Assignment: Command Name:

Assignment: Command
The Russian Revolution was inspired by the ideal of changing the economic system in the
country so that people a better chance for equal gain and reducing the exploitation of
For more than 70 years, the Soviet government made all the important economic
decisions including what was produced, where it was produced, how much was produced
and how much the product cost. This is called a command economy.
In comparison the United States is based on a market or capitalism economy. In a
market economy the law of supply and demand determines what is produced and how
much it costs.
In addition to your reading in this unit, do some online research to answer the following
1. How did the economic policies of the Soviet Union affect its human geography?
Think about:
• industrialization
• collective farms
2. How did the economic goals of the Soviet Union affect educational values in
Think about:
• Transcaucasia's economy before the 1920s
• the impact of economic changes on the region's workers
3. What is one of the toughest issues facing Russia's economic reformers?
4. How has Russia moved toward a capitalist system?
5. What are some of the obstacles to economic reform?