CMPS 1053 - E-mail Assignment

CMPS 1053 - E-mail Assignment
Each student is required to have an email account with some provider. Your
first assignment is to email a message to me at
The subject of the message MUST be CMPS 1053.
In the body of the message, fill in your personal information EXACTLY as
shown below.
Last name, first name [email address]
MSU provides all students an email account. You can find the information on
the MSU home page. You are not required to use the MSU account for this
course, but it is recommended. If you choose to use an outside provider and
the system is down, you will still be held responsible for email send related to
the course.
Your grade will be emailed back to you.
This is a non-replaceable homework
Please put CMPS 1053 in the subject line of ALL emails to me.
allow me to respond more quickly.
This will