Quick Reference Guide Assignment

Quick Reference Guide Assignment
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The intent of this assignment is:
~ to make good use of your handbook
~ to develop document design techniques
~ to actively participate in your own learning
~ to develop a personalized reference guide for problem areas
Grammar problems, punctuation errors, and confusing words plague all writers. While I
recognize that it is impossible to memorize every rule covering such things as formatting letters
and memos, grammar usage, citing sources, using appropriate words, and designing documents, I
do believe that everyone should know where to find such things. Everyone has particular
language weaknesses and areas of communication that need attention, and everyone can benefit
from owning a reference guide, especially if it addresses individual areas of concern for any given
person. With that in mind, I want you to design and construct a quick reference guide for yourself
which addresses your particular weaknesses.
Overview of Assignment:
1. Starting in Week 4, begin to compile a list of topics you wish to learn more about.
Consult your handbook for assistance in this topic- gathering project. As you collect this
list, be sure to provide the “hows” and “whys” with which you need the most help – i.e.
do not just say “paragraphing”; say instead “paragraphs develop the topic sentence and
provide discussion to help readers understand my purpose/point.”
2. Once you have gathered the material, you will create your reference guide.
3. Your reference guide should be a minimum of two pages in length, both front and back
and provide users (such as yourself) with a quick reference to material you decide is
important and needs to be learned (See examples provided).
4. Your reference guide should have a minimum of 4 visual elements.
5. Your reference guide should make use of color – see examples.
6. Your reference guide should be completed, laminated and ready to hand in anytime
between Weeks 14-16.
Steps to Take:
1. Review and list your areas of weakness. You may begin to pay attention to subject
headings as well. (see examples or use your handbook cover pages for ideas)
2. Browse the handbook for assistance and add to your list or highlight corresponding
sections in the handbook.
3. Compile a comprehensive list of topics you wish to learn or reinforce.
4. Select a minimum of 10 main topic headings
5. Select a minimum of 50 items or sets of items (ex. usage of affect and effect) to go
beneath those major topic headings. See examples/handouts for additional details on this.
6. Arrange general topic headings into a logical order (check the inside covers of your
handbook for ideas):
a. order of importance
b. alphabetical order
c. usefulness order
d. you decide
7. Be sure your document is visually appealing and that information can be easily located.