New York Journal of Mathematics Valerii Faiziev

New York Journal of Mathematics
New York J. Math. 6 (2000) 135{152.
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free
Valerii Faiziev
Dedicated to Caroline and Natalie
Abstract. A pseudocharacter of a semigroup S is a real function ' on S
satisfying the following conditions.
1) The set f'(xy) ; '(x) ; '(y) x y 2 S g is bounded.
2) For x 2 S and n 2 N (and n 2 Z if S is a group),
'(xn ) = n'(x):
A description of the space of pseudocharacters on some extensions of free
groups is given.
1. Introduction
2. Pseudocharacters on some extensions of free groups
In 1940 S. M. Ulam posed the following problem. Given a group G1 , a metric
group (G2 d) and a positive number ", does there exist a > 0 such that if f :
G1 ! G2 satises d(f (xy) f (x)f (y)) < for all x y 2 G1 , then a homomorphism
T : G1 ! G2 exists with d(f (x) T (x)) < " for all x y 2 G1 ? See S. M. Ulam
(1960) or (1974) for a discussion of such problems, as well as D. H. Hyers (1941,
1983), D. H. Hyers and S. M. Ulam (1945, 1947), Th. M. Rassias (1978), J. Aczel
and J. Dhombres (1989).
In case of a positive answer to the previous problem, we say that the homomorphisms G1 ! C2 are stable or that the Cauchy functional equation
'(xy) = '(x)'(y)
is stable.
Received September 13, 1999.
Mathematics Subject Classication. 20F99, 39B62, 39B82.
Key words and phrases. Free group, extension of free groups, quasicharacter, pseudocharacter,
linear space.
ISSN 1076-9803/00
Valerii Faiziev
The rst armative answer was given by D. H. Hyers 14] in 1941. Consider the
additive Cauchy equation
'(xy) = '(x) + '(y):
Obviously this equation is exactly the same as equation (1), but with the use of
the additive notation on the right-hand side we emphasize that the range of the
function is in an additive group.
Theorem 1 (D. H. Hyers). Let E1 E2 be Banach spaces and let f : E1 ! E2
satisfy the following condition: there is " > 0 such that
jj f (x + y) ; f (x) ; f (y) jj < " for all x y 2 E1 :
Then there exists T : E1 ! E2 such that
T (x + y) ; T (x) ; T (y) = 0 for all x y 2 E1
jj f (x) ; T (x) jj < " for all x 2 E1:
If we carefully look at the proof of Hyers' Theorem, the existence of the additive function T uniformly approximating f , we easily recognize that the result
remains true if we replace the additive group of the Banach space E1 by a commutative semigroup S . So we can conclude that the homomorphisms from an abelian
simigroup into the additive group of a Banach space are stable.
After Hyers' result a great number of papers on the subject have been published,
generalizing Ulam's problem and Hyers' Theorem in various directions. See 11],
15]{22], 26]{28].
Denition 1. Let G be a semigroup and B a Banach space. We say that equation (2) is stable for the pair (G B ) if, for every function f : G ! B such that
jjf (xy) ; f (x) ; f (y)jj x y 2 G for some 0
there exists a solution ' of (2) such that
jjf (x) ; '(x)jj " 8x 2 G
for some " depending only on .
In 12] it has been proved that B1 B2 are Banach spaces, then (2) is stable for
(G B1 ) if and only if it is stable for (G B2 ).
Due to this remark we simply say that (2) is stable for a group or a semigroup
G. Thus Hyers's Theorem says that (2) is stable for any commutative semigroup
G. A remarkable achievement was that of L. Szekelyhidi who in 28] replaced the
original proof given by Hyers by a new one based on the use of invariant means.
Theorem 2 (L. Szekelyhidi). Let G be a left (right) amenable semigroup, then (2)
is stable for G.
Now a question naturally arises: do groups or semigroups exist for which equation (2) is not stable? In view of L. Szekelyhidi's Theorem we must look among
non-amenable groups or semigroups and in fact in 4, 5, 7, 8, 10] it was proved
that on a free nonabelian group (or semigroup) the additive Cauchy equation (2)
is not stable. We recall the example of Forti (see 10]). Let F ( ) be the free
group generated by the two elements , . Let each word x 2 F ( ) be written in
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free Groups
reduced form, i.e., x does not contain pairs of the forms ;1 , ;1 , ;1 , ;1 and has no exponents dierent from 1 and ;1. Dene the function f : F ( ) ! R
as follows. If r(x) is the number of pairs of the form in x and s(x) is the number
of pairs of the form ;1 ;1 in x, put f (x) = r(x) ; s(x).
