RHS Site Council Minutes April 1, 2013 6:30 – 8:30 PM Members Present

Members Present
John Wollersheim – Principal
Drew Storley - Administration
Tracy Casey
Becky Busho – President
Liz Erickson - Teacher
Jeanine Ryan – Vice President
Mary Swanson – Treasurer
Jim Norris - Teacher
Allison Fischbach – Student Rep (12)
Tracy Monro-Moran
Kim Burr
Mariann Kuhn
RHS Site Council Minutes
April 1, 2013
6:30 – 8:30 PM
(John/Jeanine) Introductions. Special guest speaker tonight is Drew Storley.
(Becky) Topic: Minutes approval. Call for approval. Motion to approve (Tracy). Second (Jeanine).
(John/Becky) Topic: Benefit Fund Summary. March: $49,862.34 balance. Tournament of Roses balance
at this time is $28,769.24; TOR had roughly a $13,600 increase from the SCRIPTS program. There is a
$4447.00 “adjustment” generated that we can’t explain. Steve Olson is checking on it. No activity in
March for academics, arts, athletics, or scholarships.
(Tracy) Topic: Parent Leaders Report. Tracy passed out handouts from both the February and March
meetings. A finance report (and video) was presented to the group regarding an updated capital levy.
(Allison) Topic: Student Council Report. Helped 23 teachers this year as part of teacher appreciation. All
four officer positions filled for next year. Students interested in joining will be interviewed this year in
addition to submitting completed applications.
(John) Topic: SHIP (Parent Survey results)…Still waiting for District to adopt the new policy. Nothing new
to report.
(John) Topic: T2 Stats. Tardies continue to decrease each year. Absences had been declining, but rates
increased this winter trimester compared to last year’s 2nd tri (but still lower than previous years).
Failure rates (one or more F’s) decreased in all grades but 12th grade, but they had a higher percentage
rate as Juniors.
(Drew) Topic: Mastery Connect. Easy to use online tool to enhance learning (curriculum, assessment,
and instruction). Curriculum mapping is the ability to share work with other teachers in other schools,
and the ability to get immediate scanning/scoring/feedback on tests. Teachers share and collaborate
data, targeting students who need help. Also has ability to copy scores from multiple choice tests and
input scores directly into the grade books (good for this type of test, but not for constructed response
questions). Program was piloted in 8th grade Science in District 196 before moving into other grades.
(John) Topic: Personnel Update. Drew Storley will replace Pete Roback’s administrative position. They
will work together in the next few months to ease the transition.
(Becky) Topic: Fundraising. No money has come in yet from the St. Patrick’s Day event with local
restaurants. Drew reported they still need $1500 in order to conduct the bi-annual mock car crash.
Jeanine motioned to donate $1500 for this, Tracy (second), approved. Becky will send a note regarding
this approval to the school’s accountant, Carol.
(Becky/John) Topic: Site Council Scholarships. John will send a note to Lori Martinson regarding the
selection criteria. Still looking for presenters at the Scholarship Tea on 5/23.
(Becky/John) Topic: Open Discussion/Grand March. Becky inquired to the timing and location of the
Grand March in St. Paul. Other schools have the Grand March at the high school, wondering if this is a
safer alternative. If students like the location in St. Paul, she asked if the timing could be pushed back so
students could go to dinner first and then attend the Grand March/Prom. Due to the size of the location
and the numbers attending, it is difficult to change the current structure. However, the students will add
this as a topic to discuss at their next Student Council meeting.
(John) Topic: Open Discussion/Traffic concerns at Hwy. 3. Kari, the District’s Safety Officer, spoke with
Pete Olson with the city of Rosemount. He said there are no plans for a traffic light, nor is any funding
available. If we want to pursue this, we would have to 1) pay for a traffic study, and 2) should a light be
needed, the state will only pay 1/3 of the total costs.
(Becky) Topic: Open Discussion/FTTH proposal. FTTH (Fiber to the Home) met with Becky and Jim prior
to this meeting to discuss a fundraising proposal. The goal would be to raise money to purchase fiber to
the RHS stadium. Due to time, we will discuss at the May meeting.