Pall Corporation Best possible solutions for Filtration, Fluidization, Water and Wastewater Technique

Pall Corporation
Best possible solutions for
Filtration, Fluidization, Water and
Wastewater Technique
Pall Corporation
Progress by Tradition !
Submitting of solutions for a variety of filtration tasks have already belonged to the main commitments of Schumacher for over 175
years. Our customers rely on a closely working competent partnership with us. Long out-standing experience and know-how in manufacturing and knowledge of use for ceramic materials, polyethylene plastics and activated carbons are unmatched.
Schumacher has been a major driving force in the development of filter ceramics leading into a market leader in hot gas and brine
filtration application.
The know-how ensures that all products and services used in fields of filtration, fluidization or waste water technique will benefit from.
Water and wastewater
For all demands covering the fields of
Schumacher can ensure that the con-
When you are looking for solutions in
fine filtration, micro- or ultra filtration as
veying of even the most difficult bulk
the field of water and wastewater techni-
well as of adsorption use, Schumacher
powders is smooth and problem free. We
que which are well proven in economy
offers suitable filter ceramics, filter hou-
have many year's experience in bulk
and design you have met the competent
sings or filter plants. Consistent glance
powder handling applications and we
partner you can trust:
on the interest of our customers we offer
have developed a range of standard pro-
Schumacher offers ideal and excellent
technically high-valued filter ceramics
ducts which are an instant solution to
cleaning solutions being also suitable to
and ceramic membrane filters. The choi-
many bulk handling problems. The same
make your process profitable , e.g. fine
ce of the best filter media depends on the
equipment can be used for the conditio-
bubble flat bottom aeration for municipal
actual field of application. At any rate, it is
ning of bulk goods and the creation of
and industrial sewage treatment.
Schumacher's primary aim to optimize
whirl levels. We offer the FILTROPLAST®,
Furtheron, treatment of drinking water
the filtration processes, independent of
sintered polyethylene product in a stan-
can also mean a delicate matter of trust.
using porous ceramic, porous plastics or
dard range of tiles, tubes, funnels etc. but
However, when choosing Schumacher
activated carbon media.
we also build to specific dimensions suit-
products you are on a safe side due to
ing to your individual requirements.
long and extensive proof of the products.
The extensive field of water and wastewater treatment is broadly covered by a
Schumacher products.
Pall Corporation
Use our wealth of knowledge to
guarantee your success.
We don't just talk about quality - we put it into practice
Our primary aim in quality standards
ection of raw materials but also surveil-
shall lead to totally satisfied customers.
lance and monitoring throughout the
For this reason, Total Quality Mana-
production process as well as perma-
gement does not mean just a catch
nent training of our staff. Since 1994 all
phrase for us, but it is part of our daily
DIN ISO 9001 accreditations have been
passed successfully.
system starts with the continuous improvement of
our products and processes, continues with careful sel-
When you're satisfied, we are
still looking to improve
Prove our reliable service
Schumacher has a large number of
Trust on the know-how and experience
highly qualified and experienced staff
of a market leader with generation of
who are waiting for your call. Our spe-
experience in the concept, design,
cialists are at your disposal to discuss
manufacturing and commissioning of
your particular application and help to
products made of filtration, fluidization,
focus on the optimum solution. Once
water and wastewater technique. Benefit
the details of the application are defi-
from our continuous efforts in research
ned, we make up a working team of
and development. Many new products
suitably experienced staff who work
have been developed in close
closely with you. They will assist in the
cooperation with our custo-
conceptual and design stages to lead
mers. Please challenge us
ultimately to the best possible design in
when you are looking for
terms or processing technology
the best possible solution
economic and technical efficiency.
for your particular needs
When we are successful in achieving
for filtration, fluidization or
this goal, then your success and your
satisfaction are our primary objectives
and our philosophy is to build long term
working relationships with our clients.
Pall Corporation
The comprehensive range of products from
Schumacher offers a solution for every
Fine Filtration
Process Gas
Process Gas
brine filtration
fruit juice filtration
filtration of compressed air
recycling of valuable-materials
water/aqueous suspensions
beer/yeast filtration
oil removal from com-
coal combustion (PFBC)
acid filtration
process water filtration
pressed air
coal gasification (IGCC)
alkaline filtration
prefiltration of leachate
aerosol separation
product separation
solvent filtration
lacquer recycling
natural gas filtration
protection of testing devices
electrolyt filtration
recycling of sizing liquor
sewer gas filtration
exhaust air cleaning
catalyst recovery
oil emulsion separation
mixed gas filtration
filtration of chlorine gas
beer filtration
filtration of condensate from
ammonia filtration
fruit juice filtration
compressed air
steam filtration
catalyst recovery
drinking water gaining
recycling of waste water/deoiling
liquid gas filtration
soil/ground water remediation
recycling of cooling lubricants
carbondioxide filtration
protection of catalyst
We would be pleased to send you detailed information for possible applications.
Standardfilter FEG
noise protection
Micro- and Ultrafiltration with
Schumacher filter media
Pall Corporation
The comprehensive range of products from
Schumacher offers a solution for every
Water and Wastewater Technique
Bulk Handling
Silo Discharge/
Bulk discharge:
Fluidized bed
Diffusers and Aeration
storage silos
municipal sewage treatment
oil-water separation
big size silos
industrial sewage treatment
bio mass carrier
day- or weighing containers
fish farming tanks
emulsion separation
air conditioning
ozone charging
odour removal
pressure conveying
CO2 charging
well filters
suction conveying
gas removal
gas charging into suspensions
air slides
particle removal
micro- and ultra filtration
Fluidized bed:
powder coating
hot fluidized bed
whirl levelling
thermal eddy layer processes
Fluidization and Filtration with FILTROPLAST®
Fine bubble aeration with BRANDOL®
Pall Corporation
Use our service:
Laboratory evaluation
Commissioning and start up of filter
tation network
Supply of test filters and pilot systems
Process and method evaluation
Stoll von Gáti 03.06 © PALL SCHUMACHER GmbH- Technische Änderungen Vorbehalten
On-site consulting via our wide represen-
After sales-service
Efficiency analyses
Pall Corporation
Pall Filtersystems GmbH
Werk Schumacher
Werk Schumacher
P.O.B. 1562
D 74555 Crailsheim
fax: +49(0)7951/26598