It is easily seen that for all x y 2 F ( ) we have f (xy) ; f (x) ; f (y) 2
f;1 0 1g, i.e., f satises (3). Now, assume that there is T : F ( ) ! R such
that the relations (4), and (5) hold. But T is completely determined by its values
T () and T (
), while f is identically zero on the subgroups A and B generated by
and , respectively. Indeed, T (n ) = nT () and f (n ) = 0 for n 2 N. Since
T (n ) ; f (n ) = nT () for n 2 N, it follows that T () = 0. Similarly we have
T (
) = 0, so that T is identically zero on F ( ). Hence, f ; T = f on F ( )
where f is unbounded. This contradiction proves that there is no homomorphism
T : F ( ) ! R such that the relation (5) holds.
It turns out that the existence of mappings that are \almost homomorphisms"
but are not small perturbations of homomorphisms has an algebraic nature.
Denition 2. A quasicharacter of a semigroup S is a real-valued function f on S
such that ff (xy) ; f (x) ; f (y) j x y 2 S g is bounded.
Denition 3. By a pseudocharacter on a semigroup S (group S ) we mean a quasicharacter f such that for x 2 S and n 2 N (and for n 2 Z, if S is group),
f (xn ) = nf (x):
The set of quasicharacters of semigroup S is a vector space (with respect to the
usual operations of addition of functions and multiplication by scalars), which will
be denoted by KX (S ). The subspace of KX (S ) consisting of pseudocharacters will
be denoted by PX (S ) and the subspace consisting of real additive characters of the
semigroup S , will be denoted by X (S ).
We say that a pseudocharacter ' of the group G is nontrivial if ' 2= X (G).
In connection with the example of Forti, note that his function is a quasicharacter
of the free group F ( ) but not a pseudocharacter of F ( ). In 5, 7] the set
of all pseudocharacters of free groups was described. In 4]{9] a description of
the spaces of pseudocharacters on free groups and semigroups, semidirect and free
products of semigroups was given.
For a mapping f of the group G into the semigroup of linear transformations
of a vector space, sucient conditions for the coincidence of the solution of the
functional inequality jjf (xy);f (x)f (y)jj < c with the solution of the corresponding
functional equation f (xy) ; f (x) f (y) = 0 were studied in the papers 2, 3]. In
the papers 13, 24], it was independently shown that if a continuous mapping f of
a compact group G into the algebra of endomorphisms of a Banach space satises
the relation kf (xy) ; f (x) f (y)k for all x y 2 G with a suciently small > 0,
then f is "-close to a continuous representation g of the same group in the same
Banach space (i.e., we have kf (x) ; g(x)k < " for all x 2 G).
Let H be a Hilbert space and let U (H ) be the group of unitary operators of
H endowed by operator-norm topology. If H is n-dimensional, n 2 N, we denote
U (H ) by U (n).
Denition 4. Let 0 < " < 2. Let T be a mapping of a group G into U (H ). We
say that T is an "-representation if for any x y 2 G the relation
kT (xy) ; T (x)T (y)k < "
Valerii Faiziev
V. Milman raised the following question: Let : G ! U (H ) be an "-representation with small ". Is it true that is near to an actual representation of the
group G in H , i.e., does there exist some small > 0 such that k(x) ; (x)k < for all x 2 G ? Answering this question Kazhdan in 24] obtained the following:
Theorem 3 (D. Kazhdan). There is a group 3; with the following property. For
any 0 < " < 1 and any natural number n > " there exists an "-representation such that for any homomorphism : G ! U (n) the relation
k ; k = supfk(x) ; (x)k x 2 ;g > 101
Note that the group ; has the following presentation in terms of generators and
relations: ; = hx y a b k x;1y;1 xya;1 b;1 abi:
By using pseudocharacters a strengthening of Kazhdan's Theorem was established in 9] as follows.
We say that a group G belongs to the class K if every nonunit quotient group of
G has an element of order two.
Theorem 4 (V. Fa!iziev). Let H be a Hilbert space and let U (H ) be its group of
unitary operators. Suppose the groups A and B belong to the class K and the order
of B is more than two. Then the free product G = A B has the following property.
For any " > 0 there exists a mapping T : G ! U (H ) satisfying the following
1) kT (xy) ; T (x) T (y)k " for all x y 2 G.
