice – Adequate space
for all players, warm-up
appropriate for activity,
stretch to loosen muscles,
safe clothing and footwear
Practice – adequate space
between players, safe
distance for strokes,
appropriate warm-up, players
in appropriate & safe
clothing and footwear (incl.
shoes tied)
Games – match players by
ability, keep number of
students on field appropriate,
appropriate fitness level
Safety Warnings –
- Make sure receiver is
ready for ball
- using equipment for its
intended purpose only
- Run ball back to QB
- No contact
Posted in clearly visible
Legible & clear
Appropriate for activities &
Equipment/Materials: (Distribution and Collection)
10 real Footballs, 10 soft footballs, 10 small footballs, 10 cones
I will have the students help me carry the equipment outside. Once we are outside the
equipment will be set in the front of the class. I will divide the footballs into three piles.
A pile for real footballs, soft footballs and small footballs. After I get the students paired
up and put in the correct formations I will have groups discuss which type of football
they want to use. After they select which type one partner will walk over to where the
footballs are and get the football and return to their original spot.
At the end of the activity I will ask the student with the football to walk it over and place
it in the pile that they got it from. After all the footballs have been returned I will ask for
the students to come and sit down so that we can move on to our final activity.
Contingency Plans (if needed):
This lesson is that can easily be adapted to a gymnasium. I see no reason why I could just
not simply just have students complete all the activities indoors instead of outdoors. Due
to this fact I do not feel like I will need a contingency plan.
Motivational Strategies:
My motivational strategy for this lesson will be to once again reference playing games.
The students will be learning a variety of routes and possibly adding a defender. I will let
students know that if they work hard that they will have a chance to experience playing
some defense today.
Instructional Sequence
Activity/Time Instruction
(direction, cues, safety
Warm Ups (3 The students will enter
the gym and go directly
to their squads. Once
the students are sitting
quietly in their squads I
will take attendance.
After attendance is done
I will lead the students
in warm-up stretches
(2 min)
(2 min)
X = Students
T = Teacher
Students will walk
outside to the designated
learning area for the day
This is when I will
mention my
motivational strategy of
telling students that a
defender might be added
today. I will also
introduce the cues
(Obj- assessed)
necessary for leading a
receiver. The cue will
- Throw in front
- Anticipate
Task 1
(3 minutes)
For this task I will have
the students get in
groups of three. They
will have a snapper, QB,
and a receiver in this
drill. After they have
found a group of three
they will line up behind
a cone that I will already
have set up. I will
instruct them that the
rotation they should use
will be QB to Receiver,
to snapper, to QB. The
first route that I will
teach them will be the
hook route. I will use a
group that is near the
middle to demonstrate.
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are able
to throw to a
moving target
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill.
Learning Task
3 mins
Students will be in the
same formation. I will
once again use a middle
group to demonstrate the
new route. For this task X X
we will learn the “IN”
route. Cues will be…
-7 Yards
-Chop feet
-Run in
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are able
to throw to a
moving target
Learning Task
(3 mins)
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill
Students will be in the
same formation. I will
once again use a middle X X
group to demonstrate the
new route. For this task X
we will learn the “OUT”
route. Cues will be…
-7 Yards
-Chop feet
-Run out
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are able
to throw to a
moving target
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill
Learn Task 4
3 mins
Students will be in the
same formation. I will
once again use a middle
group to demonstrate the X X
new route. For this task
we will learn the “Post” X
route. Cues will be…
- 5 yards
- 45 degree angle
- Center of field
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are able
to throw to a
moving target
Learning Task
3 mins
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill
Students will be in the
same formation. I will
once again use a middle X X
group to demonstrate the
new route. For this task X
we will learn the “Fly”
route. Cues will be…
- Run Straight
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are able
to throw to a
moving target
Adding a
7 mins
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill
In each group of three
now there will be a
snapper/receiver, QB
and a defender. The QB
and snapper will decide
which route to run and
then execute that play. I
will quickly go over
man coverage. The cue
will be
I will use a
recording sheet
to indicate
whether the
students are able
to throw to a
moving target
(1 min)
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill
I will have the students
return the equipment to
where they got it from and
then have a seat so that they
can listen to my conclusion
I will ask the students to
go over the cues and
what made them
successful and what
caused them problems
while throwing to a
moving target
Classroom Management Plan - (include here or attach plan you will use with all
1. When the whistle blows students
1. Students first receive a verbal
are quiet and ready to listen.
warning to stop behavior.
