Name _____________________________________ Class ____________ Date _____________ Use the formula

Name _____________________________________ Class ____________ Date _____________
Alternative Assessment
Chapter 10
Form C
Use the formula
for the area of a triangle to develop formulas
for the area of (a) a parallelogram, and (b) a trapezoid. Use diagrams
to support your argument.
In quadrilateral ABCD, vertex A has coordinates (1, 1) and vertex B has coordinates (5, 4). Identify the coordinates of C and D so that ABCD is a rectangle. Prove that ABCD is a rectangle, and
find the area of ABCD.
Name _____________________________________ Class ____________ Date _____________
Alternative Assessment (continued)
Chapter 10
Form C
Find the area and the perimeter of each polygon. Label your diagrams to show how knowledge
of special right triangles helped you solve the problem.
a. square with radius 1
b. regular hexagon with apothem 1
Imagine a regular polygon with many sides—20, 50, or even 100 or more.
a. What figure does such a polygon approximate?
b. If the polygon were inscribed in a circle, explain the relationship between the apothem a and
the radius r, and between the perimeter p and the circumference C.
c. Discuss the connection between the area of the polygon,
and the area of the circle,