Supporting Federally Funded Research Requirements with DSpace and SWORD 10

Supporting Federally Funded
Research Requirements with
DSpace and SWORD
10th International Conference on Open Repositories
Hui Zhang, Michael Boock
Oregon State University
Project Background
ScholarsArchive@OSU institutional
 OSU OA Policy
 Article deposit form
 PMC deposit use case
Why provide federal agency article
deposit services?
Grow the IR with more faculty research
 Meet agency requirements and OSU OA
policy terms
 Single deposit
 Tracking
Self-deposit in DSpace
DSpace can serve as a SWORD server
SWORD client library in PHP
◦ swordapp-php
◦ A toolkit to create SWORD deposit web
◦ Use swordapp-php library
◦ Open source
Requirements analysis
User authentication
 Fill article metadata from external
sources if exists
 Support Federal funding agency article
deposit requirements
 Add option to request a waiver for
Oregon State University OA mandate
User Authentication
Client side
◦ Depositor is required to enter his/her unique
ONID (OSU network ID)
◦ Verify with OSU directory and find depositor
name and email
DSpace side
◦ Add a customized authentication routine to
verify depositor’s ONID is in the user group
that authorized to ingest
Form Implementation
Auto-fill article metadata if it exists
◦ Query CrossRef API using DOI entered by
Support federal funding agency article
deposit requirements
◦ A form page allows depositor to enter PI, coPIs, and grant IDs
Request a waiver for OSU OA mandate
◦ Automatically granted, waiver send to
depositor’s email associated with ONID
Self-deposit Workflow
Files submitted to the Open Access
Article collection in Dspace
 A receipt sent to depositor with email
associated with ONID
 Curator of the collection sees submission
on his/her tasks queue
 Curator enhances the metadata and
approves the submission to go “live”
 Depositor notified by email
PubMed Central and PAGES Article
Deposit Processes
 Check PMC to see if article is already
available with a PMCID.
◦ If Yes, note the PMCID and proceed to
deposit article to ScholarsArchive@OSU.
◦ If No, we check to see if publisher deposits
article on author’s behalf.
◦ If No, deposit to PMC using NIHMS, and to
our IR
80 NIH funded articles deposited to both
PMC and ScholarsArchive@OSU
 18 Department of Energy funded articles
 Additional federal agency public access
policy implementation scheduled for Fall
2015 or January 2016.
Deposit to Other Agencies
OSTP memo: “Increasing Access to the
Results of Federally Funded Scientific
 Implementation plans:
 Using existing repositories like PMC and
Getting appropriate version of articles
 Getting all tables and figures
 Getting articles
Future Form Development
Ingest metadata from external sources
into the repository
 Harvest and auto-fill funding information
from FundRef/CrossRef
 Integrate the deposit process with other
federal repositories such as PubMed