2. Students are respectfully towards
2. Students receive a second verbal
each other and teachers.
warning. This time they are
3. Students practice safety
informed that if the action
4. Students give their best effort
continues they will lose daily
5. Students are ready for class
3. Student is told that they have lost
their points for the day.
Procedures / Routines
Area Addressed
1. Students enter the locker room
1. Entering the gymnasium
and change
2. When students enter the gym they
2. Warm-up for the days activities.
sit in their squads.
3. Students do warm-up routine in
their squads
3. Ending the class period
4. Students end the class period by
reviewing the cues for the day.
4. Exiting the gymnasium.
5.students are dismissed to the
locker room by teacher.
6. After changing they sit by their
locker and wait for dismissal bell.
5. Class room dismissal
Lesson Plan
Name: Pete Townsend
_4_of __5_
Date: 9/14/2010
Activity: Fitness
Grade Level: 6 Grade
Lesson #:
Important Entry Considerations:
The class consists of a larger amount of girls than boys. The differences in the gender
should not cause me to make any significant changes to my lesson. This will be the
classes first time in the fitness room. I expect that when I first enter the room the
students will be very curious. Due to this I will allow students a minute to look around
and take everything in. After they have had this minute I will begin my lesson. By doing
this I should be able to better keep their attention.
Learning Objectives/ Standards/ Assessment:
The students will be able to identify which area of health-related fitness a physical fitness
activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked.
State Learning Standard: Goal _20_ standard_A_ Benchmark Level _3b__ - Identify and
participate in activities associated with the components of health-related fitness.
(Psychomotor & Cognitive)
Assessment: I will have students fill out fitness sheets. They will have to match their
activity to the fitness component it works on.
Equipment/Materials: (Distribution and Collection)
Class room set of Pencils, Fitness sheets
I will have several piles of the fitness sheets on the counter so that students can pick up
the sheets themselves. The pencils will also be on the counter in my pencil holder so that
students will be able to get them their selves. My collection process will be much the
same. I will instruct students to put their worksheets in one pile on the counter as they
exit the room and put their pencil back in my pencil holder.
Safety Plan:
The safety plan for this lesson is to go over each machine with the students. I will
take the students through an orientation of the fitness room before they begin to use the
equipment. For each machine I will go over the safety instruction so the students know
how to properly use the equipment
Contingency Plans (if needed):
This lesson is going to be taught in the fitness room. Since it is not outdoors there is no
need to have a contingency plan.
Motivational Strategies:
The motivational strategy for this lesson will be a very simple one. I will just tell the
students what the plan for the day is. They have been looking forward to using the fitness
room since the beginning of the year. Since they are finally getting the opportunity to do
so they should be very motivated from the very beginning.
Instructional Sequence
Activity/Time Instruction
(direction, cues, safety
Warm Ups (3 The students will enter
the gym and go directly
to their squads. Once
the students are sitting
quietly in their squads I
will take attendance.
After attendance is done
I will lead the students
in warm-up stretches
(1 min)
(2 min)
X = Students
T = Teacher
Students will walk to the
fitness room.
Students will gather
near the entrance of
the fitness room.
During this team I
will describe to them
the plan for the days
lesson which will be
to go over an
orientation of the
fitness room and
then briefly use the
room. I will also
introduce the
components of
health related
(Obj- assessed)
Task 1
12 mins
Learning Task
----------------Using the
fitness room
10 mins
During this time the
students will follow me
around the fitness room.
