I. Title page

I. Title page
Secondary pollutant formation in the Lake Tahoe Basin
Subtheme this proposal is
responding to
Principal Investigator and
Receiving Institution
3a: Secondary pollutant formation and the impact of TMDL-related
primary and secondary atmospheric pollutants
Barbara Zielinska
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512
Phone: 775-674-7066
Fax: 775-674-7060
Email: Barbara.Zielinska@dri.edu
Alan Gertler
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512
Phone: 775-674-7061
Fax: 775-674-7060
Email: Alan.Gertler@dri.edu
Andrzej Bytnerowicz
US Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Riverside,
CA 92507
Phone: 951-680-1562
Fax: 951-680-1501
Email: abytnerowicz@fs.fed.us
Wendy Goliff
CE-CERT, University of California, Riverside
1084 Columbia Ave, Riverside, CA 92507
Phone: 951-781-5665
Fax: 951-781-5790
Email: wendyg@cert.ucr.edu
Chad Praul
Environmental Incentives
3351 Lake Tahoe Blvd, Ste 2, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Phone: (530) 541-2980
Email: cpraul@enviroincentives.com
Joel Burley
Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, California
Phone: 925-631-4839 Fax: 925-376-4027
Email: jburley@stmarys-ca.edu
Shane Romsos
128 Market Street/Stateline, NV
Phone: (775) 588-4547
Email: sromsos@trpa.org
Charles Whitaker
Desert Research Institute
Phone: 440 279-4167, Fax: 775 674-7016
Email: charlesw@dri.edu
$ 432,984
$ 108,248
Co-Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator
Co-Principal Investigator
Other Collaborators
Agency Collaborator
Grants Contact Person
Funding requested:
Total cost share (value of
financial and in-kind
II. Proposal Narrative
a. Project abstract. The proposed study will characterize the precursors and pathways of secondary
pollutant formation, including ozone (O3), secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and ammonium nitrate
(NH4NO3) in the Lake Tahoe Basin. We will select a network of four strategic sampling sites inside the
Basin to collect samples for detailed speciation of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and carbonyl
compounds and measure concentrations of NH3, HONO, HNO3, SO2 and fine particulate NH4NO3 and
(NH4)2SO4 with a resolution of several hours. We will also collect PM2.5 filter samples and continuously
measure PM, O3 and NO/NO2 concentrations. These data will be used for development of an air quality
model to predict ozone and other secondary pollutants formation in the Basin. The expected results from
this proposed study will provide tools for evaluation of the present and future potential of O3, SOA and
NH4NO3 formation as well as for interfacing with basin managers to support the development of sciencebased management strategies aimed at improving air quality and ecological sustainability of the Lake
Tahoe Basin. In particular, the results of this study will be used to inform stakeholders which emissions
should be more strictly regulated in order to attain air quality standards and reduce Total Maximum Daily
Load (TMDL) pollutants delivered via the atmospheric deposition source category.
b. Justification statement. Secondary pollutants are formed by chemical reactions in the atmosphere from
precursors that are directly emitted from sources. Thus, the development of effective control strategies
require detailed knowledge of the nature of the precursors, their sources and the processes that lead to
their formation. Ozone is one of the most important secondary criteria pollutants, which concentrations
currently exceed air quality standards in the Lake Tahoe Basin. PM2.5, another criteria pollutant, is
composed mostly of secondary pollutants including ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and secondary
organic aerosol (SOA).
The previous studies (Bytnerowicz et al., 2004; Dolislager et al., 2009a; Gertler et al., 2006) have
shown that local generation of O3 and other pollutants in the Basin are likely to be more important than
the long-range transport when it comes to exceedances of the state and national O3 standards and elevated
levels of other pollutants within the Basin. However, until recently very little was known about the
Basin’s spatial and temporal distribution of O3 and other secondary pollutant’s precursors such as
nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia (NH3), and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Such information that
is urgently needed for evaluating a potential for secondary pollutants photochemical generation in the
Basin and developing recommendations for the air pollution control strategies, was completely lacking for
VOCs, important precursors for O3 and SOA.
