Week 5: February 26 - March 3, 2012

Week 5: February 26 - March 3, 2012
Hiya Movers….
Week 5, are you ready to rev it up a bit? Remember to
measure the intensity of your workouts to ensure you are not pushing yourself too
hard or not hard enough. Use the talk test while working out:
Singing a tune will give you a light intensity level
Carrying on a conversation is at moderate intensity
Winded, and out of breathe triggers a vigorous
Be Healthy – Drink 64 0z of fluids a day
Water makes up about 60% of our body weight. Your body relies on it to remove toxins, cushions joints, protect
tissues and organs, regulate body temp, and help in digestion and food absorption. If you do not drink enough fluids it
can lead to dehydration, which effects how your body carries out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain
you of your energy and make you tired. With every glass of water remind yourself “you are drinking to your health.
Water is still your best fluid……its calorie-free, inexpensive and readily available.
Drink water with meals, and throughout the day
Coffee, tea or soda can contribute to your total fluid intake but these should not be your major portion
You need to drink extra water/fluids to compensate for fluid loss due to exercise, environment
illnesses or health conditions.
Be Involved
Getting in involved on campus/community is beneficial in many ways. Attending events and dedicating your time helps
you make new friends, strengthens existing relationships expands your network, increases your social and
relationship skills, increase self-confidence, reduces the risk of depression, and helps you stay physical healthy.
A simple and easy way to get involved on campus is to read the online UW-Stout Today and Campus Life
Today. These list events, lectures, and information about the variety of things that are happening at UW Stout and it
provides a great way to find an organization that fits your personal interests.
Stay Positive: Fitness and Healthy eating doesn't have to be drudgery.
Set Goals-the simpler the better. Start with short term goals and build to long term goals (5k??).
Write it down…seeing the goals, benefits and progress on paper makes it REAL.
Exercise can and should be fun. BE CREATIVE. If it isn’t, slow down a bit and enjoy the “scenery”
Be flexible-if you’re too busy, you get ill, etc. take time off, go slow, just get back on track when you can.
Join forces with Friends….you’re not in this alone. We all want to be fit and healthy.
Congratulations to team RobV!
Weekly Drawings
(Robbie Shelby& Vanessa Wrobel)
Week 5 Goals: 450 min (150+150+150: Individual Team Goals)
T-shirts are here! Please come to the Health & Fitness center
desk to pick up your Move It Stout 2012 shirts.
The team captain must enter week 5 total
times in the link emailed to the team
captains by noon, March 6 (Tuesday)