I will go through each
machine and go over the
safety for each of them.
I will also demonstrate
to the students how to
use the different
machines. This may
take a large amount of
time, but it is necessary
for the students to
understand how to
safely use the machines
before they begin. I will
also ask the students
which component of
health each machine
works on. The
components are…
- Flexibility
- Body composition
- Muscular Strength
- Muscular Endurance
- Cardiovascular
I will use
checks for
as I move from
machine to
The students should stay in a
close enough to the teacher
so that they will be able to
see and hear my
demonstrations as I move
through the fitness room.
Students will have ten
minutes to begin to use
the different machines in
the fitness room. I will
require for them to pick
up a fitness sheet and
record what they did
during these ten
minutes. They will also
have to match up there
activities to a health
related component. I
will require students to
do at least two different
I will have the
students fill out
their fitness
Students should be scattered
throughout the room using
the different equipment as
the teacher circulates
X= Students
T = Teacher
(1 min)
I will review the fitness
components with the
students and see if they
have an understanding
of what each component
I will have the students turn
in their equipment as they
exit the fitness room.
Classroom Management Plan
1. When the whistle blows students
1. Students first receive a verbal
are quiet and ready to listen.
warning to stop behavior.
2. Students are respectfully towards
2. Students receive a second verbal
each other and teachers.
warning. This time they are
3. Students practice safety
informed that if the action
4. Students give their best effort
continues they will lose daily
5. Students are ready for class
3. Student is told that they have lost
their points for the day.
Procedures / Routines
Area Addressed
1. Students enter the locker room
1. Entering the gymnasium
and change
2. When students enter the gym they
2. Warm-up for the days activities.
sit in their squads.
3. Students do warm-up routine in
their squads
3. Ending the class period
4. Students end the class period by
reviewing the cues for the day.
4. Exiting the gymnasium.
5.students are dismissed to the
locker room by teacher.
5. Class room dismissal
6. After changing they sit by their
locker and wait for dismissal bell.
Lesson Plan
Name: Pete Townsend
Lesson #: _5_of __5_
Date: 9/14/2010
Activity: Flag Football
Grade Level: 6 Grade
Important Entry Considerations:
The class consists of a larger amount of girls than boys. The differences in the gender
should not cause me to make any significant changes to my lesson. There are not many
prerequisite skills that are needed for this lesson as it is an early lesson in teaching flag
football. As with any new skill it requires some hand eye coordination and the
willingness to repeat the same activity in order to be successful. The issue that I will run
into is a varied degree of skill in throwing the football. As in normal in middle school I
have a wide variety of different developmental levels. Also there are several students
who have already have played football in youth leagues, while I have other students who
have no experience with football. I would expect the students who have played football
in organize leagues to be more skilled in football.
There are no students within this class that require special needs. I will however have
different types of equipment that will allow low skill students to still be successful. The
changes I will make are to use several different types of balls to throw and catch. I will
get some that are softer and easier to squeeze when catching. I will also get some
footballs that are smaller so that they will be easier for students to catch. I believe by
making these modifications most of the students will be successful.
Learning Objectives/ Standards/ Assessment:
Students will demonstrate their ability to throw to a moving target running a variety of
football routes 4 out 5 times.
State Learning Standard: Goal _19_ standard_A_ Benchmark Level _3a__ Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences in locomotor,
non-locomotor and manipulative motor patterns.
Assessment: I will use a formative assessment over the skills we have learned the past 4
Safety plans: I will go through this checklist each day before I begin my lesson. Not all
parts of the checklist will apply for every lesson.
