MATH 106X – Section A – Discovering Mathematics Outline – Fall 2015

MATH 106X – Section A – Discovering Mathematics
Syllabus / Course Outline1 – Fall 2015
Dr. Kristopher Lee – Carver 476 – (515) 294-0259 –
Office Hours:
MWF @ 12–1 PM, or by appointment
Time and Locations:
Lecture will be on MWF @ 2:10–3:00 PM in BLACK 1026.
ISU Catalog Course Description:
An inquiry-based approach to mathematics, emphasizing the art, history, and beauty of the subject.
Typical topics are mathematics from art, music, puzzles, patterns, and reasoning.
Grading Policy:
Your grade will be computed as follows:
In Class Participation
Take Home Assignments
Letter grades will be assigned at the instructors discretion.
In Class Participation:
This course will not be a typical math class. An average day in our course will be as follows:
1. The instructor poses a problem (or problems).
2. You will work on the problem(s) alone or in a group.
3. After some time, a student will present a solution.
4. The students will then discuss the solution, and they decide if it is an acceptable answer.
Then the process repeats. The instructor will rarely intervene, as they are simply a guide on
your journey to discover mathematics. However, this does not mean that the instructor “does
nothing”. They will always be vigilant, and as long as you come to class and give an honest
effort, you will receive the full 75%. Also, do not worry about getting problems “right”; one of
the best parts of mathematics is when you are stuck and frustrated.
This document is subject to adjustment by the instructor, with notice given to the students.
Take Home Assignments:
Occasionally, we will not have enough time in class to fully discuss a problem. It will then be
your responsibility to work on the problem outside of the classroom and submit your work to the
instructor for grading. Expect at least 2 take home assignments per 3 weeks, i.e. a total of 10 for
the semester. In addition, there will be a take home assignment that will be due during
finals week. More information on this particular assignment as we approach the end of the course.
Calculators and Other Electronic Devices:
You may use any calculator that does not have wireless communication features when permitted.
Other electronic devices may be used during lecture for educational purposes only. Since most
of our class will be participation oriented, I’d prefer that you place your attention on the
course and not on your cellphone/laptop/tablet/etc.
If you have a documented disability that requires assistance, you will need to go to the Disability
Resource (DR) Office for coordination of your academic accommodations. The DR is located in
the Student Services Building, Room 1076. Their phone number is 515-294-6624. No retroactive
accommodations will be provided in this class.
Conduct and General Class Policies:
I expect all students to behave in a respectful manner during lecture, and you will be asked to
leave the lecture if you are being inappropriate and/or disruptive. Since there will be
student participation, I take this policy very seriously.
For more information regarding academic regulations, see the Class Policies, which is provided by
the Department of Mathematics.