Faculty Senate Agenda Tu, February 15, 2005: 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Faculty Senate Agenda
Tu, February 15, 2005: 3:00 – 5:00 pm
1. Opening of meeting, information items
Additions to or modifications of the Agenda
Approval of Senate Minutes of 2/1/2005
Institutional Research www.umkc.edi/ir/reports: “Count of Enrolled Students and Degrees Awarded”
Deans Evaluations: progress report by Kathy Loncar
Missouri budget assessment (handout by McAninch) and introduction of a draft resolution
Request for 2 faculty representatives for Commencement planning committee
2. Osborne response on Driever Email exchange.
3. Response of Faculty Welfare and Academic Issues committee chairs to request by Vice-Provost
Jeff Thomas for information related to faculty compensation planning.
(information item)
4. Election for Information Technology Council (action item)
5. Selection of 16 Senate nominees for Chancellor’s Search Committee
6. UMKC Central Administration Organization chart (information item)
Waterborg - Loncar
(action item)
Motion to amend Senate Bylaws by creating a recall procedure for Executive Committee members
Committee Reports
Executive Committee meeting summary, February 9, 2005
Discussion with Provost Bill Osborne and Vice-Provost Jeff Thomas on criteria for selection of the 16 names
requested by President Floyd as faculty nominees for a Chancellor’s Search Committee, including the expected
time required over summer. (A request by the chair for information from President Floyd about the search process, yielded
the following answer: “It will be a closed search process that may be open at the end.”)
Discussion of Commencement participation request by SGA. Suggested was to respond to the request by SGA by
passing a Sense-of-the-Senate resolution.
Discussion of the implementation of the Senate IT and Privacy report, accepted by Senate on 2/1/2005.
Executive Committee meeting summary, February 14, 2005
Discussion of agenda items for Faculty Senate meeting on 2/15/2005.