Safety Checklist for Flag Football
Safety Check Conducted Daily
Footballs – Pumped-up,
Sufficient Grip, Laces in
proper shape
Flags – not ripped, clip in
good shape, two flags for
each belt
Weather – Forecast checked,
check for bad weather in
Field – Field dry, clearly
marked, area free of debris,
survey field for holes
Practice – Adequate space
for all players, warm-up
appropriate for activity,
stretch to loosen muscles,
safe clothing and footwear
Practice – adequate space
between players, safe
distance for strokes,
appropriate warm-up, players
in appropriate & safe
clothing and footwear (incl.
shoes tied)
Games – match players by
ability, keep number of
students on field appropriate,
appropriate fitness level
Safety Warnings –
- Make sure receiver is
ready for ball
- using equipment for its
intended purpose only
- Run ball back to QB
- No contact
Posted in clearly visible
Legible & clear
Appropriate for activities &
Equipment/Materials: (Distribution and Collection)
10 real Footballs, 10 soft footballs, 10 small footballs, 10 cones, Set of flags, Formative
assessment, set of class room pencils
I will have two students pass out the formative assessment at the beginning of class.
After students are done with the formative assessment they will bring it up to the front of
the class and go sit back in their squad.
I will have the students help me carry the equipment outside. Once we are outside the
equipment will be set in the front of the class. I will divide the footballs into three piles.
A pile for real footballs, soft footballs and small footballs. After I get the students paired
up and put in the correct formations I will have groups discuss which type of football
they want to use. After they select which type one partner will walk over to where the
footballs are and get the football and return to their original spot.
At the end of the activity I will ask the student with the football to walk it over and place
it in the pile that they got it from. After all the footballs have been returned I will ask for
the students to come and sit down so that we can move on to our final activity.
Contingency Plans (if needed):
This lesson is that can easily be adapted to a gymnasium. I see no reason why I could just
not simply just have students complete all the activities indoors instead of outdoors. Due
to this fact I do not feel like I will need a contingency plan.
Motivational Strategies:
This will be the first time we use the flags so I think that will motivate the students. It
will also be the last lesson before I get the students into their teams. By making sure the
students recognize this they should be motivated to work hard for this lesson.
Instructional Sequence
Activity/Time Instruction
(direction, cues, safety
Warm Ups (3 The students will enter
the gym and go directly
to their squads. Once
the students are sitting
quietly in their squads I
will take attendance.
After attendance is done
I will lead the students
in warm-up stretches
(12 minutes)
X = Students
T = Teacher
I will have two students
help me pass out my
formative assessment. I
will go over my
expectations such as no
eye wandering and for
the students to be quiet.
X = Students
T = Teacher
(2 min)
(1 min)
Task 1
(5 minutes)
Flag TagEveryone it
(6 mins)
Students will walk
outside to the designated
learning area for the day
This is when I will
mention my
motivational strategy of
telling students that a
defender might be added
today. I will also
introduce the cues
necessary for pulling an
opponents flag
- Don’t slap
- Set down right away
Students will play a flag
pulling game I call the
gauntlet. Students will
be in groups of four.
Each group will be
between two marked
lines on the football that
are 5 yards apart. 3
members of the group
will have the goal of
pulling the other
members flag. The one
member trying to avoid
getting their flag pulled
will have to get through
all three other group
I will be using a
teamwork rubric
to see if the
three students
trying to pull
the flags work
X= Students
T = Teacher
Students will be allowed to
Get a new football at any
time during the drill.
Students will all have
flags on and be scattered
throughout an area
designated by four
cones. The point of the
game is pull everyone
else’s flags while not
having yours pulled.
(1 min)
X= Students
T = Teacher
I will have the students
return the equipment to
where they got it from and
then have a seat so that they
can listen to my conclusion
I will ask the students to
go over the cues and
what made them
successful and what
caused them problems
while trying to pull their
opponents flags.
Classroom Management Plan
1. When the whistle blows students
1. Students first receive a verbal
are quiet and ready to listen.
warning to stop behavior.
2. Students are respectfully towards
2. Students receive a second verbal
each other and teachers.
warning. This time they are
3. Students practice safety
informed that if the action
4. Students give their best effort
continues they will lose daily
5. Students are ready for class
3. Student is told that they have lost
their points for the day.
