Standard I – Positive Climate and Cohesive Culture

Standard I – Positive Climate and Cohesive Culture
1. Has the school’s vision for your shared beliefs and values clarified which elements of your
school improvement processes are most important to sustain?
2. Have you included the goal of high expectations for all as you thought about what elements of
your school improvement processes you want to sustain?
3. What elements from your school improvement processes can your school community sustain to
continuously create a more effective safe, orderly and engaging environment for students?
Standard II – School Leadership
1. Does your school community better understand the role of principal leadership and how he/she
is able to exhibit professional knowledge, skills and dispositions?
2. Does your school community have an understanding of how change happens through school
teams and councils?
3. Have you considered some key aspects of your school community – for example, teacher
leadership and the impact on school and classroom improvement? Have you provided adequate
authentic opportunities and resources to lead and influence professional practice?
4. Have you created strong elements of student leadership focused on engaging students in ageappropriate leadership opportunities that have developed self-direction and responsibility for
improving self, school and community?
Standard III – Standards-Focused Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments
1. Has your school community developed internal mechanisms and support that can sustain the
development and/or creation of classroom learning environments, in which teachers create and
manage an inviting instructional setting that is student-centered and fosters self-reflection,
intellectual inquiry and self-direction?
2. Have you thought how your school community should change or adapt to changing educational
practices in order to sustain a standards-focused curriculum aligned with the Next Generation
Standards, in addition to the 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools?
3. Has your faculty been trained to use instructional planning to design long and short term
instructional plans; guiding student mastery of the standards, based on the needs, interests and
performance levels of their students to achieve your school’s intended outcomes and goals?
4. Have you developed a clear, consistent message about the importance of the school’s
instructional delivery goals and the importance of successfully reaching students to enhance
individual progress using multiple strategies, appropriate assessments, learning resources and
digital tools in order to sustain your school improvement progress?
Standard IV – Student Support Services and Family/Community Connections
1. Have you considered how the development of your positive relationships between the school
faculty and the students, families and the larger community might assist you in sustaining your
school improvement progress?
2. Are there potential partners that you should consider as you think about sustaining student
personal development that could collaborate with faculty to coordinate student support services
for health, child nutrition, character education, guidance and counseling, special education and
English second language?
3. Have you considered what benefits your partners (community agencies and organizations) will
accrue by remaining in the partnership as you sustain your school improvement progress within
the area of enhancing the ability to meet the needs of all students?
Standard V – Educator Growth and Development
1. Have you created strategies to communicate, involve and educate faculty about your
professional development objectives that engage faculty members in continuous learning
opportunities designed to improve school and classroom practice in order to sustain
professional development implementation?
2. Have you considered what strategies you might continue to use or possibly modify within your
teacher collaborative teams, in order to sustain high functioning professional learning
communities focused on studying relevant data, problem analysis and the implementation of
strategies that improve instructional practice?
3. Have you considered how to best select and present your evaluation data to enhance
sustainability efforts, stimulate faculty participation in the evaluation process, facilitate selfreflection and inform the process of professional growth?
Standard VI – Efficient and Effective Management
1. Have you created a facilities management plan to sustain various elements of your facilities,
which include cleanliness, maintenance, safety and security, aesthetics, and configuration in
meeting learning needs of all students?
2. Do you have an understanding of financial planning? Have you considered leveraging existing
resources, seeking out other community-based organizations or making contacts with
businesses or foundations that can help in sustaining the fiscal resources created through the
School Improvement Grant?
3. Have you identified strategies to retain and/or recruit high quality personnel, which can
effectively meet the identified needs of students and sustain and/or enhance your school
improvement progress?
4. Have you considered how to best adapt to changing data, information systems, technology tools
and infrastructure, which all have been enhanced due to grant monies? How will you continue
to sustain the school’s upgrades in these areas?
Standard VII – Continuous Improvement
1. Has the school community established a focused and coherent sustainability plan using
elements for improving performance of students based on the mission and goals outlined in the
strategic plan?
2. How will the school community sustain or modify the structures established for building
professional relationships and processes necessary to collaboratively engage all stakeholders in
actions to increase student learning?
3. Have you designed your monitoring process with sustainability in mind? How will faculty
monitor changes in practice and implement adjustments, evaluate results of student learning
and communicate progress to all stakeholders?