WVDE School Improvement Model Implementation Chart School Name and Tier


WVDE School Improvement Model Implementation Chart

School Name and Tier

Date Initiated Follow-up Dates Follow-up Dates Follow-up Dates Completion Date Indicator

Governance and Identification

 SEA Lead Partner (for State takeover counties)

District Governance

Identification of a LEA school support team

 WVDE Liaison –meet with principal and staff to discuss WVDE school improvement and the components of the SIG program

Protocols and Expectations

SSOS diagnostic visit-High Yield Practices


Hire Transformation specialist or school improvement specialist

Identification of school improvement team

Revise school strategic plan (monitor progress monthly)

Professional development plan-delivered, implemented and monitored for implementation of strategies

External supporting partner from approved list

(if applicable)

Progress Determinants-as determined by the diagnostic visit

Cultural survey/topology

Organization climate descriptor quotient

Principal leadership questionnaire

Organizational health inventory

Instructional practices inventory

School counseling audit

Technology integration assessment

Student achievement on WESTEST 2

Parent Appraisal


Data Collection

Walkthrough data

Assessment data-DP-21-document progress

DIBELS; Acuity; techSteps

Writing Road Map; WESTEST 2

ACT Explore; ACT Plan; ACT Composite

Essential Components/ Capacity Building

(established over a 2 year period)

Weekly (minimum) collaborative team meetings

Advisory council including community agencies


Regularly scheduled staff meetings

Individualized support structure for students

(Tiered instruction)

Family/community engagement

Extended day/year program

Critical skills 3 and 8 program

Transition plan for students

Early warning/whole child wellness system

 Student leadership component

Visits to partner high performing school

Faculty mentors for students

Human Resource Capacity Building

PD for school teams from consulting partner


Provide data for the site’s ongoing data profile

Monthly report to SSOS (SEA Liaison)

Annual review of the MOU and the SSOS

Implementation Model Chart with WVDE

 Annual presentation to SSOS

Describe what events have taken place;

Number of participants;

Accomplishments and challenges; and

Describe the impact of the WVDE SSOS

Date Initiated Follow-up Dates Follow-up Dates Follow-up Dates Completion Date


Evaluation and Consequences

 Summative test results

18-2E-5 possibilities

Restructure with an approved model

Date Initiated Follow-up Dates Follow-up Dates Follow-up Dates Completion Date

SIG program