Procedures / Routines
Area Addressed
1. Students enter the locker room
1. Entering the gymnasium
and change
2. When students enter the gym they
2. Warm-up for the days activities.
sit in their squads.
3. Students do warm-up routine in
their squads
3. Ending the class period
4. Students end the class period by
reviewing the cues for the day.
4. Exiting the gymnasium.
5.students are dismissed to the
locker room by teacher.
5. Class room dismissal
6. After changing they sit by their
locker and wait for dismissal bell.
Task 6.1 Objective 1 The Students will be able to show proper form when throwing a football to a stationary target approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 times. Objective 2 The students will be able to show proper form and successful snap a football to a partner in shotgun formation with the partner approximately 3 yards away 4/5 times Pre-­‐Assessment Pre-­‐Assessment 6/31 or 19% 0/ 31 or 0% Exceeded Exceeded 7/31 or 23% Met 3/31 or 9.6 % 18/31 or Met 58%Show 28/ 31 or 90.3% Significant Showed Weakness Significant Weakness Post-­‐Assessment Post-­‐Assessment 20/31 or 64% 10/31 or 32% Exceeded Exceeded 7/31 or 23% Met 12/31 or 39% 4/31 or 13% Met Showed 9/31 or 29% Significant Showed Weakness Significant Weakness Exceeded = Exceeded = complete throw Completed the with perfect form snap with perfect and accuracy 5/5 form and times accuracy 5/5 Met = Complete times throw with Met = perfect form and Completed the accuracy 4/5 snap with perfect times form and Significant accuracy 4/5 Objective 3 The student will be able to throw to a moving target successfully 4/5 when the target is running an out, in, slant, or hook approximately 7 yards away. Objective 4 The students will be able to identify which area of health-­‐
related fitness a physical fitness activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked. Objective 5 The students will work together as a team to create a team name, chant and plays to be used during gameplay. Pre-­‐Assessment 5/31 or 16 % Exceeded 5/31 or 16% Met 21/31 or 68% Showed Significant Weakness Pre-­‐Assessment 0/31 or 0% Exceeded 0/31 or 0% Met 31/31 or 100% Showed Significant Weakness Pre-­‐Assessment 2/ 31 or 6% Exceeded 9/ 31 or 29% Met 20/31 or 65% Showed Significant Weakness Post-­‐Assessment 18/31 or 58 % Exceeded 8/31 or 26% Met 5/31 or 16% Showed Significant Weakness Post-­‐Assessment 5/31 or 16% Exceeded 9/31 or 29 % Met 17/31 or 55% Showed Significant Weakness Post-­‐Assessment 15/31 or 48% Exceeded 9/31 or 29% Met 7/31 or 23% Showed Significant Weakness Exceeded = Accurately threw to a moving target 5/5 times. Met = Accurately threw to a moving target 4/5 times Significant weakness = Accurately threw Exceeded = Was able to identify which fitness component they were working on every time. Met = Was able to identify which fitness component they were working on Exceeded = Students showed the ability to work as a team all the team. Met = Student showed the ability to work as a team most of the time Significant weakness = Completed throw with perfect form and accuracy less than 4 times. times Significant weakness = Completed the snap with perfect form and accuracy less than 4 times to a moving target less than 4 times. most of the time Significant weakness = Was not able to identify which fitness component they were working on. weakness = Student rarely showed the ability to work as a team 1 Task 7.1 The unit that I taught to students was a flag football and fitness unit. While planning for this unit there were a few student characteristics that I had to consider. The first of which was the differing levels of skill that my students had. It was very apparent that some of the students had played football before and were high skilled, while I had other students who had very little background in football. I did my best to design lessons that would allow for intra-­‐task variation so that I could accommodate and challenge all of the students regardless of skill level. The other student characteristic that played a role was the number of girls compared to boys. There were 20 girls in this class compared to 12 boys. While designing learning tasks I wanted to be sure to make sure that the lessons were appropriate for boy males and females. One item I was really concerned was what would happen if the boys started to take over most of my learning tasks. I know often times in P.E boys can take over and somewhat intimidate the girls. If this were to have happened I would have had nearly 2/3 of my class not participating, which is why I was aware of this during my planning time. While designing the flag football content for my unit I tried to focus on what skills were absolutely necessary to play a game of flag football. I was very limited on time so I knew I would not be able to cover quite as much as I wanted, but I still needed to cover the major aspects of flag football. I decided throwing, catching, snapping, route running, and defense were the skills the students would need in order to play any small sided, modified or basic flag football games. I made sure that those skills would be covered before we began any type of real or modified game play. For my fitness portion I looked at the schools P.E curriculum to decide upon my content. Within their curriculum one of their goals is to have the students be able to identify the fitness components. Within my unit I attempted to introduce these 5 components and get the students thinking about the different ways that they can work on them. I was able to come up with 5 different general objectives. My five objects were 2 -­‐
