STLF Report to CWSEI and Mathematics Department

STLF Report to CWSEI and Mathematics Department
STLF: Sandra Merchant
Period: 12/03/10 – 31/03/10
Submitted: 01/04/10
Specific activities performed by STLF
1) Professional development
• Attended the weekly Reading Group discussions (Mar. 15 , Mar. 22 and Mar. 29)
• Attended Richard Shavelson's talk on assessing science learning in higher education (Mar. 25)
• Attended the weekly STLF meeting (Mar. 25)
• Observed an “example class” - BIOL112 (unicellular life) that has been radically transformed.
Notes were taken for discussion in the STLF group, but overall I was amazed at the level of
class participation, particularly the level of discussion and debate between classmates about
course material.
2) MATH SEI general meetings/activity
• Met the Math-CWSEI group to discuss future work (Mar. 12)
• Attended a Math Dept. seminar on the online math homework system “WeBWorK,”
presented by Djun Kim (Mar. 12)
3) Course-specific meetings/activities
Tracking Proof Skills Project (MATH 220-Mathematical Proof and subsequent courses)
1. Met with Carl Wieman (Mar. 17) to discuss general approaches for this project, as well as
strategies for faculty interviews and developing an assessment tool. Following this meeting, I
identified a number of things to do in the near future (1) read the relevant literature on teaching
and learning in order to start thinking about an effective assessment tool, (2) in addition to
M220 instructors, identify and interview instructors of follow-on courses (courses for which
M220 is a pre-requisite) for input into M220 learning goals and (3) find out the history of
M220 and how it fits into the Math curriculum.
2. Read and summarized chapters 1-3 of “How People Learn.” I found the chapter on experts vs.
novices to be particularly relevant to the learning and teaching of proof skills. Specifically, it
seems likely to me that metacognitive abilities (the ability to monitor and adapt one's own
learning or problem solving process) plays a large role in understanding and constructing
mathematical proofs, so this may be a fruitful direction to study.
3. Met with undergraduate chair Rajiv Gupta (Mar. 25) to learn about the history and role of
M220 in the curriculum, as well as to find out what kind of data is available relating to this
course. I learned a number of things that require future action:
• M220 plays a central role in the curriculum - it is a required course for nearly all
non-honours Math programs, it is a pre-requisite for most 3rd-level Math
courses (honours students use the alternative MATH 226 pre-requisite). In
addition, students cannot be promoted to 3rd year status without completion of
M220. Failure rates in M220 are very high, roughly 2-fold that of other standard
2nd year math courses. A comparison is shown in the following table
Aggregate Final Grades for Winter Terms (04W-09W)
# stud.
A (%)
B (%)
C (%)
D (%)
F (%)
MATH 220
MATH 200
Calculus III
MATH 215
Elemen. Diff.
Eqns. I
MATH 221
Matrix Algebra
In 2003 the course title and calendar description for M220 were changed. Greg
Martin was instrumental in this change, as well as an instructor of M220 several
times, and so should be interviewed soon.
Data on students' progress through their programs is available and in a format
that can allow for identifying past and future cohorts of students to be studied. I
have obtained some of this data, as well as a list of instructors of M220 for the
past 8 years.
4. Met with Greg Martin (Mar. 30) to discuss both the changes made to the course in 2003 and to
solicit his opinions about desired learning goals for the course (as both an instructor of M220
and of follow-on courses). In summary, prior to 2003 this course was primarily introductory
analysis (and was titled “Analysis”) but in the few years prior had gradually shifted more and
more focus to proof since this was not taught elsewhere. In 2003, the course title was changed
to “Mathematical Proof” to reflect this, and also much of the analysis content was removed to
allow for more focus specifically on proof skills. Some analysis content remains though, both
because it is not taught elsewhere (ex. infinite series) and to allow a basis on which to do
proofs. Dr. Martin also had many suggestions for potential learning goals, especially with
regard to what instructors of follow-on courses would like students to be able to do with regard
to mathematical proofs.
5. Developed a chart of course dependencies, to aid myself and others in understanding the role
of MATH 220 in the Mathematics curriculum (see attached). This will also aid in targeting
faculty and student interviews, as well as identifying cohorts of students for later assessment.
6. Collected various resources required for the development of an assessment tool: final exams
for 2008WT2, 2009S, various literature on assessment of proof skills, course outlines and
textbooks, and final grades for M220 and related courses (pre-requisites and follow-on courses)
for the past 5 years.
Current Project Status (material was prepared by either STLF or other members of the MATH
SEI group)
MATH 220:
Learning Goals: Faculty interviews are in progress to compile suggestions for course-level learning
Assessments: None yet. A literature review of proof skills and assessments has been started to aid in
the development of assessment tools.
New Methods/Materials: A chart of course dependencies relating to MATH 220 is complete.
Plan for immediate future work
MATH 220:
1. Continue literature search and reading on proof skills and assessment of proof skills.
2. Continue faculty interviews with past instructors of M220.
3. Determine the most common first follow-on courses for M220 students, from the data obtained
from Rajiv Gupta and course dependencies.
4. Identify and interview faculty who have taught these most common follow-on courses, for
input into course-level learning goals (what skills do follow-on course instructors want
students to have?).