We are presently conducting a study in the Lake Tahoe Basin (Bytnerowicz et al., 2010) that
intends to supply more information regarding spatial distribution of O3 and its precursors. This study
utilized a passive monitoring network of 34 sites inside and outside of the Basin. On a subset of 10
monitoring sites (mega sites), we also measured real-time O3 concentrations. The field part of this study
was completed at the end of September 2010 and we are presently analyzing passive VOC, NOx, NH3
and nitric acid (HNO3) samplers and compiling continuous ozone data. The preliminary data shown for
10 mega sites during the July 14-29 period of the 2010 campaign indicate that among VOC,
concentrations of biogenic species (isoprene, 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol and a-pinene) are dominant (Figure
1). The highest concentration of all measured inorganic N gases (Figure 2) was determined at the nearlake Valhalla site located close to a very busy Highway 89. The lowest value of total inorganic N gases
was at the remote Watson Creek site. Among the studied N species, NH3 and NO dominated at the lowelevation sites near the Lake (Blackwood Canyon, Genoa 7000, Sugar Pine Point, Thunderbird and
Valhalla), and the proportion of NO2 and nitric acid (HNO3) was lower (an indication of direct effects of
the fuel combustion emissions). The diurnal O3 concentrations (Figure 3) show strong diurnal pattern (i.e.
max concentrations during the day hours, 0900 to 1700 hr with min at night and early morning ) for 5 of
the 10 sites (Valhalla, Watson Creek, Sugar Pine, Blackwood Canyon, Genoa 7000 feet), nearly flat
concentrations over the whole 24 hrs for 3 remote sites (Genoa 9000 feet, Upper Incline and Angora
Lookout) and intermediate diurnal patters for the remaining 2 sites (Genoa 8000 feet and Thunderbird).
This may indicate a strong influence of nighttime O3 titration by fresh NO auto emissions at the 5 sites
with large diurnal variations and enhanced regional O3 transport to the 3 high elevation “flat ozone” sites.
However, most of the 34 sites at the present study were intentionally selected to be situated away from
any urban centers to characterize regional O3 and its precursor distribution. In addition, the present study
will not supply the information regarding temporal variability of O3 precursors, as only two-week
integrated passive samples were collected. Also, only selected, limited subset of VOC was monitored,
due to the inherent limitation of the passive VOC method.
This proposed study intends to address these gaps in the current understanding of the chemical
environment of the Lake Tahoe Basin. We will build on the results of our current studies (Bytnerowicz et
al., 2010) to select the network of four strategic sampling sites inside the Lake Tahoe Basin to collect
samples for detailed speciation of VOC and carbonyl compounds (important O3 and SOA precursors) and
monitor O3, NOx, NH3, ammonium nitrate and sulfate (NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4), and HNO3
concentrations with enhanced temporal resolution. We will also collect PM2.5 filter samples and monitor
total PM2.5 mass continuousl . These data will be used for the implementation of an air quality model to
predict ozone and other secondary pollutants formation in the Basin. The expected results from this
proposed study will greatly enhance the results obtained in our current study and provide tools for
evaluation of the present and future potential of O3, SOA, NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 formation as well as
for developing science-based management strategies aimed at improving air quality and ecological
sustainability of the Lake Tahoe Basin. In particular, the results of this study will inform basin managers
which precursor emissions should be more stringently regulated in order to attain and maintain
Environmental Threshold Carrying Capacities (i.e. TRPA Threshold Standards) and to develop
appropriate and effective control strategies which can reduce TMDL-related pollutant loads.
c. Concise background and problem statement.
Ozone: O3 is a secondary criteria pollutant that is not directly emitted from sources, but formed
by chemical reactions in the atmosphere. In order to control O3 levels in the Lake Tahoe Basin, it is
necessary to understand the underlying chemistry of O3 formation. The factors to consider are nitrogen
oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). NO reacts with O3 to produce more
NO2 in a process that is only limited by the availability of O3. During the daylight hours NO2
decomposes photochemically to reproduce NO. The ratio between NO and NO2 is governed by the
photolytic rate J{NO2}. The photolysis of NO2 leads to the formation of O3. Since O3 is removed by the
reaction with NO and is produced via the photochemical reaction, it seems that the net production of O3
would be NO2 limited. However, through a series of reactions involving NO, VOCs, and the hydroxyl
radical (OH), additional NO2 is formed, which can subsequently photolyze to generate O3 via a chain
reaction mechanism. This chain reaction is eventually terminated by a process that yields nitric acid
(HNO3). Thus, the chemical processes involving NOx and VOCs leading to O3 formation in the Lake
Tahoe Basin also result in the formation of HNO3, an important contributor to the overall deposition of N
and NH4NO3 formation.
