Document 11027503

SODRM proposal processing The goal of this effort is to edit the SODRM proposals in order to keep them current with each build of APT, as used in testing, and to make them scientifically and technically as realistic as possible. These proposals are used for I&T testing by Ron Henry, Wayne Kinzel, the LRP group (Ian and Dave), and the short-­‐term scheduling group (George Chapman, Jim Caplinger, Leah Evans, Courtney McManus). The I&T environment accepts new software deliveries every six months, in April and October of each year. The SODRM proposals will need to be reviewed and updated for each delivery, or build period. It is expected that the work during this current build will be the most extensive and take the most time. The SODRM proposals have not been updated since they were written 2 years ago. There are not as many steps to process a JWST proposal as there are to process an HST proposal. But, there is still no PC Toolbox for JWST, so all steps are done either in APT or through the command line. Each PC will be assigned specific proposals, just like in HST operations. Each PC will be given 3 test IDs to use as desired during processing. Wayne Kinzel is the keeper of the SODRM. He will be the person to go to for changes of a non-­‐scientific nature. An example of this type of change would be changing the number of exposure groups in an observation to remove errors in the proposal due to changes in the APT template requirements. Rossy Diaz will be the point of contact in the WIT, and will be the person to go to for changes that will affect the scientific goals of a proposal. Jason Tumlinson would like to be kept in the loop on these changes too, so you can copy him on any emails that go to Rossy. Tony has set up the shared email folders so that all messages into the folders are automatically sent also to Rossy, Wayne, and Ron. You will have to use your judgment, or ask Rossy, to determine which ones should be sent to Jason. The SODRM proposals which originally had .aptx files currently reside in PLib and in the PPSTEST database. Missing proposals will need to be processed there when they are written and submitted (see below). PLib PLib is fully functional for JWST in PPSIT, but only on the command line. Type at the prompt, plib -­‐-­‐help to see proper command syntax and required parameters for plib create, plib checkin, plib checkout, etc. Each proposal ID must first be created in PLib. The .apt files can be used to create the IDs. Create a working directory for yourself (see more info in the APT section below) and run plib create from the working directory so that all of the output products do not end up in the wrong directory (Denise has already created the IDs for those proposals that originally had .aptx files. New proposals will need this step.) PPSDB The proposals will automatically load into the PPS database, PPSDB, through PLib checkin. Proposals can be manually loaded into PPSDB, but it requires multiple steps and lots of time. The PPSDB gets completely replaced a couple of times each year, usually about a month before the new software builds arrive. During that month when we are waiting for the new software, the old software may not be compatible with the database, so processing of the proposals must be put on hold. History Files After the proposals are loaded into the PPSDB, history files should be created using the ‘history-­‐file’ commands. Type at the prompt, history-­‐file -­‐-­‐help to see the command options. History files are created in /data/jwst/implementation/history/ and named xxxxx.history, just like for HST. The default editor for the history-­‐file commands is emacs. History files should be maintained for all proposal changes, just like for HST. Shared Email Folders The shared email folders have already been created and can be subscribed to through Outlook, just like for HST. They can be accessed through the Public Folders-­‐>STScI-­‐>JWST Observing Programs path in the Outlook Tools menu. These should be used to store all email correspondence on the proposals. APT Be sure to only use the version of APT that is operational on PPSIT. You can run APT on your local machine and ftp files back and forth. Or, you can run APT directly from the PPSIT environment and display it back to your local machine. (This actually works pretty well.) To use APT in the PPSIT environment, log into one of the PPSIT machines, either a Mac or a linux box, create a working directory off your home directory (/home/username/ on linux, or /Users/username/ on the Macs). Then >cd /data/multi-­‐mission/apt/ >./apt-­‐linux& (on a linux box) OR >./apt-­‐mac& (on a Mac) Please do all work in your working directory so the APT output files do not end up in the apt-­‐submission directory, or other /implementation/ -­‐level directories. (Directory structures are similar to those on HST/SOGS, and have paths starting at /data/jwst/ or /data/multi-­‐mission/.) Visit Update and Spike Visit update (and any other VSS commands) can only be run on a linux machine, so be sure you are doing this on or The current command Ian is using for visit update is (6/11/2015) visit -­‐update <proposal ID or visit ID> -­‐start_time="2019.091:00:00:00" -­‐
end_time="2020.274:00:00:00" -­‐constraint_scenario=STS Proposal IDs are just the 5-­‐digit IDs you have for the proposals. Visit IDs are made up of the proposal number (5 digits, leading zeros if necessary), observation number (3 digits, leading zeros if necessary) and visit number (3 digits, leading zeros if necessary). For example, for proposal 87654, observation 1, visit 1, the visit ID is 87654001001. For the same visit in proposal 17, the visit ID is 00017001001. If you’re processing an entire proposal, then just use the 5-­‐digit proposal ID by itself with no observations or visits specified (but with all of the other command options too). Relevant Documentation PPSDB schema: http://www-­‐ (I have not been able to get to this through ltdaccess.) JWST Proposal Instructions:
html or, from outside the Institute,