JUNE 14-15
June 14, 2012 – Principals meeting
Keith James
Fran Warsing
Jacob Green
Gary Wingrove
Marjorie Youngs
Row Harman
Judy Burkle
Mike Shaffer
Kari Rice
Shawn Rubenstein
Christopher Blake
Ernie Gooding
Lori Loomis
Greg Curry
Rhonda Mahan
Martinsburg Correctional
Anthony Correctional
St. Marys Correctional
Central Regional Jail
Pruntytown Correctional
Mt. Olive
Huttonsville Correctional
Lakin Correctional
Denmar Correctional
Fran welcomed everyone to the meeting. She announced our new office title which will
be the Office of Adult Institutional Education Programs. Our office location will be in the
same building but in Room 221. Letterhead will need to be replaced, new letterhead will
be sent. Keith will be working with both offices on CTE and will be doing NCCER
training. Mike will continue supervise the regional jails he was given, Jacob will
supervise the remaining jails.
Budgets – currently everyone will still be employed full time and part time. We will be
meeting with Chuck Heinlein soon to discuss budgets. We will keep you informed on
how this is progressing.
We do not know who will be doing the training for the new GED test, but that information
will be coming as soon as Fran has a meeting with Bob Hull and others on July 6.
Personnel Action Forms – Put grant number on form and effective dates (if don’t know
call Jacob). The line for justification must have something there. If not filled out
completely there will be delays.
Purchase orders – All purchase orders will come to our office first and then will be sent
down to Duane and Nicole. Send release orders to Rhonda also, everything will be sent
to us now. If you are having problems with bids we will work with you on them. Call us
anytime if you are having problems with any of these items and we will help you.
Certifications – The list has been checked and everyone has been notified if they had
individuals who need to renew. Each school was given a list of their employees who
need a renewal.
Every facility will need to have a new class, Aftercare. Enter people in this class in
AMEIS. Anybody who has taken or completed a CTE or ABE program will be entered
into this class and it must be a 3 hour class.
Release of Information form for this class was included in the packet. Use this form
exclusively for this class. This will become effective July 1.
ABE Updates – Mike Shaffer has checked staff development hours. A form was
distributed for individuals who have credit due. Check with individuals to make sure they
have submitted their assignment.
Since budgets will be a little tighter we would like for you to use the comparison chart on
the file cabinet when planning a trip. It will help you decide the most economical method
of travel. This will be a cost saving and will be beneficial.
Keith – CTE Conference is coming up soon. Mail hard copies of NCCER forms to Keith,
he will see that they are forwarded to correct individual.
Take time to go through your shops and check your safety procedures. Keith will be
doing a safety audit in each facility.
FInance – There is now a 13 page document that is to be sent with a bid or quote to the
vendor you are requesting the bid or quote. This doesn’t have to be signed unless you
are getting a quote from a contractor.
Statewide piggy back contract – look at purchasing page of contracts and look at piggy
back contract page for item you are trying to order.
FIMS access – when you receive a new password, log in to make sure it works.
Textbook contract - take quote, go to multiple list, use course number (WVEIS course
number), multiple list for that vendor, print off pages and attach to the PO. Only do the
release order for what is on the multiple list. Get quote from multiple list, if you want new
items you need to do 3 bids.
Testing materials – copyrighted test materials, treat it as a sole source, you must get an
original letter (sole publisher and provider).
Get bids or quotes, only the lowest has to be registered with the state. Must be signed
bid. Publisher can send out printed pages for their bid if signed.
P Card Implementation
Purchase order must be preceded by an approved purchase order
Receiving reports as required by policy
Make sure the vendor knows we are tax exempt
If for a service, you don’t need to do a receiving report
Sent reconciliation to Phil by the 10th day of month, to him by the 10 not put in the
mail on the 10th. Probably through email would be best.
Reconciliation of Pcard Purchases:
Phil Uy presented on Pcard reconciliation and the information that will need to be
entered. A power point document was provided to assist in this process.
June 15, 2012 – Principals meeting
Fran Warsing
Shawn Rubenstein
Margie Youngs
Row Harman
Judy Burkle
Jacob Green
Greg Curry
Keith James
Chris Blake
Ernie Gooding
Lori Loomis
Rhonda Mahan
Mike Shaffer
Kari Rice
Pruntytown Correctional
Martinsburg Correctional
Anthony Correctional
St Marys Correctional
Denmar Correctional
Mt. Olive Correctional
Huttonsville Correctional
Lakin Correctional
Central Regional Jail
Barry Kelly, Assistant Director – Provided information on the progress of the WIN
program. General discussion about collaboration between our offices and participation
at various conferences this summer and fall.
Kari – 99 Days – if you have a long waiting list you need to be testing more often.
Email Kari or Rhonda if you need books
Job Fairs – bring in as many people as you can from the outside. Doing mock job
interviews is very important, you don’t have to have a job fair, you can have your CTE
people to do mock interviews. This will help people that leave all during the year
instead of having a job fair once a year.
September Conference - Kelly still be working on the conference. Teacher of the Year
applications are due in a couple of weeks, both for CEA and for our office. Send the
CEA application to Mike Shaffer by July 15th for both.
If you have art materials for the conference, let Kellie know how many you will be
bringing. We will have easels there for presentation. If you have CTE items, choose
your best and send them.
ABE – Should get core items at the CTE conference so will not have to offer at our fall
Fran and Jacob will look at Policies and Procedures to see which ones can be taken out
and which can be revised and added. If you have any comments or suggestions let
them know.
Need someone to collect and put together our newsletter. We will send it for setup to
Mt. Olive to the printing class. Talk to your staff to see if someone would like to take
this over.
The next principals meeting will be held as part of the Staff Development Conference in