The Review Red Chief Editor: Mr. Bily September 21, 2015 Issue...

The Red Review
A weekly bulletin for Red Team and Mr. Bily’s Social Studies and Language Arts news
Chief Editor: Mr. Bily September 21, 2015 Issue 6
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
A gentle reminder that we are now halfway through the 1st quarter of the 2015-2016 school year.
Please, make sure you and your student are utilizing all of the resources in place that assist in your student’s
success on the Red team. I am available almost every morning from the time students are permitted entry into the school, and they may come in daily for makeup work during lunch or homebase. Additionally, I have
introduced the “Remind” app that sends up to date reminders and due dates directly to your phone
(directions can be found linked to my web page on the Red team website). If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via the contact information at the bottom of the page (email preferred).
Yours in education,
Mr. Bily
This Week in History
1937 — J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy novel The
Hobbit is published.
1863— Abraham Lincoln issues the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, applying
only to Southern states in rebellion.
Historian of the Week
CMS Red Team Dates to Remember
10/2—2 Hour Early Dismissal
10/12—Columbus Day (No School)
10/22– 1/2 Day Attendance, P/T Conferences
10/23—No Student Attendance, P/T Conferences
10/30—2 Hour Early Dismissal
11/19—Field Trip to Lincoln Presidential Museum
11/24—2 Hour Early Dismissal
11/25-11/27—Thanksgiving Break
What’s due?....
Social Studies: Compare/Contrast Essay on a
Historical or Current Event due 9/28
Name: Evey B.
Class: 1st Period Social Studies
Praise: Evey has shown an unmatched initiative
this past week for completing work, helping around
the school and classroom, and contributing to class
discussions on map skills and governments.
Language Arts: Argumentative Essay due 9/28
Red Team: Dystopian Group Project due 10/2