Assignment: Aesthetic Name:

Assignment: Aesthetic
Select something that ‘moves’ you. Something that you particularly like, or dislike, that captures your
attention, your aesthetic. It can be a work of art, music, a dance piece, a play or movie, a poem or a
Identify the piece. Who is the author or artist or creator? Where did you first see or experience
this piece?
Describe it well enough to give a sense of what it's like. Provide enough details to make it
interesting, but not overwhelming.
What aesthetically draws you to this work? What makes it so captivating?
What do you see as being the strengths and weaknesses of the piece? (Even a masterpiece can
be critiqued!)
If possible, place the work in its social or historical context.
Write one question you have about aesthetics (think philosophically about it). Be creative: For
example you might ask, “How could a blind person appreciate a painting?” (There is no right or
wrong answer; it’s just a ‘hmmmm’ question.)