CUSP Business Meeting, October 18, 2013, Bellevue College Present in Attendance:

CUSP Business Meeting, October 18, 2013, Bellevue College
Present in Attendance: Sarah Gruhler, Clark, Samantha Lelo, Clark, Sheila Walton, Lake Washington, Jen Manley, Tacoma, Dani
Chang, Green River, Wayne Anthony, Edmonds, Roxana Ahmadifard, Lower Columbia, Cameron Cox, Pierce College- Fort
Steilacoom, Bruce Steele, Spokane, Sonja Morgan, Pierce College- Puyallup, Kris Baier, Whatcom, Dave Rector, South Puget
Sound, Juan Blanco, Skagit Valley, Connan Campbell, Spokane, Becky Riopel, Cascadia, Story Gilmore, Green River, Edward
Esparza, SBCTC, Donte Quinine, Wenatchee Valley, Laura Singletary, Whatcom, Chanell Sagon, Tacoma, Jonathan Brown,
Highline, Jose Chi, Seattle Central, Jessica Supinski, Renton Technical College, Megan Wiggins, Lower Columbia, Sean Cooke,
Pierce College-Puyallup, Faisal Jaswal, Bellevue
Call to Order at 9:01am
Welcome & Introductions by Jonathan Brown
Approval of the agenda & minutes: Change to agenda: Erin Blakeney provided WSSCC report on Thursday at the professional
development meeting, not presenting today. Following Business meeting, CUSP New Professionals opportunity. Addition of
CUSP Wenatchee Conference Fee to take action on.
Jonathan entertains a motion to approve the agenda with changes and minutes as read.
Motion to approve made by Sheila, Kris seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
A. State Board Report Edward Esparza: SBCTC report for fall 2013: Scott Copeland, Policy Associate, is working with the
Running Start Coordinators to be a part of the Dual Credit Committee to be inclusive of planning and policy
development to best serve students. Legislative News: Priority Registration for Veterans is in effect beginning Winter
2014; any veteran that enters the system will have priority registration including National Guard members. SBCTC
has developed coding for a person who has wrongfully convicted; estimated to affect 8-12 students per year
reported. Military call-up statute amended pertaining to rights for students; amendment allows individuals in college
to leave their classes without penalty and the ability to return and continue their courses within a 30 day window;
additional rights are extended for active duty and veterans who need medical assistance as a result of injury during
service. CTC Link: all data is being merged into a new system of management for the CTC system. Committees are
meeting. Transfer and Applied Baccalaureate Studies: Studies show that students that transfer do just as well as
those that start as a freshman. Applied Baccalaureate Programs are a growing trend in the Washington CTC system
viewed as providing access to education for students. Edward discussed the importance of BAS programs; the
Education Board has approached the SBCTC to provide applied baccalaureate degrees for teachers also to create a
springboard to provide teaching degrees at the community colleges.
1. Upcoming events: WRCBAA Fall Conference this weekend, leadership within the African American
Community. Bellevue assisted in forming a west coast chapter. Best Practices Exchange on October 29,
2013 to discuss practices that demonstrate student success from a quantitative perspective and data that
demonstrates its impact. The WA Faculty and Staff of Color Conference is Oct. 30-Nov 1, 2013 in Spokane,
WA. The first Annual State Bachelor of Applied Science Statewide Conference is Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013 at
South Seattle Community College. Edward will be participating in the Legislative Academy. In efforts to be
accessible to CUSP, Edward requested to be conscious of dates and planning to ensure SBCTC liaison
partnership and recommended Council liaisons to make this a priority agenda item to collaborate on
meeting date decision making.
B. WSSSC Report: Erin Blakeney, reported during Professional Development Day on Thursday, October 17, 2013
regarding updates on CTC Link, Athletics, LGBTQ Enrollment Demographics information.
C. President’s Report: Jonathan Brown
1. Jonathan explained the CUSP focus on the WACTSA statewide student association to gather and connect
the voice of students around legislative issues. CUSP Exec. team sponsored a summer CUSP/WACTSA
Leadership Summit in July 2013 at Clover Park Technical College to discuss different roles, connected with
SBCTC, presented on CUSP and opened connections between WACTSA Reps. WACTSA leadership has a full
student leadership team in the governance. WACTSA will present content at the Legislative Academy.
WACTSA has a constitution and bylaws available through Jonathan or the WACTSA Communications Liaison.
2. Contract Decisions: Discussion on whether to stay in Wenatchee for the Leadership Institute. Exec. Team
put together a Committee to review alternate locations. Propose finding a venue that finds something that
fits our needs-Wenatchee space is lacking in breakout conference spaces. Close to 400 attendees and space
capacity is of concern for future growth in the program and participants- prefer not to put a cap on
participants . CUSP presented awards at the Institute this year in 2013 in collaboration with the Planning
Committee who collected nominations and were determined by the Executive Team. Outstanding
Contributions Award was given to Claire Korschinowski, Sheila Walton for Excellence in Education and
Innovation. Would like to bring back the Lori Rhett award in future award ceremonies. Discussed Interest
in seeking options to alternates to Wenatchee. Was discussed to increase conference fee and not put a
hard cap on the conference as of now. We are in Wenatchee through 2016, and this research will continue
for the next 2 upcoming years to seek out new venues to bring CUSP options. CWU is not available during
our traditional Conference schedule time. Spokane, Tacoma are also ideas. Faisal volunteered to seek
options in the north. Jonathan asked any recommendations be sent to him.
