Fingerprints, Hair, and Fibers Crossword Name ________________________

Name ________________________
Fingerprints, Hair, and Fibers Crossword
1. the inner portion of hair
2. commonest stage of hair growth
3. fingerprints one can see with the naked eye
5. lengthwise yarn or thread in a weave
8. fibers, fingerprints, and hair are considered this type of evidence
13. important property of animal hairs
14. chemical by-product in the body
16. fingerprints that are invisible
17. fingerprints that leave an impression on an object or substance
19. often found in hair root which can make hair individual evidence
1. used to match an unknown to a known fingerprint
4. man-made fiber
6. long chains of repeating chemical units
7. usually made up of many filaments twisted or bonded together to form a thread or yarn
9. fibers derived from plants, animals, or minerals
10. fibers and hair are considered this type of evidence
11. protein polymer common to hair
12. a triangle shape found in all loop and whorl fingerprint patterns
15. crosswise yarn or thread in a weave (thread that is woven into the lengthwise thread)
18. the study of lip prints