2D Nanocarbons: Attraction, Reality & Future M A MCATM SEMINAR

Monash Centre for
Atomically Thin Materials
2D Nanocarbons: Attraction, Reality & Future
Professor Zhongfan Liu
Director, Beijing Science & Engineering Center for Nanocarbons
Director, Center for Nanochemistry
Peking University, China
Abstract: Carbon element has a great number of allotropes including 3D diamond and
graphite, 2D graphene, 1D nanotubes, 0D fullerenes and more recently, graphyne, a
new 2D carbon allotrope family formed by sp and sp2 hybridization carbon atoms.
Theoretical calculations further indicate that there may exist a penta-graphene, formed
by a huge number of carbon pentagons in 2D instead of the hexagon structure of
graphene. Systematic studies have been done on the chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
of high quality graphene on various solid substrates ranging from metals (Cu, Ni, Cu-Ni
alloy, Pt, Ru, Rh, Ir, Pd), groups IV-VI early transition metal carbides, to dielectric substrates (h-BN, STO, glass, NaCl).
This seminar will discuss the CVD process engineering by highlighting the catalyst
design, super graphene glass and scalable production techniques of graphene and
various applications as well as the Glaser-Hay coupling synthesis of graphdiyne
nanowalls on Cu foils and foams.
About the Speaker: Professor Zhongfan Liu is currently a Fellow of Royal Society of
Chemistry (UK, 2014) and a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences for the
advancement of science in developing countries, 2015. He was selected as one of six
outstanding scientists by the National Ten-thousand Talent Program in 2013 and
member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2011. Liu has published over 430
peer reviewed journal articles and 26 authorized Chinese patents.
Monday 8 February 2016, 3:00 – 4:00PM
Theatre S14, Building 29, 11 Rainforest Walk
Monash University, Clayton
Info: Tich-Lam.Nguyen@monash.edu