2) For any representation : G ! U (H ), we have
supfkT (x) ; (x)k x 2 Gg = 2:
There is the following connection of quasicharacters and pseudocharacters with
the theory of Banach algebra cohomology: The denition of a quasicharacter coincides with that of a bounded 2-cocycle on the semigroup. Hence, if a semigroup
S has a nontrivial pseudocharacter, i.e., PX (S ) n X (S ) 6= , then arguing as 23],
Proposition 2.8, we obtain H 2 (S C) 6= 0.
The aim of this paper is to establish an existence of nontrivial pseudocharacters
on some classes of extensions of free groups and to describe the set of pseudocharacters on some groups.
Pseudocharacters on some extensions of free groups
Let G be a group and let be an automorphism of G. For any ' 2 PX (G) we
set ' (x) = '(x ) 8x 2 G. It is clear that ' is a pseudocharacter of the group
Denition 5. We shall say that ' is invariant under if ' = '. If this relation
is true for each a from H Aut G, we shall say that ' is invariant under H .
Denote by PX (G H ) the subspace of PX (G) consisting of a pseudocharacters
of the group G invariant under H .
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free Groups
In this article by F we mean a free group with a set of free generators X such
that jX j 2.
Recall that a word v = x"i11 x"i22 x"inn ("i 2 f1 ;1g) is reduced if x"ikk 6= x;ik"+1k+1
for k = 1 2 : : : n ; 1.
By the length of v we mean the number n which we denote by jvj. If v is reduced
and the relation x"i11 6= x;in"n holds we say that v is cyclically reduced. Denote by
(X ) the set of reduced words. And denote by c(X ) the set of cyclically reduced
words. For a word v denote by (v) an element from (X ) such that v = (v). Let
(v) = u;1zu, where z 2 c(X ). We set c(v) = z .
Each pseudocharacter of any group is invariant under its inner automorphisms
(see 7] Lemma 15 ). Therefore if A is an automorphism group of the group F ,
then PX (F A) = PX (F A Inn F ). Hence below without loss of generality, we
can assume that Inn F A.
Denote by a the image of the element a 2 A under the natural epimorphism A !
A=Inn F and denote by A the image of the group A under the same epimorphism.
Denition 6. Two elements u v from F are called A-conjugate if there is a 2 A
such that elements ua and v are conjugate in F .
We denote the relation of A-conjugacy by A. It is clear that A is an equivalence relation.
Denition 7. An element u of F is called simple if for each v 2 F and each n 2
the relation u 6= vn holds.
Denote by P the set of simple elements of the group F . The set P is divided
into classes of A-conjugacy.
Denote by P the set of A-conjugacy classes of elements of P . Denote by P 0 subset
of P consisting of classes such that in each of them there is a pair of mutually inverse
Let us verify that P 0 6= P . Let x y 2 X x 6= y, m 1. We check that
the element v = xm yxy;1 is not A-conjugate to v;1 . For this we show that for
any a 2 Aut F the element va is not conjugate to v;1 in the group F . Indeed,
suppose that for some b 2 Aut F the element vb is conjugate to v;1 in F . Then
there is 2 Aut F such that v = v;1 . By Proposition 4.1 from 25] there is an
automorphism of F which is nonidentity only on a nite subset of X , and such
that v = v;1 . Let us choose a nite subset X10 = fx1 x2 : : : xk g of X such that
x y 2 X10 and the relations x = x 8x 2 X n X10 hold. Let us add if necessary to
X10 elements xk+1 : : : xq from X n X10 such that all the words xi , i k, can be
written in alphabet X1 = fx1 x2 : : : xk xk+1 : : : xq g. Let X2 = X n X1 . And
let Fi be the subgroups of F generated by Xi , i = 1 2 respectively. It is clear
that F is free product F = F1 F2 . Since is an automorphism of the group F
and F2 = F2 , F1 F1 we obtain that is an automorphism of F1 too. Direct
calculation shows that if is a Whitehead automorphism of the group F1 (see
25]) such that jc(v )j = jc(v)j, then either is a permutable automorphism or
there is an element a 2 X11 such that v = a;" va" , " 2 f;1 1g. Similarly for
the word v;1 from the equality jc((v;1 ) )j = jc(v;1 )j it follows that either is a
permutable automorphism or for some g 2 X11 the relation (v;1 ) = g;"i v;1 g"i ,
"i 2 f;1 1g is valid. It is clear that there is no Whitehead transformation that
transforms the word v into some cyclic permutation of the word v;1 . Hence, by
Valerii Faiziev
Proposition 4.19 from 25] we nd that there is no element from Aut F1 that
transforms v into v;1 . Futhermore, there is no automorphism of the group F that
transforms v into v;1 . Hence,
the element v = xm yxy;1 is not A-conjugate to v;1 .