Different types of hydrocarbons react at different rates and with a variety of oxidants based on
their structure and composition. Each VOC species has its own unique reaction rate in the atmosphere.
Some VOCs have an atmospheric lifetime of a few days (e.g., benzene), and contribute little to O3
formation on a local scale. Others, such as isoprene, have a lifetime of a few hours, and can lead to
significant O3 formation on a local scale. The mechanism of degradation for each VOC is also important.
VOCs such as benzaldehyde (formed from the degradation of toluene) consume radical species in the
atmosphere, thereby reducing O3 formation. Conversely, VOCs such as formaldehyde and glyoxal form
large numbers of radicals during their degradation in the atmosphere, increasing the rate of O3 formation.
For these reasons, it is important for O3 modeling to have as much information regarding the composition
of VOCs in the atmosphere as possible.
Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA). Organic carbon constitutes a large portion of PM2.5 in the
basin (Engelbrecht et al., 2009) which is an important contributor to visibility degradation. Organic
aerosols are complex mixtures of directly emitted or primary organic aerosol (POA) and secondary
organic aerosols (SOA) derived from chemical reactions and gas-to-particle conversion of VOC emitted
by both anthropogenic and natural sources. Recent field studies indicate that SOA is significantly more
abundant than state-of-the-art SOA models predict (de Gouw et al., 2005; Heald et al., 2005; Johnson et
al., 2006). Hence, the atmospheric relevance and contributions of the different SOA formation pathways
and associated chemical reactions mechanisms still remain to be clarified (Fuzzi et al., 2005). Oxidation
of biogenic emissions is believed to the dominant source of SOA globally, mostly by ozonolysis of
terpenes (Jenkin, 2005). However, Volkamer et al. (2006) showed that in the real urban atmosphere
reactive anthropogenic VOCs produce significant amounts of SOA.
The contribution of biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons to SOA in the Lake Tahoe Basin is
presently unknown. Although we measured selected VOC with passive samplers during our summer
2010 field study at the 34 sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin (Bytnerowicz et al., 2010), the measurements
were averaged over 2-week periods and the list of compounds was limited. For modeling SOA and ozone
concentrations the more complete VOC species list and much better time resolution is needed.
Ammonium nitrate and sulfate. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] are rather
minor constituents of PM2.5 in the Lake Tahoe Basin (Engelbrecht et al., 2009). However, due to the
importance of nitrogen deposition to the Lake and potential artifact connected with filter nitrate
measurements, we propose to monitor precursors of NH4NO3 including ammonia, NOx and HNO3.
Because passive samplers offer only a possibility of longer-term measurements (weeks), we propose to
use a combination of NO/NOx UV absorption monitors (2B Technologies, Boulder CO) and honeycomb
denuder & filter pack systems (Koutrakis et al., 1994). We will be able to measure concentrations of NO,
NO2, NH3, HONO, HNO3, SO2 and fine particulate NH4, NO3 and SO4 with a resolution of several hours.
Atmospheric Air Quality Model. In order to provide meteorological input to the photochemical
model, we will simulate selected cases with monitoring data collected during the field campaign portion
of this project using an appropriate meteorological model such as Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) (Grell et al.,
1994) or the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) (Michalakes et al., 2001). Both models
listed output on a 3D grid includes air temperature, humidity, wind components, and turbulence kinetic
energy, with multiple-nest capabilities, nonhydrostatic dynamics, 4-D data assimilation capability, a
number of physics options, and portability to a wide range of computer platforms.
Atmospheric flows in the Lake Tahoe Basin are fairly complex due to developed topography and
interactions of the regional and local flows that significantly influence fate of air pollutants in the basin.
