English 105 NREM Readings Week 1 – Evolving Ethics

English 105 NREM Readings
1 – Evolving Ethics
As the course evolves, we will focus some of our attention
on ethics and ethical issues. You will have a chance to do
some work in your major about ethical issues related to
that major. This material supplements the syllabus and
allows you non-NREM students an opportunity to write about
topics of interest to you.
The readings listed below are intended as a view into the
evolving ethics of nature, the environment, and our place
in it. Many questions surround what we should do with
nature, how we should treat it, what purpose it serves
humans (if you take that view), how we should interact with
it, and many more. What is the right choice to make or the
right course of action to take regarding our land and our
relationship to it?
I will provide questions over these readings for class
discussion and homework. Please be sure to read them and be
prepared to lead a discussion over them (to what do the
words “them” refer – the readings or the questions?). I am
looking for how you respond to the readings, what insight
and connections you can make regarding the readings and how
the issues raised in them affect/effect (which is correct?)
us. I’m also interested in how you move knowledge forward.
During our discussions, what new ideas or new ways of
thinking can you present to help the class understand the
The Land Ethic Aldo Leopold
Women and the Challenge of the Ecological Era Dana Lee Jackson (from the Land
Institute – see reading below)
The Land Institute
for study on Thursday during lab
Wilderness Letter Wallace Stegner