The F model on dynamical quadrangulations Presenter: Wolfhard Janke

The F model on dynamical quadrangulations
Presenter: Wolfhard Janke
Martin Weigel, Wolfhard Janke
Abstract: The dynamically triangulated random surface (DTRS) approach to
Euclidean quantum gravity in two dimensions is considered for the case of the
elemental building blocks being quadrangles instead of the usually used triangles. The well-known algorithmic tools for treating dynamical triangulations in
a Monte Carlo simulation are adapted to the problem of these dynamical quadrangulations. The thus defined ensemble of 4-valent graphs is appropriate for
coupling to it the 6- and 8-vertex models of statistical mechanics. Using a series
of extensive Monte Carlo simulations and accompanying finite-size scaling analyses, we investigate the critical behaviour of the 6-vertex F model coupled to
the ensemble of dynamical quadrangulations and determine the matter related
as well as the graph related critical exponents of the model.