"in;1 "in
i1 "i2
Let v = xi1 xi2 xin;1 xin be a reduced word. We recall (see 7]) that the
set of \beginnings " H (v) and the set of \ends" K (v) of the word v is dened as
follows: if n 1, then H (v) = K (v) = f^g, where ^ is empty word. If n 2, then
H (v) = f^ x"i1i1 x"i1i1 x"i2i2 : : : x"i1i1 x"i2i2 x"inin;1 g
K (v) = fx"i2i2 x"inin : : : x"inin;;11 x"inin x"inin ^g:
Let Q = P n P 0 .
Lemma 1. There is a set of representatives T of the A-conjugacy classes belonging
to Q such that the following conditions hold.
1) T c(X )
2) T ;1 = T .
3) H (w) \ K (w) = f^g for all w 2 T .
4) There exists T + T such that T + \ (T + );1 = and T = T + (T + );1 .
Proof. The Lemmas 3 and 4 from 7] imply that there is a system of representatives
P of classes of conjugacy in F satisfying 1){4) with P in place of T .
It is clear if q 2 Q,then q is the union of conjugacy classes in F . Let us choose
as a representative of a class q an element from the set q \ P . It is clear that we
can choose the system of representatives such that w is a representative if and only
if w;1 is a representative too. Hence, we can choose T + T such that T + P + ,
T + \ (T +);1 = and T = T + (T + );1 .
Lemma 2. Let ' be a pseudocharacter of F such that j'(uv) ; '(u) ; '(v)j c
for any u v 2 F and j'(x)j for x 2 X . Then for any v with jvj 1, we have
j'(v)j (jvj ; 1)c + jvj:
Proof. For any u v 2 F the inequality j'(uv)j j'(u)j + j'(v)j + c holds. Hence,
by induction on the length of the word v we get j'(v)j (jvj ; 1)c + jvj.
Denote by BPX (FX A) the subspace of PX (F A) consisting of pseudocharacters that are bounded on the set X . Let P be the set from the proof of Lemma 1.
Now dene a system of measures on the set P . For any pair of reduced words u
and v and for any three reduced words a b c such that the word abc is reduced,
too, we dene the measures uv , abc uv and abc on the set P as follows.
It is easy to see that for any u v 2 (X ) there is a uniquely dened triple of
words u1 v1 z from (X ) such that u u1 z , v z ;1 v1 , u1 v1 2 (X ). Now set
1 (u v) = u1, 2 (u v) = v1 , (u v) = z . We set uv (w) = 1 if and only if there
are nonempty words t and such that
t 2 K (1 (u v)) 2 H (2 (u v)) w = t
otherwise we set uv (w) = 0. We set abc(w) = 1 if and only if b 6= ^ and there
are nonempty words t and such that
t 2 K (a) 2 H (c) w = tb
otherwise we set abc (w) = 0. Now we set
uv (w) = uv (w) ; uv (w;1 ) abc (w) = abc (w) ; abc (w;1 ):
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free Groups
Let v 2 (X ). Then there is a uniquely dened pair of words v , z (v) from such that v z (v);1 vz (v) and the word v is cyclically reduced. Furthermore, for
each pair of reduced words u v from the group F we dene three measures "uv ,
uv , #uv on P as follows:
"uv (w) = 1 (uv)2 (uv) (w) ; 1 (uv)(uv) (w) ; (uv);1 2 (uv) (w)
uv (w) = (uv)(uv) (w) ; z((uv));1 (uv) (w) ; (uv)z((uv)) (w)
; z((uv));1(uv)z((uv)) (w) ; uu(w) ; z(u);1 u(w)
; uz(u)(w) ; z(u);1 uz(u)(w) ; vv (w)
; z(v);1 v (w) ; vz(v)(w) ; z(v);1 vz(v)(w)
#uv (w) = "uv (w) + uv (w):
For any two words u v we set #uv (w) = #(u)(v) (w).
Let w 2 P + and let v 2 (X ). Then either v has no subwords equal to w or
w 1 , or
v t1 wi1 t2 wi2 tk wik tk+1 :
Here denotes graphical equality of the words, ij 2 Z n f0g, and the words tj
have no occurrences of subwords equal to w or w;1 . And in this presentation each
occurrence of the words w and w;1 in v is xed.
