Finite Fields Exercises on Chapter 3 Exercise 3

Finite Fields
Exercises on Chapter 3
Exercise 3
In questions 1–8, V is a vector space of dimension 3 over F2 .
* 1. How many elements are there in V ?
** 2. How many linear maps α : V → V are there?
** 3. How many of these maps are surjective?
** 4. How many vector subspaces does V have?
** 5. Is there a linear map α : V → V satisfying α2 + I = 0?
** 6. Which linear maps α : V → V commute with every linear map β : V → V ?
** 7. How many linear maps α : V → V have trace 0 and determinant 1?
*** 8. Are any two such linear maps similar?
*** 9. Show that the subsets of a set X form a ring of characteristic 2 if we set U + V =
(U \ V ) ∪ (V \ U ) and U × V = U ∩ V . What are the zero and identity elements in
this ring?
*** 10. Is this ring a field for any set X?