3. Asked CUSP members to consider putting in workshop requests for the WSSCC Conference in April 2014.
Dani Chang mentioned more information regarding learning outcomes for the conference will be published
to ensure conscious and intentional matching of conference proposals to be as inclusive and comprehensive
for all attendees. Dani will send an email to CUSP to outreach, provide goals for proposals and conference
4. Itemized Budget Development: Will provide itemized budgets electronically to provide CUSP for all activities
and legislative programs that CUSP sponsors.
Treasurer’s Report: Jonathan Brown on behalf of Jennifer Rhodes
1. Provided fund balances that provides an overview of fees and balances. Final Institute balance budget
expenditure sheet is also provided.
2. Budget estimates for the Institute came in under budget and did well. Consider raising the fees for the
Institute to ensure that we can have the Institute budget to balance properly. Juan recommended sponsors
to be placed on the back of t-shirts on behalf of CUSP like SEI used to.
3. Annual quarterly meeting revenue and expenditures doing ok. Will be working to ensure that all have paid
for attendance and registration.
4. Legislative Academy: no revenue/expenditure reports yet. Registration due Friday, October 25, 2013. CUSP
members are requested to register for the legislative academy. Was recommended to alter the Google Doc
for registration to allow multiple registrations in one document.
5. Student Rally: no expenditure report: Reservation made for Rotunda. Look into payment being complete.
6. Voice Academy: Scheduled at Voice Academy. No expenditures/revenue at this time. May 9-10, 2014.
Secretary’s Report: Jen Manley
1. Announced to ensure students are aware of student list serve separate from the student programs staff list
serve to reduce mistaken requests for access.
New Business:
1. Legislative Academy: Deadline is Friday, October 25 to register. Kris will make changes to the forms. The
draft agenda is online in draft form on the CUSP website; Sean and Kris are still finalizing. A few changes to
the schedule: The Academy will begin Friday morning at the Red Lion Olympia; were not able to reserve the
Longhouse at TESC; breakout sessions also at the Red Lion. Block of hotel rooms at the Red Lion for
participants. Sean has been working with WACTSA to finalize the usage of their block of time at the
Academy; focus on White Paper topics. Kris provided an overview of the Legislative Academy and its
outcomes/benefits for students in how they communicate legislative topics to the state system. Kris
requests advisors talk with students in advance to best prepare them for the experience. Select the
WACTSA delegate in advance. Sean will provide advisors with tips on how to prepare. Current White paper
placed on the website for reference. New request on the registration form: will ask to indicate whether or
not they are a WACTSA Exec member or WACTSA delegate member as a reminder that we are looking to
have someone pre-designated for a voting Council seat in this process. Kris recommended adjusting the
timeline of the Academy to have additional planning time prior to the Institute.
2. Leadership Institute: Bruce Steele sharing opportunities and information. Bruce sought information and
feedback from the Council from last year’s Institute. Sarah gave an overview of how the format was
changed in this pilot year and structural changes for new members.
i. Feedback: Roxanna said cohort themed groups went well and student feedback great. Faisal
echoed format went well. Story supported the social networking aspect and is being utilized on
campus- good application. Juan discussed a workshop for programming with purpose is needed in
the outcomes and workshops to create a program on how to program with purpose. Laura
suggested speaking with students to identify learning outcomes. Donte recommended adding a
service learning component to the Institute and the community could benefit from our
participation. Donte volunteered to help facilitate future student projects. Cameron agreed
cohort themed groups went well- be sure to keep, but stay conscious of matching job or position
titles. Sarah suggested some possible self-selection with pre-selected category groups. Faisal
mentioned that the MC’s (Bruce and Jessica) were great! Juan added a suggestion for an
international student leader session.
Conference Theme: Bruce solicited ideas for possible conference themes. Juan proposed Catching
Fire: Ignite the Leader Within. Sheila made a motion to approve. Dave seconded. Motion passes
unanimously for 2014 Conference theme.
iii. Institute Role Selection:
1. Bruce: Chair
2. Co-Chair & Shadow Chair: Jessica Supinski
3. Registration: Laura Singletary
4. T-Shirts: Juan Blanco
5. MC: Jen, Dante, and Juan
6. Keynote Speaker: Roxanna
7. Education Sessions: Jessica & Connan
8. Cohort Groups: Sarah & Faisal
9. Showcase Selection: Sonja Morgan
10. Social Gatherings: Story & Shandy
11. Advisor Professional Dev: Cal
12. Health & Wellness: Erin Wilson
13. Evaluations: Sheila Walton
14. Service Project: Faisal & Donte’
15. Awards Process: Recommended to create categories for awards and refine the process.
Jonathan volunteered to structure and coordinate.
iv. Final approval for cost for Wenatchee Leadership Institute: Council determined to postpone
decision until winter quarter meeting to determine the fee registration cost.
v. Discussion regarding advisors leading educational sessions and/or outside vendors/persons.
Jessica suggested constructing a method to invite advisors as long as it’s not too taxing or they
are overly committed. Cameron recommended a mixture of advisors and other professionals to
gather new information from other professionals as well. Sami mentioned advisors are not
providing educational sessions during the advisor meetings so as to not miss critical information.
3. Sheila solicited information about ticket machines for events for printing tickets. Dani mentioned she has a
4. Cameron asked about the APCA presentation: added to CUSP Exec work plan to connect with an APCA
Motion to adjourn. Dani moved; Sheila seconded. Motion carries to adjourn at 11:57am.