The presentation of v in the form (6) we shall call its w-decomposition.
Now for each element w 2 P dene a function ew on the set of words in the
group alphabet X . First we dene ew on cyclically reduced words. Let u be a
cyclically reduced word. Suppose that u has occurrences of w" , " 2 f1 ;1g and
u = t1 wi1 : : : tk wik tk+1 is its w-decomposition, then we set
ew (u) =
j =1
ij + tk+1 t1 (w):
Suppose that u has no occurrences of w" , " 2 f1 ;1g. Consider two cases.
1) If among the cyclic permutations of u there are no words containing occurrences of w or w;1 , we set ew (u) = 0.
2) If among the cyclic permutations of u there is a word containing w" , " 2
f1 ;1g, we set ew (u) = ".
Now let v 2 (X ) then v is uniquely representable in the form v z (v);1 vz (v),
where v 2 c(X ). In this case we set ew (v) = ew (v). Finally for an arbitrary word
v we set ew (v) = ew ((v)).
Lemma 3. The system of pseudocharacters few w 2 P +g has the following properties.
1) jew (uv) ; ew (u) ; ew (v)j 15 for any u v 2 F and w 2 P + .
2) If jw1 j < jw2 j, then ew2 (w1 ) = 0.
3) If jw1 j = jw2 j and w1 =
6 w2 , then ew2 (w1 ) = 0.
4) ew (w) = 1 for each w 2 P +.
Proof. See 7], Theorem 1.
From these properties we obtain that if w1 w2 2 T +, w1 6= w2 and jw1 j jw2 j,
then ew2 (w1 ) = 0.
Valerii Faiziev
Denition 8. Let w 2 T +. We shall say that w satises the condition of boundness
(a) if for any v 2 F there is c(w v) > 0 such that
cardf 2 A j ew (v ) 6= 0g c(w v):
Let M be a subset of T +. We shall say that M satises the condition of boundness
(a), if for any w 2 M and any v 2 F there is c(w v) > 0 such that the relation (7)
For w 2 T + satisfying the condition of boundness (a) we dene a function w by
w (v) = ew (v ) v 2 F
where C denotes a system of representatives of cosets of the quotient group A
by Inn F . Since any pseudocharacter is invariant under inner automorphisms we
obtain that the denition of the function w does not depend on the system of
representatives of the cosets of the quotient group A by Inn F . Hence, we can
w (v) = ew (v ):
By formula 43 from 7] we have
#uv (w) = ew (uv) ; ew (u) ; ew (v) for all w 2 P + and u v 2 F:
Starting from the measures #uv we dene measures #Auv and #Auv on the set
T + as follows:
#Auv (w) =
#u v (w)
#Auv = 1(w) #Auv :
Denition 9. Let w 2 T +. We shall say that w satises the condition of boundness
(b) if there is dw > 0 such that
cardf 2 A j w 2 supp #uv g dw for all u v 2 F .
We shall say that M T + satises the condition of boundness (b) if for each w 2 M
there is dw > 0 such that the relation (9) holds.
Lemma 4. Let w 2 T + satisfy the conditions of boundness (a) and (b). Then the
function w is an element of PX (F A).
Proof. The condition of boundness (a) is used in the denition of the function w .
From the conditions of boundness (b) we have
jw (uv) ; w (u) ; w (v)j = j X ew ((uv)) ; X ew (u) ; X ew (v )j
for any u v 2 F .
ew (u )
j 15 dw
ew (u v )
#u v (w)
a 2A
ew (v )]
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free Groups
Denition 10. Let Tn+ = fw w 2 T + jwj = ng.
1) We shall say that the set Tn+ satises the condition of boundness (b0 ) if there
is d(n) > 0 such that for each w 2 Tn+,
cardf 2 A j w 2 supp #uv g d(n) for all u v 2 F .
2) We shall say that the set Tn+ satises the condition of boundness (c) if there
is c(n) > 0 such that
jTn \ supp #Auvj c(n)
for all u v 2 F .
3) We shall say that the set T + satises the condition of boundness (d) if for
any w 2 T + and any v 2 F such that v A w,
jc(v)j jwj:
Lemma 5. Let w1 w2 be distinct elements from the set T + satisfying the condi-
tions of boundness (a), (c) and (d). Then w2 (w1 ) = 0, w2 (w2 ) 1.