The Students will be able to show proper form when throwing a football to a stationary target approximately 10 yards apart 4/5 times. -­‐
The students will be able to show proper form and successful snap a football to a partner in shotgun formation with the partner approximately 3 yards away 4/5 times -­‐
The student will be able to throw to a moving target successfully 4/5 when the target is running an out, in, slant, or hook approximately 7 yards away. -­‐
The students will be able to identify which area of health-­‐related fitness a physical fitness activity that they are participating in focuses on when asked. -­‐
The students will work together as a team to create a team name, chant and plays to be used during gameplay. I decided upon these different objectives, because if I could get the students to accomplish the different objectives they would be able to affectively play a game of flag football or be able to accomplish the goal that was set in the P.E curriculum. While planning out my unit there were also several Illinois Learning Standard Benchmarks that I had to accomplish according to the school’s curriculum. The ILS benchmarks I had to accomplish from the curriculum were… -­‐
19.A.3a – Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences of locomotor, non-­‐locomotor and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games and sports. -­‐
20.A.3b – Identify and participate in activities associated with the components of health-­‐related fitness. I used ILS benchmark 19.A.3A for objectives for objective 1,2 and 3. ILS benchmark 20.1.3b was used for objective 4. There was one objective that I was not required to do, but I thought 3 would be important to include. This objective was 21.B.3 – Work cooperatively with others to accomplish a set goal in both competitive and non-­‐competitive situations (e.g., baseball, choreographing a dance). I used this ILS for objective 5 which was focused on teamwork. Throughout my unit the students had different challenges and successes that they experienced. I was able to use these different challenges and successes to work on several of my teaching skills. The first challenge that my students faced was a behavioral challenge. This was partially my fault at the beginning of the school year. My expectations of the students were not high enough; one specific example was the way in which I delivered my instruction. I would begin my instruction before I had all of my students’ attention. Obviously this was a situation that had to be adjusted. I was able to quickly change the way I managed the class. The change I made was to require all the students to be sitting and looking forward quietly. The cue I would use for this was mouth off, ears open and we can begin. At first students did not respond right away, but when they saw I really was not going to start till they were attentive my lessons began to run much smoother. Another challenge that my students faced was with my snapping lesson. Students had a very challenging time mastering this skill. This allowed me to really use the teaching skill of reflection. I used the skill of reflection to change the way that I would teach the lessons and changes I would make in my teachings in general. I decided that I would utilize some of my high skill students and match them with some of the lower skill students. By doing this I could make sure that even I was not able to give all my students as much attention as I would like they were still getting help from a peer that had already mastered the skill. During my unit the students also were successful in some different items. The first of which were my two throwing lessons. I had many students who were very 4 successful in this skill. Due to this I was able to use both intra-­‐task variation and teach-­‐by-­‐
invitation. I was able to advance students by moving them back to a further distance. Eventually I also told students if they felt comfortable they would be allowed to move back. Both of these worked well with the students. Another item I felt my students were very successful with was staying on task when we utilized the fitness room. I was pleasantly surprised by the way they behaved in the room. With all of the equipment in the room it quickly becomes crowded and I thought that this might be an issue, however the students made the best of it and they all stayed on task. We did not make use of the fitness room until later in the unit and the students had not only become aware of my expectations but I had learned to enforce my expectations. Throughout my student teaching experience at the middle school level that I observed that will help me become a better teacher. The first of which is the difference the one year can make in a student. While at the middle school I taught only sixth and seventh graders, yet I was amazed at the different approaches I had to take with each grade. With the sixth graders I was able to be kind of silly with my instruction and they really enjoyed it and it help motivate them. With seventh graders I had to