Online Discussion Assignments

Online Discussion Assignments
There will be weekly new discussion forums posted, regarding class reading assignments,
group projects, an online debate, etc. Students are expected to fully participate in the online
discussion, and it counts as 30% of your overall course grade. Your response should be
directed to your classmates and not the course instructor.
Helpful Hint: An outstanding response is: 1) thoughtful, 2) reflects the student’s
knowledge and understanding of the assigned material, 3) demonstrates the student’s
ability to connect the assigned material to nursing practice, (4) includes the student’s
personal perspective, and 5) questions assumptions or conclusions. Early
postings/responses initiate discussion and prompt an exchange of ideas that cannot be
replicated by last minute postings. In general, weekly on-line postings should:
• Be concise and organized
• Be completed within the established time frame
• Address or clarify critical aspects of the posted response
• Introduce new ideas or suggestions, supported by the literature
Exceeds expectations
1. Answer is posted prior to the deadline and includes responses to all components of the
2. Response is thoughtful, shows insight and reflection
3. Uses examples or connects answer to information discussed in course notes, text
material or posted information
4. Posts at least two thoughtful and perceptive responses to other postings
5. Generally participates in overall dialogue generated by this forum
Attains Expectations
Answer is posted by deadline and responds to all components of the question
Answer shows thought, insight and reflection
Answer includes examples and connects to material already covered in class
Responses to at least two other postings are included
Approaches Expectations
1. Answer is posted by deadline and responds to most of the content of the question
2. Some thought and reflection is evident
3. Response to at least one other posting is included
Attempts Expectations
1. Answer is posted by deadline and responds to some of the content of the question
2. Exhibits little or no personal reflection
During online discussions, students are expected to observe the rules of “netiquette.”
Although our society is becoming used to electronic communication, it is important that we
remain aware of how we express our thoughts and foster an environment for others to
express their opinions. Here are a few reminders for our new mode of communication in the
online world:
1. Whenever posting a message to discussion boards, chat rooms, or e-mail, use only
language you would use in the presence of your grandmother.
2. Attacks on other course members via e-mail, discussion boards, chat rooms, and the like
are unacceptable.
3. Try to break up any lengthy postings with blank lines or carriage returns and tabs
whenever possible.
4. Remember that in e-language, words typed in all CAPS are read as though you are
SHOUTING at the person.
5. Submission of messages in all lowercase makes postings difficult to read. If you are not
a good typist, write your posting in a word processor, use grammar and spell-checker,
and then copy your message to paste it into your online posting.
6. Use of the course web site for solicitation, promotion of businesses or products, posting
of offensive messages or jokes, and other activities unrelated to the course are
prohibited. Likewise, using the e-mail addresses of course participants for unwelcome
solicitation messages is also considered misuse of this electronic medium.