8 Grade Youth & Government Seminars th

8th Grade Youth & Government Seminars
The Purpose
Our 8th graders learn the operation of state government,
strengthen their understanding of the three branches of
government, better understand the Constitution, and learn
the responsibilities of citizenship.
Legislative Banquet
Students get to meet and interact with their Legislators at an
evening banquet.
The Learning Model
Observation, questioning, and discussion with elected and
appointed officials, as well as key government staff help
students experience the complete process of governance.
The Students
Participation is open to 8th graders from every school and
homeschoolers from across the state. The program currently
reaches students from thirty-one (31) counties and eighty The Sponsors
-three (83) different schools. Our goal is for every county
The 8th Grade Youth & Government Seminars are a program
to participate.
of the Youth Leadership Association in cooperation with the
WV Department of Education, Governor's Office, WV
The Classroom
Supreme Court of Appeals, Attorney General, Secretary of
The Capitol – Senate, House of Delegates, Governor’s Office,
State, Treasurer of State, President of the Senate and
Supreme Court, other Constitutional Officers; the United
Senators, Speaker of the House and Delegates, Charleston
States Federal Court and the Charleston Municipal Court.
Municipal Court, United States Federal Court, WV State Bar
Foundation, participating parents, schools and teachers, and
The Instructors
Founder Al Emch from Jackson Kelly.
Legislators, Judges, Department heads, and Program
Volunteers, and YLA staff.
Contact: Doug Wetsch doug@yla-youthleadership.org
The Schedule
Ohio-West Virginia Youth Leadership Association
Seminars are three day (Mon-Wed or Wed-Fri) sessions held
P. O. Box 239,
during the Legislative Session January - March. Students
Point Pleasant, WV 25550
invite their local legislators to a banquet dinner on the closing (304) 675-5899
evening (Tues/Thur) of each session at 6:15 pm.
2015 Participating Counties and Schools
February 11-13, 2015
February 23-25, 2015
Braxton (Braxton MS)
Fayette (Anstead, Collins, Valley)
Harrison (Bridgeport, Lumberport,
Greenbrier (Eastern & Western
Mountaineer, South Harrison,
Washington Irving)
Raleigh (Beckley Stratton, Park,
Independence, St. Francis de
Marshall (Cameron, Moundsville,
Sales, Shady Spring, Trap Hill)
Mason (Point Pleasant)
Tucker (Davis Thomas, Tucker
Monroe (Mountain View, Peterstown)
Ohio (Bridge Street, Triadelphia,
Warwood, Wheeling)
March 2-4, 2015
Pleasants (Pleasants Co.)
Berkeley (Hedgesville, Mountain
Ridge, Musselman, North, South,
Putnam (Geo Washington, Hurricane,
Poca, Winfield)
Spring Mills)
Tyler (Tyler Consolidated)
Boone (Madison, Sherman, Van)
Jackson (Ravenswood, Ripley)
Wetzel (Long Drain, New
Martinsville, Paden City, Short
Jefferson (Harpers Ferry)
Mingo (Kermit, Matewan,
Pendleton (Pendleton Co.)
Pocahontas (Green Bank, Marlinton)
Tucker (Davis-Thomas, Tucker Valley)
Webster (Hacker Valley, Webster
Wyoming (Baileysville, Glen Fork,
Herndon, Huff, Mullens, Oceana,
Pineville, Road Branch)
March 9-11, 2015
Barbour (Belington)
Harrison (Notre Dame)
Marion (Fairview)
McDowell (Mount View, Sandy River,
Monongalia (St. Francis, Trinity,
Preston (South Preston, Terra Alta/
East Preston)
Summers (Summer Co MS)
Taylor (Taylor Co.)
8th Grade Youth & Government Seminars
and the Youth Leadership Association Programs
These are more than just words to us...they define what we do on a daily basis. Across a two-state
region, the Youth Leadership Association has been steadily building the skills and experiences of our
young people for more than a century! We believe the best way for youth to learn is through
experience and we offer a variety of opportunities to every community.
An example of our purpose in action can be seen in the life of Saira Blair—the youngest state
legislator ever to be elected in the entire nation’s history! Just 5 years ago, Saira participated in our
8th Grade Youth & Government Seminars. Local adults in her community helped her get involved
in the YLA service program (formerly called HI-Y), where she offered many hours of volunteer
service and got to know the needs of her local community.
Then two years ago, she came to Charleston as a youth Legislator in the high school WV Youth in
Government program. She and other high school students sat in the real seats and the classroom
civics lessons came to life for her. At the close of that program, while still on her way home, she
made the decision to run for office. Today she represents the 59th District in the WV House of
We are very proud of Saira and her choice to serve the State of West Virginia as a Delegate. Her story is just one of the
many lives that are changed by the experiences offered through the YLA family of programs.
Our purpose as an organization, however, is not to create politicians, but rather to help EACH student
 find their unique talents,
 identify where they can best serve, and then
 ACT on those convictions to make their community a better place.
Like you, some may find their calling in public service—and we applaud those efforts. Others will find their place in
layers of our society, and will exercise leadership in their home, school, community, state, and even on a world level.
We need your help to continue this mission. Will you…
1. Support those who attend the 8th Grade Youth & Government Seminars with
your attendance at their banquet?
2. Speak publicly for the value of these programs as a part of the co-curricular
programs in our schools?
3. Open doors locally and connect our staff to the leaders of your community to
get more programs started?
We are ready and willing to work with local community and school leaders to establish YLA leadership and service
programs in the communities you serve. As you see the results of our programs unfold during this session, we ask that
you return home to advocate for more involvement from your constituencies.
We are thankful for your service and stand ready to help strengthen the leadership ability of our state. Please let us
know how we can help.
Contact: Doug Wetsch doug@yla-youthleadership.org
Ohio-West Virginia Youth Leadership Association
P. O. Box 239,
Point Pleasant, WV 25550
(304) 377-3563—Mobile
(304) 675-5899—Office
Doug Wetsch, Director
8th Grade Youth & Government Seminars