Future of Life Questions – Prologue, Chapters 3-4

Future of Life Questions – Prologue,
Chapters 3-4
Discuss the following questions in class. As a group, come to an agreement about
answers to the questions. Select one member of the group to write out (word process) the
agreed upon answers and submit them on. One set of answers per group; be sure to list
all group member names. Each of you will answer the Reflection question on a separate
sheet of paper (word process please). Hand those in with the group answers.
Chapter 3:
1. Why is chapter 3 titled “Nature’s Last Stand”? What is Wilson
talking about?
2. Why did Wilson devote so much energy to Hawaii?
3. Explain the concept of HIPPO. Pretend you are talking to a
freshman in high school.
4. As a group, write down each member’s answer to the following:
What is the most meaningful statistic/fact in chapter 3? Why is this statistic/fact
so important?
Chapter 4:
1. The story about the Sumatran rhino is a metaphor for what?
2. Why should we save the rhino? What is gained by saving it? What is lost if it
becomes extinct?
3. If we see ancient civilizations as the Leavers and present-day humans as the
Takers, how would you explain the behavior of the Polynesians in New Zealand?
(p. 94-96).
4. On p. 97, Wilson states that, “(a)s a consequence of the filtering effect, the decline
of biodiversity is most difficult to chart in those parts of the world where human
occupancy is oldest.” Why is this so?
5. Try and answer Wilson’s question (p. 98 top) “All of the continents except
Antarctica supported megafaunas of one kind or another before the spread of
humanity. Only Africa and tropical Asia were spared the full shock of extinction.
How are we to explain this anomaly?”
What role does Future of Life play in explaining biodiversity?