take an entirely different approach. The style that worked best with them was more of a laid back approach. I knew going in there would be a difference in both their physical and mental developmental level, but I never expected it to be as great as it was. This experience help me see how I need to take different approaches with different classes in order to keep them motivated. An item about student learning that I am taking away from this is the different ways in which students learn. I saw how I could communicate to one student and they would understand the concept, but when I told the same thing to another 5 student they would not understand. I needed to change the way I communicate to a student based on their needs so that they could be successful. I think this is a big item that I will take away from the middle school. Being able to change my instruction to make sure that all of my students are successful during my tasks will help me in the future become a much better teacher. Task 7.2 During the student teaching experience an item that I struggled with at the beginning was some of my classroom management skills. It was not until week four of teaching that I really began to turn a corner and everything began to run much smoother. During week four I finally started to develop my own style and was able to utilize to help with classroom management and behavior. While developing my style of teaching I found that what worked for me was to a bit of a “goof” with the students. I was able to develop a classroom where the students knew when we needed to be serious, but also knew that I would try to be high energy in order to make sure they were having a good time during tasks. I would make my expectations clear to the students and they responded by mostly following my expectations. When students did not follow my expectations I made sure to pull them aside. I would ask them if they understood why I was talking to them. If they said they knew I would ask them to tell me so we could be clear, if they did not I would tell them so that they knew what they did and so they could stop the action. I also saw just how easy it is to tell when a student is off-­‐task during instruction. It was not uncommon for me to observe students talking or poking someone next to them. When I saw this I would simply ask the student to repeat what I had just said and more time than not they would not be able to. I would than tell the class that it is 6 very easy for me to identify the students off-­‐task and this would typically keep the students attentive for the rest of class. The biggest thing I learned for classroom routines was repetition. In the beginning of the school year we drilled the students with entering the locker room, changing, and sitting in their squads. When students would start to slip with the class room routines we would work on them again. This was something the students did not like to do, so after drilling them a few times they would make sure everyone got it right. As far as student behavior I learned that most of the time students want to do things right and behave. In P.E I saw that most of my behavior problems came from students being overly competitive to the point that they would cause themselves problems. Even if we were playing a game without a scoreboard I had some students that had such a high desire to win I would have to sit them out for a period of time due to them misbehaving. I also found that if you can build a relationship with a student they often times will behave better for you, and the times they misbehave they understand you are not punishing them because you do not like them, but because they did something wrong and consequences were necessary. I was able to discover some of my greatest strengths and weaknesses during my time at my secondary placement. I think my greatest strength is my ability to build relationships with students. I would make sure to ask them about their weekends, family vacations, brothers and sisters, birthdays, etc…, students were able to see that I was making a real effort to get to know them. I quickly picked up on all of their names, which help as I could call them all by their first name while talking to them. By building these relationships it helped with classroom management and behavior. Another strength of mine was developing lessons that kept all of my students active. Luckily I had large spaces for my units where I could really spread them 7 out, which helped. For my flag football unit it was not uncommon for me to have an entire 100 yard football field to teach my class on. One specific example that comes to mind was my throwing units. I was able to really spread the class out and keep them all busy. I also picked up on some of weaknesses that need to be improved. The first of which is my organization, with grading health papers, quizzes and keeping track of daily points there were times that I found myself completely unorganized. I would have to take extra time, lay everything out and place everything in its correct pile. This would take time away from me that I could have used to plan lessons or work on other items. Another weakness that I need to continue to work on is looking at some of the small details of my lessons. There were times that I overlooked small items that would affect my lesson. The