A lack of dense meteorological measurements at the surface and aloft represents an additional challenge
in understanding details of the atmospheric flows and stability in the basin. Consequently, only complex
meteorological models such as MM5 or WRF can provide sufficient information as input to the
photochemical model. Due to complexity of the terrain, we will simulate case studies with sufficient
horizontal (1 km) and vertical resolution (15-20 points) in the planetary boundary layer. Prior to any
analysis, model results will be evaluated using available meteorological data in the basin and vicinity.
Model outputs will be stored in hourly intervals and processed as inputs to the CAMx photochemical
The Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) modeling system was
developed by the ENVIRON International Corporation and is based on the Urban Airshed Model in order
to address needs mandated by the Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990 (Byun and Schere, 2006). CAMx
is an Eulerian grid photochemical model that treats multiple pollutants at multiple atmospheric levels
using a “one-atmosphere” multiscale approach. It provides a fully modular framework linked with
emissions estimation and prognostic meteorological models. Its multi-scale capability is supported with a
generalized coordinate system consistent with many meteorological models and enables users to apply
nesting to investigate local and regional air pollution phenomena. The multi-pollutant approach of CAMx
makes it suitable for applications of trapospheric ozone formation, particulate matter, acid deposition, and
toxics through use of gaseous and aqueous chemistry and modal aerosol dynamics. CAMx allows users
to choose from different chemical mechanisms including CB-IV (Gery et al., 1989), CB05 (Yarwood et
al., 2005), and SAPRC99 (Carter, 2000). Each of these mechanisms is supported with additional aerosol
and toxic chemistry. For emissions input, we will use the emissions inventory database developed by
Gertler et al. (2008) which is the most up-to-date emissions database of its kind.
d. Goals, objectives, and hypotheses to be tested
Main Goals:
1. Identify the precursors and pathways leading to the formation of secondary pollutants, including
ozone, NH4NO3, (NH4)2SO4 and SOA
2. To employ the air quality model CAMx to predict the formation of O3, SOA, (NH4)2SO4 and
NH4NO3. Model output will be compared to observations made during the field campaign
portion of this project to assess the model’s capabilities and potential biases.
3. Provide information for important policy decisions designed to reduce air and water impacts of
atmospheric pollutants.
Specific Objectives:
1. Based on the results of the 2010 summer study (Bytnerowicz et al., 2010) select up to four sites in
the Lake Tahoe Basin for the 5-days (including weekdays and weekend) intensive air quality
2. Conduct the air quality measurements in the Lake Tahoe Basin to quantify VOC, carbonyl
compounds, NH3, HNO3, particulate NH4, NO3 & SO4, and PM2.5 with sub-daily resolution
3. Determine real-time concentrations of O3 and NO/NO2 in these sites with portable absorption
4. Employ the air quality model CAMx to predict O3 for the Lake Tahoe Basin.
5. Employ the air quality model CAMx to predict SOA, (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3 for the Lake
Tahoe Basin.
6. Communicate the results of this study to the managers and the public
Hypotheses to be tested:
1. The majority of precursors for O3 formation come from in-basin sources.
2. The majority of precursors for SOA formation come from in-basin sources.
3. Out-of-basin contribution to observed O3 and SOA levels is limited.
4. To control O3 formation, one needs to develop policies to limit NOx emissions.
5. Reduction on O3 levels will reduce the amount of SOA.
e. Approach, methodology and location of research
This study is planned for two years. The first year (2011/2012) will be devoted to field
measurements and chemical analyses and the second year (2012/2013) to data processing, models
development/validation and writing reports and scientific papers.
Monitoring network: Based on the preliminary results of our current Lake Tahoe Basin study (see Figures
1, 2 and 3) we will establish four sampling sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Two of these sites will be
situated at high elevation on the west and east sites of the Basin (for example Genoa 9000 feet, top of the
Heavenly transect at about 10000 ft, top of the Homewood ski resort) and two will be at the Lake level,
close to the major population activities (for example Valhalla and Sugar Pine State Park, South Lake
Tahoe Airport, Thunderbird or Cave Rock sites). The final decision as to the appropriate selection of the
sampling sites will be made after discussion with the project managers, taking into account the sampling
logistics. We will conduct 5-days (including weekdays and weekend) intensive air quality study with
canisters and DNPH cartridges for VOC collection and NH3, HONO, HNO3, SO2, particulate NH4, NO3
and SO4, NOx, O3 and PM2.5 monitoring. We will collect three samples per day: one at the morning
during max ozone concentration changes (0600 to 0900), one at the max ozone concentrations (1000 to
1700) and one overnight (1800-0500). Ozone and NO/NO2 will be monitored continuously and we will
also use DustTrak (TSI Incorporated) for continuous PM monitors in some sites in addition to filter PM
sampling. We will select a period in July or August, based on the forecast of sunny and warm conditions
that are conducive to O3 and SOA formation.
