Slow-down, acceleration and finite-size scaling in supersymmetric systems on the lattice

Slow-down, acceleration and finite-size scaling in supersymmetric
systems on the lattice
Presenter: Joel Giedt
Joel Giedt
Abstract: The scaling dimensions of all relevant operators for 2d Wess-Zumino
supersymmetric systems (N = 2 Landau-Ginsburg models) are believed to be
known exactly. This assertion is based on the conjecture that these field theories are described at their critical points by (2,2) superconformal field theories
with central charge c < 3. We have endeavored to test this correspondence
using finite-size scaling in lattice constructions that preserve an exact nilpotent
sub-susy-algebra, and which have the right continuum limit at the level of perturbation theory. In the process we naturally encounter critical slow-down of
our simulations. We confirm the finding of Catterall et al. that Fourier acceleration overcomes this impediment. Finally we report our preliminary results for
the match between theoretical and simulation scaling exponents.