The National Institute for Early Education Research Early Learning Scale

The National Institute for Early Education Research
Crosswalk of the Early Learning Scale (Riley-Ayers, Stevenson-Garcia, Frede, and Brenneman),
The Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework, and
the West Virginia Early Learning Standards Framework
June 2011
West Virginia Early Learning Standards
Framework Domains, Domain Elements,
and Clusters
ELS Strand
The Head Start Child Development and
Early Learning Framework Domains
and Domain Elements
Mathematics: Number- Counting and
 Number Names
 Counting To Tell the Number of
1.1 Functional Counting
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Number
concepts & Quantities
Mathematics: Number- Operations and the
Problems they Solve
 Composing and decomposing
numbers; addition and subtraction
1.2 Numerical Operations
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Number
Relationships & Operations
Mathematics: Number- Counting and
 Number Names
 Counting To Tell the Number of
1.3 Written Numbers
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Number
concepts & Quantities
Mathematics: Measurement and Data
 Representing and Interpreting Data
2.1 Classification
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Patterns
Mathematics: Number – Counting and
 Comparing and Ordering Numbers
Mathematics: Geometry
 Shapes, their attributes, and spatial
2.2 Algebraic Thinking
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Patterns
Mathematics: Geometry
 Shapes, their attributes, and spatial
3.1 Identifying and Using Shapes
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills: Geometry
& Spatial Sense
Mathematics: Measurement and Data
 Direct Measurement
 Representing and Interpreting Data
3.2 Measurement
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills:
Measurement & Comparison
Science: Science as Inquiry
 Foundational Knowledge of Scientific
 Utilization of Inquiry
4.1 Observation and Reporting
Science Knowledge & Skills: Scientific Skills &
Science Knowledge & Skills: Conceptual
Knowledge of the Natural & Physical World
Science: Scientific Knowledge
 Understanding the living and physical
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem
Science: Science as Inquiry
 Foundational Knowledge of Scientific
4.2 Prediction
Science Knowledge & Skills: Scientific Skills &
Science: Science as Inquiry
 Foundational Knowledge of Scientific
 Utilization of Inquiry
4.3 Investigation
Science Knowledge & Skills: Scientific Skills &
Social and Emotional Development: Self
 Development of self-concept
5.1 Independent Behavior
Logic & Reasoning: Reasoning & Problem
Physical Development & Health: Health
Knowledge & Practice
Social & Emotional Development: Social
Social and Emotional Development: Social
 Development and demonstration of
Social & Emotional Development: SelfConcept & Self-Efficacy
pro-social behaviors
Social & Emotional Development: SelfRegulation
Social and Emotional Development:
Dispositions to Learning
 Intrinsic Motivation for Learning
Physical Health and Development: Health
and Safety Practices
 Healthy Development
Social and Emotional Development: Self
 Development of self-expression and
self awareness
5.2 Regulation of Emotions and Behavior
Social & Emotional Development: SelfRegulation
Social & Emotional Development: Emotional
& Behavioral Health
Social and Emotional Development: Social
 Cooperation
Language and Literacy: Listening and
 Utilization of receptive and expressive
language for a variety of purposes
Social and Emotional Development: Social
 Development and demonstration of
pro-social behaviors
 Cooperation
5.3 Prosocial Behavior
Social & Emotional Development: Social
Social & Emotional Development: SelfConcept & Self-Efficacy
Social & Emotional Development: SelfRegulation
Approaches to Learning: Cooperation
Social and Emotional Development: Social
5.4 Social Problem Solving
Social & Emotional Development: Social
Social and Emotional Development: Social
 Development and demonstration of
pro-social behaviors
6.1 Quality and Attributes of Engagement
and Exploration
Social & Emotional Development: SelfConcept & Self-Efficacy
Social and Emotional Development:
Dispositions to Learning
 Intrinsic Motivation for Learning
Social and Emotional Development: Social
 Cooperation
Social & Emotional Development: SelfRegulation
6.2 Quality and Attributes of Cooperative
Approaches to Learning: Persistence &
Social & Emotional Development: Social
Approaches to Learning: Cooperation
The Arts: Dramatic Play
 Self Expression
Social and Emotional Development: Self
 Development of self-expression and
Physical Development & Health: Fine Motor
6.3 Quality and Attributes of
Sociodramatic Play
Creative Arts Expression: Drama
Social Studies Knowledge & Skills: Self,
Family, & Community
Logic & Reasoning: Symbolic Representation
Social and Emotional Development: Social
 Cooperation
Social and Emotional Development:
Knowledge of Family and Community
 Progression of understanding of their
role in the family and community
The Arts: Dramatic Play
 Self Expression
Language and Literacy: Listening and
7.1 Speaking
Language Development: Receptive
Utilization of receptive and expressive
language for a variety of purposes
Comprehension and collaboration
Language Development: Expressive
Approaches to Learning: Initiative &
Language and Literacy: Literature
 Key Ideas and Details
 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
English Language Development: Receptive
English Language Skills
English Language Development: Expressive
English Language Skills
Language and Literacy: Literature
 Key Ideas and Details
English Language Development:
Engagement in English Literacy Activities
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Book
Appreciation and Knowledge
7.2 Story Retelling
The Arts: Dramatic Play
 Self Expression
Language and Literacy: Foundational Skills
for Reading
 Phonological Awareness
English Language Development:
Engagement in English Literacy Activities
8.1 Language Manipulation
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Phonological
Creative Arts Expression: Music
Creative Arts Expression: Creative
Movement and Dance
English Language Development:
Engagement in English Literacy Activities
English Language Development: Receptive
English Language Skills
Language and Literacy: Foundational Skills
for Reading
 Print Concepts
9.1 Alphabetic Awareness
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Alphabet
Language and Literacy: Foundational Skills
for Reading
 Print Concepts
 Word Recognition
9.2 Print Knowledge
Language and Literacy: Writing
 Text Type and Purposes
10.1 Composing
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Early Writing
Language and Literacy: Listening and
 Utilization of receptive and expressive
language for a variety of purposes
10.2 Production
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Early Writing
Literacy Knowledge and Skills: Print
Concepts & Conventions
Physical Development & Health: Fine Motor
Language and Literacy: Writing
 Text Type and Purposes
The Early Learning Scale (ELS) aligns well with the domains and domain elements in The Head Start Child
Development and Early Learning Framework and the WV Early Learning Standards Framework, as outlined above.
However, there are a few specific domain elements that the ELS does not address directly and, for transparency, these
are outlined here. To keep the ELS to a manageable system several elements were not included based on a strict criteria
which included that all items in the ELS needed to be observable in the natural course of the preschool day, critical to
present and future learning, and develop on a continuum. Specifically, physical development and the arts are not
included as domain items to be scored on a continuum on this instrument, but rather are included as additional areas that
teachers will want to be consider, collect data, and notice and intervene when there is a concern. The domain elements,
People & the Environment and History & Events, in the domain Social Studies Knowledge and Skills on the Head Start
document are not directly addressed in the ELS, but rather can be tapped in through the Play items on the instrument.
Through dramatic play teachers can easily observe and record data around children’s understanding of the relationship
between people and the environment in which they live and demonstration of an understanding that events that have
happened in the past and relate these events to one’s self, family, and community.
Correspondence regarding this document should be addressed to:
Shannon Riley-Ayers, Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor
The National Institute for Early Education Research