best example of this would be me ignoring the sun’s position. There were several times I set up a task that had students looking back and into the sun. This makes it very difficult on the students to be successful and is something that I need to work on improving. During the work sample I really saw the commitment it takes to be an effective teacher. I had always known teaching was a lot of work, but I saw it first hand during my experience. I think it may have been part of the reason why it was not until about week four that things started to run much smoother for me. As I taught lessons I was always adjusting minor things that I could do whether it was how I instructed or how I ran a drill to better my lesson. An effective teacher is always reflecting and changing lessons to make them better. The effective teacher is also using their assessments not only to assess their students, but always to assess themselves. By looking at and analyzing assessments an effective teacher can see if their instruction is reaching the students or if they need to change their instruction in order to make sure their students are successful. This is something I did after I gave my students a quiz and it helped me better instruct my students. Overall during my experience so far I have 8 become much more committed to being an effective teacher. I have seen the dedication it takes and I have reaffirmed to myself that this is the profession that I want to be in. As I continue to move forward in my experience I hope to learn more about becoming an effective and utilize my teaching skills to be as effective as possible. Task 7.3 As I continue teaching and becoming a better teacher I am going to have to be able utilize my strengths in order to maximize the positive impact I will have on my student’s learning. The first of which is my ability to build relationships with the students. By building relationships with my students it will allow to have better classroom management, which will allow me to create an atmosphere that is conducive to student learning. This will be really important if I do not have proper classroom management I would expect it to be very difficult for my students to achieve to their highest level and learn to their capability. My other strength that I identified was my ability to design lessons that keep all of my students active and on task. This will greatly benefit my future student’s learning. Obviously the repetition a student gets the more likely they are to master a skill. It is my duty as a teacher to give my students the best chance to learn and be successful and I feel one of the best ways to do that is through my lesson design and allowing for maximum participation. Earlier in this process I identified two areas that I must continue to improve for me to become a better teacher. These two areas were my organization and attention to small details. My organization is an item that I think I need to not only give myself the proper tools, but also take the time to use those tools. I find that I need to take just that little bit of extra time and it really helps, unfortunately during my student teaching experience I have been in such a hurry to accomplish things that the time it takes to stay organized has been pushed aside. This is something that needs to change and hopefully will as I continue my teaching process. My other weakness that I identified was my attention to the smaller 9 details. I do have a plan that will help me cope with this. I think utilizing checklists will help greatly. Just like I created a safety checklist for my football unit, I could create a checklist of details. By doing this I will be able to quickly go through a set of details that I may overlook on a normal basis. By doing this I will be giving my students the greatest opportunity to succeed in my lessons. There are many plans I have for my future as I teacher. I have already given much thought to how I can continue to improve my skills and develop professionally. It is fair to say that in any profession things are always changing and if you do not keep up with them you will fall behind. In order to keep up with the times in P.E it is essential that you visit workshops, conferences and join professional organizations such as I.A.H.P.E.R.D. If I am able to do this three things I should be able to keep up with the current trends and practices in Physical Education. I am always trying to do my absolute best in order to bring my students the absolute best lessons and I know these conferences and workshops will present new ideas that I will be able to incorporate into my future classroom. I also plan to converse with fellow P.E teachers. Through my block teaching, student teaching, and helping in my local school district I have made many great contacts. I have worked with some great P.E teachers who have years upon years of more experience than I do. By being able to reference with these teachers I know it will help me develop professional and also give me insight on how I can best present lessons to positively impact students learning. Bettering yourself as a teacher is a process that never ends and I look forward to the challenges I will face in my future career as I know they will only improve my ability to teach the subject of Physical Education to all of my future students. 