Important Information About Your Lotus Notes Account

Information Technology
Important Information About Your Lotus Notes Account
Please read over, complete, and submit to the Help Desk.
Please direct any installation or support questions to the Marist College Help Desk.
(xHELP / x4357)
Only the following individuals are eligible for a Lotus Notes Account:
Full and Part Time Administrative Staff
Full Time Faculty
There are two ways to access your Notes Account:
Lotus Notes Client: Software must be installed on your Marist issued computer by the Department of Information Technology.
Please call the Help Desk for assistance.
Web Browsers for iNotes : Internet Explorer 7 or earlier on Windows XP, Mozilla Firefox Access to web email is on
the Marist College Lotus Notes page located at:
Lotus Notes accounts are campus wide, individuals cannot select a nickname or alias as their email
address. Your email address will be based on the College’s naming standard.
Please provide the following information:
Your Name:
Room No.
Best times to install:
Passwords are case sensitive and should be a minimum of 8 characters long. You are responsible for changing your Client Password
and/or Lotus Notes Web Password from the default to a secure password. Users who forget their password will need to contact the
Help Desk (x4357). Your Lotus Notes account is subject to the Marist College Information and Computing Agreement
To print a copy of this form for your records press the "Print Form" button:
Print Form
After you have entered all the required fields, please save a copy of this form and email it to the Help Desk.
To save a copy to your hard drive, select "File -> Save as ... " from the menu bar, enter a new file name and save the file.
Attach this file to a email to the Help Desk
L o t u s N o t e s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n U S E O N L Y.
HR Job Code
Training Date
Org Unit