Assignment: Vote Name: ,

Assignment: Vote
Follow the link to the Smithsonian Interactive Exhibition, Vote: The Machine of Democracy.
Click through the multiple pages of the exhibit being certain to follow links to more in-depth material
that appears there.
A. From the exhibit list 2 objects or documents that you feel expanded the voting freedoms of
Americans. For each object or document write a 1 to 2 sentence description of how you feel it
expanded the voting freedoms.
B. From the exhibit list 2 objects or documents that you feel restricted the voting freedoms of
Americans. For each object or document write a 1 to 2 sentence description of how you feel it
restricted the voting freedoms.
C. Considering the problems that you have seen with voting in the past from this exhibit and from your
own knowledge of voting practices in United States, invent a new way to vote.
Will you create a machine?
Will you do it online?
Would you use iPads and laptops?
Would you have everyone show up in person?
Would you use DNA testing or blood draws to assure voter identity?
Be creative, but also be realistic. Think of a way that in the next 10 to 50 years citizens of the
United States could vote in elections. For your voting system you must describe:
1 way in which your system will combat voter fraud
1 way in which your system is potentially flawed
1 way in which your system will promote voter turnout
To which age, sex, race or other group do you think it would have the most impact for
improving voter turnout?