VOC measurements: Hydrocarbons in the C2 to C12 range will be collected using 6 L passivated
stainless steel SUMMA canisters and analyzed according to the EPA Method TO-15 using a Varian 3800
gas chromatograph interfaced to a Varian Saturn 2000 ion trap mass spectrometer (MS) and flame
ionization detector (FID). Approximately 80 anthropogenic and biogenic species will be measured
(Zielinska et al., 2001, 2003; Fujita et al., 2003). Carbonyl compounds will be collected using Sep-Pak
cartridges which have been impregnated with an acidified 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) reagent
(Waters, Inc), according to the EPA Method TO-11A. The cartridges will be analyzed with a Waters 2690
high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) equipped with a photodiode array detector for separation
and quantification of the hydrazones (Zielinska et al., 2001, 2003; Fujita et al., 2003).
PM2.5 measurements. PM2.5 will be collected using medium volume 2-channel filter samplers (113 Lpm
sampling rate) with 47-mm Teflon (for PM2.5 mass) and quartz filters for organic and elemental carbon
(OC/EC) and ions measurements (Chow et al., 1993). In addition, battery operated DustTrak (TSI) will be
used at some sites for continuous PM measurements.
Ozone measurements: The real-time O3 concentrations will be obtained with portable UV absorption 2B
Technologies monitors (Bognar and Birks, 1996).
N inorganic gases measurements: A compact 12V NO monitor (2B Technologies) with NO2 converter
(Model 401) will be used for two sites with limited power and the other two sites will be using standard
chemiluminescence Monitor Labs instruments. Honeycomb denuder/filter pack systems will be used for
collection of NH3, HONO, HNO3 SO2, and particulate NH4, NO3, and SO4. Acidic gases (HONO, HNO3
and SO2) are collected on a honeycomb denuder coated with carbonate, glycerin and methanol solution;
NH3 on citric acid, glycerin and methanol solution, and fine (<2.5 µm) particulate NH4, NO3 and SO4 on a
filter pack consisting of Teflon nylon and citric acid collated glass filters. Coarse particles (>2.5 µm
diameter) are removed on an impaction plate. These systems are connected to steady flow pumps moving
air through the assembly at 10 l/min (Koutrakis et al., 1993).
Model Development: Use MM5 or WRF meteorological output as input into CAMx for the Lake Tahoe
Basin. Also, obtain emissions inventories for necessary model input. Data obtained from the field
campaign will be used for both initial conditions and test model output.
f. Relationship of the research to previous and current relevant research, monitoring, and/or
environmental improvement efforts
The proposed research is a logical continuation of the previous efforts focusing on understanding air
quality and its effects on the human health-based national and state air pollution standards, and also on
potential ecological impacts of air pollution and atmospheric deposition in the Lake Tahoe Basin
(Bytnerowicz et al., 2010, 2004; Dolislager et al. 2009a, b; Gertler et al, 2006; Koracin et al., 2004;
Tarney et al, 2001a, b; 2005).
This research will be conducted by a team consisting of researchers and air quality specialists of the
Desert Research Institute, US Forest Service, University of California, Riverside, Environmental
Incentives, LLC, and St. Mary’s College of California. Most of these team members are involved in the
current Lake Tahoe study (Bytnerowicz at al., 2010). A key aspect of this work will be interfacing with
basin managers to communicate the findings in order to aid with the development of strategies to reduce
the levels of pollutants leading to reduced air quality (i.e., O3), visibility (i.e., SOA) and water quality
(i.e., nitrogen deposition).
g. Strategy for engaging with managers and obtaining permits
This research team will engage a core group of stakeholders to provide early scope and product
input, and review draft research products. During the course of the project stakeholders will receive
interim updates that are targeted to their needs and will help them understand the research process. One
particularly relevant product of the research will be a management-oriented summary of findings that will
consider how available data and products should influence future decisions on how to meet
Environmental Threshold Carrying Capacities (e.g. Visibility) and other resource management issues
such as TMDL load reductions for the atmospheric deposition source category. After results are quality
assured, they will be submitted to relevant journals for peer review and publication.
