SSHEL Implementation Team April 30, 2012

SSHEL Implementation Team
April 30, 2012
Present: Kathleen Kern, Lil Morales, Nancy O’Brien, Lisa Romero, Lynne Rudasill, Sue Searing,
Tom Teper, Mary Beth Allen
Mary Beth Allen volunteered to take minutes.
Tiered Service Model – Lynne Rudasill
The group reviewed the draft document on the G:/ drive, “Reference Services and Training for
SSHEL.” Discussion began with an examination of questions at levels 1 and 2 on the READ Scale.
We focused on the jobs that student assistants can do. It was agreed that student assistants
can contribute significantly with proper training, and giving them this responsibility is an
appropriate component of the tiered service model.
Questions at levels 3 and 4 on the READ Scale will typically be handled by GA’s and librarians.
GA’s will be encouraged to refer to librarians those questions that require more than 15
minutes of serious activity. Librarians will continue to handle questions that require expert
assistance. Whether or not the virtual reference desk operation is based in SSHEL could impact
the delineation of service activity. The degree of VR staff’s potential availability in the unit is
difficult to predict, and likely will vary at different times during the year.
A possible staffing model is outlined in the document. SSHEL will need to monitor usage
carefully. The location of the VR operation, if it is located in SSHEL, could affect staffing
patterns. The outline is a baseline plan at this point, not set in stone. VR can be busy,
especially after 8:30pm during the semester peak. VR staff may, or may not, be able to help
with in-person issues in the unit. If VR is not in SSHEL, then two student assistants may be
needed on the collection-intensive side (SSHEL-South). Total minimum/ evening staffing is
expected to include 1 GA or librarian or staff, plus 3 students. One student is needed for
shelving/room count/floating back and forth; 1 student is needed at each service desk (2 total);
and one GA/librarian/staff is also needed. Staff work areas will be located behind the service
desks, so they are always available to assist. Two people are required to close each space at
night due to the need to monitor the entrance and exit points.
The description of this staffing model can now be added to the final report.
User Survey – Sue Searing
Sue revised the survey based on discussion at our April 25 meeting and email exchange. LAWG
GA, Wendi Shen, also reviewed the survey instrument. It was agreed that the survey matches
what we want to know from users as we move forward. It was agreed that the survey would be
sent to all constituents asap on April 30; links to the survey would also be added to unit
webpages. The survey will be left open until May 6 at midnight. Sue will contact Wendi Shen
for assistance with analysis of the results. Sue added all team members with rights to access
the results.
Collections and Space – Nancy O’Brien and Tom Teper
Holdings information for the revised weeding dates has still not been provided. These numbers
are needed by Jeff Schrader so he can begin working on floor plans. Jeff will provide more than
one floor plan option so we can compare different scenarios. Lynne suggested that we view the
new model for layout of librarian offices in the Scholarly Commons. It is preferred that librarian
offices not be lined up all in a row, but instead, be distributed in different corners or distributed
throughout the SSHEL North and South spaces. This will result in increased privacy in the
offices and will also reduce the potential noise generated by activity in the offices.
Tom noted that user survey results are posted on the Chemistry Library website; these indicate
user space preferences. Preferences appear to fall evenly among 3 space/seating
arrangements: individual, tables with 6 chairs, group study rooms. Tom further described the
overall arrangement in the Chemistry Library and indicated that individual study spaces along
one wall are very popular, as are comfortable seating options. In general, it appears that users
appreciate having a variety of options available.
Staffing – Nancy O’Brien
The group reviewed the recommendation of staffing numbers; it appears that 5 is appropriate.
The office manager position needs to be filled. The summer transition period is critical to
ensuring that SSHEL opens on time, so staffing must be in place, even if it is a temporary
Avery Brundage Collection
Mary Beth and Nancy will be meeting with Bill Maher this week to finalize a plan for disposition
of the Brundage collection.