IT420: Database Management and Organization 12 Week Review 5 April 2006


IT420: Database Management and


12 Week Review

5 April 2006

Adina Cr ăiniceanu


12 Week Exam


 SQL Views

 SQL Triggers

 SQL Stored Procedures


 Database Administrator tasks

 Manage database structure

 Concurrency control

Kroenke, Database Processing 2

SQL Views

 SQL view is a virtual table that is constructed from other tables or views

 It has no data of its own, but obtains data from tables or other views

 It only has a definition

 SELECT statements are used to define views

 A view definition may not include an ORDER BY clause

 Views can be used as regular tables in SELECT statements

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 CREATE VIEW command:

CREATE VIEW CustomerNameView





 To see the view use:


FROM CustomerNameView

ORDER BY CustomerName;

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Uses for SQL Views

 Security: hide columns and rows

 Display results of computations

 Hide complicated SQL syntax

 Provide a level of isolation between actual data and the user’s view of data

 three-tier architecture

 Assign different processing permissions to different views on same table

 Assign different triggers to different views on same table

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Updateable Views

 Views based on a single table

 No computed columns

 All non-null columns present in view

 Views with INSTEAD OF triggers defined on them

 Views based on a single table, primary key in view, some non-null columns missing from view

 Updates for non-computed columns ok

 Deletes ok

 Inserts not ok

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 Trigger: stored program that is executed by the DBMS whenever a specified event occurs

 Associated with a table or view

 Three trigger types: BEFORE, INSTEAD

OF , and AFTER

 Each type can be declared for INSERT,


 Resulting in a total of nine trigger types

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Create trigger

 CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name

ON table_or_view_name



AS trigger_code

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Stored Procedures

 A stored procedure is a program that is stored within the database and is compiled when used

 In Oracle, it can be written in PL/SQL or Java

 In SQL Server, it can be written in TRANSACT-SQL

 Stored procedures can receive input parameters and they can return results

 Stored procedures can be called from:

 Programs written in standard languages, e.g., Java, C#

 Scripting languages, e.g., JavaScript, VBScript

 SQL command prompt, e.g., SQL*Plus, Query Analyzer

Kroenke, Database Processing 9

Stored Procedure Advantages

 Greater security as store procedures are always stored on the database server

 SQL can be optimized by the DBMS compiler

 Code sharing resulting in:

 Less work

 Standardized processing

 Specialization among developers

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Create And Execute Stored



AS proc_code

 exec proc_name [@param1 = ]value1, …

Kroenke, Database Processing 11

DBA Tasks

 Managing database structure

 Controlling concurrent processing

 Managing processing rights and responsibilities

 Developing database security

 Providing for database recovery

 Managing the DBMS

 Maintaining the data repository

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Managing Database Structure

 Participate in database and application development

 Assist in requirements stage and data model creation

 Play an active role in database design and creation

 Facilitate changes to database structure

 Seek community-wide solutions

 Assess impact on all users

 Provide configuration control forum

 Be prepared for problems after changes are made

 Maintain documentation

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Concurrency Control

 Concurrency control: ensure that one user’s work does not inappropriately influence another user’s work

 No single concurrency control technique is ideal for all circumstances

 Trade-offs need to be made between level of protection and throughput

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Atomic Transactions

 A transaction , or logical unit of work (LUW) , is a series of actions taken against the database that occurs as an atomic unit

 Either all actions in a transaction occur - COMMIT

 Or none of them do - ABORT

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Concurrent Transaction

 Concurrent transactions: transactions that appear to users as they are being processed at the same time

 In reality, CPU can execute only one instruction at a time

 Transactions are interleaved

 Concurrency problems

 Lost updates

 Inconsistent reads

Kroenke, Database Processing 16

Lost Update Problem

 T1: R(item) W(item) Commit

 T2: R(item) W(item) Commit

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Inconsistent-Read Problem

 Dirty reads – read uncommitted data

 T1: R(A), W(A),

 T2:

R(B), W(B), Abort

R(A), W(A), Commit

 Unrepeatable reads

 T1: R(A),

 T2:

R(A), W(A), Commit

R(A), W(A), Commit

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Serializable Transactions

 Serializable transactions:

 Run concurrently

 Results like when they run separately

 Strict two-phase locking – locking technique to achieve serializability

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 Deadlock : two transactions are each waiting on a resource that the other transaction holds

 Preventing deadlock

 Allow users to issue all lock requests at one time

 Require all application programs to lock resources in the same order

 Breaking deadlock

 Almost every DBMS has algorithms for detecting deadlock

 When deadlock occurs, DBMS aborts one of the transactions and rollbacks partially completed work

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Optimistic versus Pessimistic


 Optimistic locking assumes that no transaction conflict will occur:

 DBMS processes a transaction; checks whether conflict occurred:

 If not, the transaction is finished

 If yes, the transaction is repeated until there is no conflict

 Pessimistic locking assumes that conflict will occur:

 Locks are issued before a transaction is processed, and then the locks are released

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Declaring Lock Characteristics

 Most application programs do not explicitly declare locks due to its complication

 Mark transaction boundaries and declare locking behavior they want the DBMS to use

 Transaction boundary markers: BEGIN, COMMIT, and


 Advantage

 If the locking behavior needs to be changed, only the lock declaration need be changed, not the application program

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ACID Transactions

 Transaction properties:

 A tomic - all or nothing

 C onsistent

 I solated

 D urable – changes made by commited transactions are permanent

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 Consistency means either statement level or transaction level consistency

 Statement level consistency : each statement independently processes rows consistently

 Transaction level consistency : all rows impacted by either of the SQL statements are protected from changes during the entire transaction

 With transaction level consistency, a transaction may not see its own changes

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Inconsistent-Read Problem

Dirty reads – read uncommitted data

 T1: R(A), W(A),

 T2: R(A), W(A), Commit

R(B), W(B), Abort

Unrepeatable reads

 T1: R(A),

 T2: R(A), W(A), Commit

R(A), W(A), Commit

Phantom reads

 Re-read data and find new rows

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Transaction Isolation Level

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