Engagement Strategy
Convene key manager/user stakeholder group
Meeting 1: understand project objectives and provide management
Meeting 2: discuss interim results and necessary adjustments
Meeting 3: review draft results and products
Provide interim updates to stakeholder group via email or phone call
Develop management-oriented Summary of Findings Memo
Present results at relevant local venue open to all managers and the public
project initiation
project conclusion
project conclusion
project conclusion
h. Description of deliverables/products and plan for how data and products will be reviewed and made
available to end users
The proposed study will produce:
1. Final Report - including the following information::
detailed information on approximately 80 VOC concentrations, including biogenic and
anthropogenic ozone, NH4NO3 and SOA precursors in four sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin
with a few hour resolution over a five days period (weekend and weekdays)
detailed information on carbonyl compound concentrations, which have not been measured
in the Tahoe Basin before and are important precursors of ozone and SOA formation
detailed information on NOx, HNO3, NH3 and other secondary pollutant precursors
2. Air Quality Model that predicts ozone, SOA and other secondary pollutants formation in the
3. Progress Reports - delivered quarterly and yearly including all information specified in the
request for proposals
4. At least 2 research papers to be published in high quality peer-reviewed journal
5. Summary of Findings – a brief memo oriented toward resource managers who will be able to use
the information to make better informed decisions about topics relating to secondary air quality
pollutants. Potential topics that may be related include attainment of standards for criteria air
pollutants, deposition of TMDL pollutant species to Lake Tahoe and acceptable levels of
emission sources. The format of the memo will focus on bulleted information and functional data
graphics presented in just a few pages of the most relevant results.
Plan for how data and products will be reviewed and made available to end users: Data and knowledge
developed with these funds will be reviewed and transferred to several types of end users through targeted
methods. Technical users such as future researchers will have access to quality assured data in useable
formats such as Microsoft Excel tables or CSV files. Resource managers will be able to provide input
through in-person meetings and enhance their knowledge through reading a summary of findings and
attending presentations by the team. All users including the public will have access to final products
through postings on relevant websites such as TIIMS.ORG. Specifically:
Review Strategy
Stakeholder group review through in-person presentations and written
comment on draft products
Develop management-oriented summary of findings for long-term
Post final products to TIIMS.ORG and other relevant websites as
recommended by the stakeholder group; postings will include quality
assured datasets in a form that can be used for future analysis
Present results at relevant local venue open to all managers, executives
and public
Submittal of at least 2 papers to peer-reviewed journal
final months
project conclusion
project conclusion
project conclusion
III. Schedule of major milestones/deliverables
Start Date
End Date
Meeting with the program
managers and other
Preparation for field study
June 2011
June 2011
Initial meeting to discuss project objectives and
technical approach
Field study
07-08/ 2011
07-08/ 2011
Sample analysis
Aug 2011
Nov 2011
Assemble and validate all
field data
Model development
Dec 2011
Feb 2012
Feb 2012
June 2012
Run and validate model
Prepare progress reports
June 2012
Nov 2012
Jan 2013
Annual accomplishment
Prepare draft final report
Aug 2012
Sept 2012
Jan 2013
March 2013
Prepare final report
May 2013
June 2013
Prepare and submit peerreviewed papers
June 2013
Dec 2013
Sites selection, sampling media preparation,
logistic coordination
Conduct 5 days field study in 4 sites, collect time
integrated samples and continuous data
Analyze collected canister, DNPH cartridges,
filters, denuders and filter’s packs
Validate all data and deliver them for model
development and validation
Develop models for ozone, SOA and NH4NO3
Run models for various scenarios
Submit brief progress report to Tahoe Science
Program coordinator by the 1st of July, October,
January, and April.
