Graphics files for ASLS shared site -- January 13, 2015

Graphics files for ASLS shared site -- January 13, 2015
Discuss graphics files
There are some Photoshop files you can use—if you want to continue using the “draft style”
of the current site—to create images. Check them out on the All University Shared drive.
O:\asls\shared news site\ASLS_shared_images
Open with Photoshop.
Here’s what we have at the moment (until you steer us in another direction):
A Photoshop file for creating images that are 329x329 pixels, such as:
Main Image
Rollover Image
These images offer rollover capability, which doesn’t work with all browser.
A Photoshop file for creating images that are 76x111 pixels, such as:
Discuss “Share Your Story” link
This link enables nonauthors to automatically put info on the news page. It has issues.
Please try it out, looking for things that work and things that don’t.
Discuss incorporating social media within site
What do you think about twitter, facebook, and so on?
The current site pulls in a PickOne twitter feed as an example of how we could blend this
page with twitter.
Creating a 329x329 image, with rollover
1) Open Image_square_329x329pixels.psd in Photoshop.
2) Paste your desired image onto the IMAGE layer (or a new layer).
a) Copy the image, such as with Ctrl-C.
b) Select the IMAGE layer in the Image_square_329x329pixels.psdPhotoshop file.
c) Paste the image, such as with Ctrl-V.
3) Double-click the T next to the MAIN TEXT layer to select the text.
4) Change the text as needed for your story.
5) Save a jpg or png version of the file with a meaningful name.
For example:
File> Save as … Format: JPEG
File > Save for Web & Devices … PNG-8
6) Click the “eye box” next to the Rollover text layer to make the layer visible.
Change the text as needed for your story.
Click the “eye box” next to the TEXT BACKGROUND GRAY… layer to make the layer invisible.
Click the “eye box” next to the Rollover text background gray… layer to make the layer visible.
Save a jpg or png version of the file with a meaningful name, such as Outreach_rollover.jpg.