Conference Papers and Presentations

Conference Papers and Presentations
Coleman, R., Ghattamaneni, U., Logan, M., Labouseur, A. (2012). Computational
Finance with Map-Reduce in Scala. The 2012 International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Bundy, T., Cannistra, R., DeCusatis, C. (2014). Dynamic Software Defined Networking
Infrastructure Test Bed at Marist College. 2014 Internet2 Global Summit. Denver,
Colorado. Status.
Frank, S.D., Collis, J.M., and Odom, R.I. (2012). Effects of seismic source and
environment parameters on elastic bottom parabolic equation solutions. 164th meeting
of the Acoustical Society of America. Kansas City, MO.
Park, M., Odom, R.I., Frank, S.D. and Collis, J.M. (2012). Elastic coupled modes for
range dependent propagation. 164 meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Kansas
City, MO.
Frank, S.D., Collis, J.M., and Odom, R.I. (2013). Generation and propagation of oceanic
T-waves using elastic parabolic equation solutions.. 166th meeting of the Acoustical
Society of America. San Francisco.
Glomski, M. and Johnson, M. (2014). Interval Analysis Computation of the Critical
Rayleigh Number for Asymmetric Rayleigh-Benard Problem. American Mathematical
Society. Session on Applied Mathematics: Mechanics, Fluids, Waves, Joint Meetings of
the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
Frank, S.D., Collis, J.M., and Odom, R.I. (2012). Modeling oceanic T-phases and
interface waves with a seismic source and parabolic equation solutions. 11th European
Conference on Underwater Acoustics. Edinburgh, Scotland.
Lauria, E., Moody, El, Jayaprakash, Sl, Jonnalagadda, N., Barron, J. (2013). Open
Academic Analytics Initiative: Initial Research Findings. Learning Analytics and
Knowledge Conference. Leuven, Belgium.
Collis, J.M., Frank, S.D., Metzler, A.M., and Odom, R.I. (2013). Seismic sources in
seismo-acoustic propagation models. 166th meeting of the Acoustical Social Society of
America. San Francisco.
Odom, R.I,. Park, M., Frank, S.D., and Collis, J.M. (2013). The influence of bathymetry
on the excitation of T-waves. Joint Assembly of IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI. Gothenburg,
Frank, S.D., Collis, J.M., and Odom, R.I. (2014). Wavenumber analysis of interface wave
characteristics using elastic parabolic equation solutions. Acoustical Society of
America. Providence, Rhole Island.
Coleman, R. and Ghattamaneni, U. (2013). Parallel Collections: A Free Lunch?. Journal
of Computer Science and Engineering. 17 (2).
Coleman, R., Ghattamaneni, U., Logan, M. (2012). Bond Portfolio Analysis with Parallel
Collections in Scala. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science
Applications. 3 (7).
Frank, S. D., Odom, R.I., and Collis, J.M. (2013). Parabolic equation solutions for elastic
bottom underwater acoustic problems using seismic sources. Journal of Acoustical
Society of America. 133 (3), 1358.
Frank, S.D., Collis, J.M., and Odom, R.I. (2012). Modeling oceanic T-phases and
interface waves with a seismic source and parabolic equation solutions. Proceedings of
Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustical Society of America. 17 070010.
Frank, S.D., Collis, J.M., and Odom, R.I. (2014). Elastic parabolic equation solutions for
oceanic T-wave generation and propagation from deep seismic sources. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America.
Glomski, M., and Johnson, M.A. (2012). A precise calculation of the critical Rayleigh
number and critical wave number for the rigid-free Rayleigh-Benard problem. Applied
Mathematical Sciences. 6 5097.
Haley, M., DeCusatis, C., Bundy, T., Cannistra, R., Wallner, R., Parraga, J., Flaherty,
R. (2013). Dynamic software defined service provider network infrastructure and cloud
drivers for SDN adoption. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC). June 9 - 13, 2013, Budapest, Hungary.
Jayaprakash, S.M., Moody, E.W., Lauria, E.J., Regan, J.R., Baron, J.D. (2014). Early
Alert of Academically At-Risk Students: An Open Source Analytics Initiative. Early Alert
of Academically At-Risk Students: An Open Source Analytics Initiative.
Alan Labouseur. A Query-Oriented Approach to Graph Series Distribution and
Replication. (2014). University at Albany, State University of New York.