Prepare annual summary of accomplishments in
Prepare and submit draft final report for agency
Prepare final report responding to agency’s
Prepare and submit minimum 2 peer-reviewed
IV. Literature cited/References
Bytnerowicz, A., Fenn, M., Gertler, A, Preisler, H. and Zielinska, B., 2010. Distribution of ozone, ozone
precursors and gaseous components of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Lake Tahoe Basin,
Proposal submitted to U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research
Station, funded by Tahoe SNPLMA Science Program, contract No P063
Bytnerowicz, A., Arbaugh, M, and Padgett, P., 2004. Evaluation of ozone and HNO3 vapor distribution
and ozone effects on conifer forests in the Lake Tahoe Basin and eastern Sierra Nevada. Final Report
to California Air Resources Board, Contract No. 01-334, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest
Research Station.
Byun, D. and Schere, K.L., 2006. Review of the Governing Equations, Computational Algorithms, and
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Carter, W.P.L., 2000. Implementation of the SAPRC-99 Chemical Mechanism into the Models-3
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thermal/optical reflectance carbon analysis system: description, evaluation and applications in U.S.
air quality studies. Atmos. Environ., 27A, 1185-1202.
Dolislager, L. J., VanCuren, R., Pederson, J. R., Lashgari, A., McCauley, E. 2009a. An assessment of
ozone concentrations within and near the Lake Tahoe Air Basin. Atmospheric Environment
Dolislager, L. J., VanCuren, R., Pederson, J. R., Lashgari, A., McCauley, E. 2009b. A summary of the
Lake Tahoe Atmospheric Deposition Study (LTADS). Atmospheric Environment
de Gouw, J. A.; Middlebrook, A. M.; Warneke, C.; Goldan, P. D.; Kuster, W. C.; Roberts, J. M.;
Fehsenfeld, F. C.; Worsnop, D. R.; Canagaratna, M. R.; Pszenny, A. A. P.; Keene, W. C.;
Marchewka, M.; Bertman, S. B.; Bates, T. S. 2005. Budget of organic carbon in a polluted
atmosphere: Results from the New England air quality study in 2002, J. Geophys. Res. 110,
D16305.Heald et al., 2005
Engelbrecht J., A Gertler and T. VanCuren ,2009. Lake Tahoe Source Attribution Study (LTSAS):
Receptor Modeling Study to Determine the Sources of Observed Ambient Particulate Matter in the
Lake Tahoe Basin, Final Report to USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station,
September 2009
EPA Method TO-11A: Determination of formaldehyde in ambient air using adsorbent cartridge followed
by high performance liquid chromatography; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Cincinnati,
EPA Method TO-15: Determination of volatile organic compounds in air collected in specially-prepared
canisters and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency: Cincinnati, 1999.
Fujita, E. M., D. E. Campbell, B. Zielinska, J. C. Sagebiel, J. L. Bowen, W. S. Goliff, W. R. Stockwell,
and D. R. Lawson , 2003. Diurnal and Weekday Variations in the Source Contributions of Ozone
Precursors in California’s South Coast Air Basin, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 53, 844-863.
Fuzzi S., M.O. Andreae, B.J. Hubert, M. Kulmala, T.C. Bond, M. Boy, S.J. Doherty, A. Gunther, M.
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V. Figures
Sampling Period July 14-29
Figure 1. Passive VOC concentrations (selected biogenic and anthropogenic species) measured over 2week period at 10 sites; bud13=1,3-butadiene; i-prene=isoprene; n_hex=n-hexane; benze=benzene;
cyhexa=cyclohexane; MBO=2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol; tolue=toluene; n_oct=n-octane; etbz=ethylbenzene;
mp_xyl=m&p-xylene; styr=styrene; n_non=n-nonane; a_pinen=alpha-pinene; n_dec=n-decane;
Inorganic gaseous N apportionment, July 14-29, 2010
N (mg m )
Figure 2. Inorganic gaseous nitrogen species measured over 2-weeks with passive methods
Sampling Period July 14-29, 2010
Genoa 7000
Genoa 8000
Genoa 9000
Sugar Pine
Upper Incline
Watson Creek
Figure 3. Diurnal ozone concentrations averaged over 2-week period measured with continuous ozone
monitors at the 10 sites