Proof. Let jw1 j < jw2 j. Then the conditions of the Lemma imply that jc(w1 )j <
jw2j for all 2 A. Hence, from Lemma 3, assertion 2), and from the fact that any
pseudocharacter is invariant under inner automorphisms it follows that w2 (w1 ) = 0.
Now suppose that jw1 j = jw2 j and w1 6= w2 . Then for each from A the element w1
is conjugate in F neither to w2 , nor to w2;1 . Moreover, the relation jc(w1 )j jc(w2 )j
holds. Hence, from Lemma 3, assertions 2) and 3), we get ew2 (w1 ) = 0 for all 2 A.
The denition of the set T + implies that elements w2 , w1;1 are not conjugate in
F and the estimation jc(w2 )j jc(w2 )j holds. Hence, from Lemma 3, assertions 2)
and 3), we get that if for some 0 from A the inequality ew2 (w20 ) 6= 0 holds, then
ew2 (w20 ) = 1. Now from relation ew2 (w2 ) = 1 we have w2 (w2 ) 1.
Note that the set fw w 2 T +g is linearly independent. Indeed, let w1 : : : wn
be pairwise
distinct elements from T + and let 1 : : : n be nonzero numbers such
that i=1 i wi 0. We may assume that jw1 j jwn j. Then Lemma 5
implies (wn ) = n wn (wn ) and we obtain a contradiction to the relation n 6= 0.
Now set
w (v) = 1(w) w (v):
It is clear that w (w) = 1. In general the function w is not an integer-valued
Lemma 6. Let w 2 T + and u v 2 F . Then
w (uv) ; w (u) ; w (v) = #Auv (w)
w (uv) ; w (u) ; w (v) = #Auv (w):
Proof. The equality (11) follows from (10). Let us verify (10). From
ew (u v ) ; ew (u ) ; ew (v ) = #u v (w)
Valerii Faiziev
(see 7] formula 43) we get
w (uv) ; w (u) ; w (v) = ew (uv) ; ew (u) ; ew (v)]
ew (u v ) ; ew (u ) ; ew (v )]
#u v (w)
= #uv (w):
Theorem 5. Let n be a positive integer. Let the set Tn+ satisfy the conditions of
boundness (a), (b0 ) and (c) and let t be a bounded function on the set Tn+. Then:
1) The functions
't =
t =
t(w) w
belong to the space PX (F A).
2) t (w) = t(w), for all w 2 Tn+.
Proof. It is obvious that for each from A, each integer n and each v from F , the
't = 't t = t 't (vn ) = n't (v) t (vn ) = nt (v)
hold. We verify that the set f't (uv) ; 't (u) ; 't (v) u v 2 F g is bounded. Let
c > 0 be such that supfjt(w)j w 2 Tn+g c. Then for any elements u v from F
we have
't (uv) ; 't (u) ; 't (v) =
t (uv) ; t (u) ; t (v) =
't (uv) ; 't (u) ; 't (v) =
t(w)w (uv) ;
t(w)#Auv :
t(w)w (u) ;
t(w)w (uv) ; w (u) ; w (v)]
t(w)w (v)
t(w)#Auv :
Similarly (14) is established. Further, from the conditions of boundness (b0 ),(c)
and (13) we have
j't (uv) ; 't(u) ; 't(v)j j X t(w)#Auv j c d(n)c(n):
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free Groups
jt(uv) ; t (u) ; t(v)j c d(n)c(n):
Thus, 't t 2 PX (F A). Let w 2 Tn , then Lemma 5 and the denition of w
t (w0 ) =
t(w) w (w0 ) =
t(w) w ((ww0)) = w0 ((ww0 )) = t(w0 ):
Denition 11. We shall say that the set T + satises the condition of boundness
(c0 ) if for any n 1 the set Tn+ satises the condition of boundness (c).
Denition 12. We shall say that the set T + satises the condition of boundness
if it satises the conditions of boundness (a), (c0 ), (d) and for any n 2 N the set
Tn+ satises the condition of boundness (b0 ).
Let the set T + satisfy the condition of boundness. Denote by E the set of
functions ' on the group F that satisfy the following conditions.
1) '(xn ) = n'(x) for each x 2 F and each n 2 Z.
2) '(x ) = '(x) for any x 2 F and each 2 A.
3) '(xy) = '(yx) for all x y 2 F .
4) ' is bounded on Ti+ for each i 2 N.
Obviously, E is a linear space under the usual operations. Let L(T ) be a linear
space of a real functions t on T +, satisfying the following condition:
t is bounded on Ti+ for each i 2 N.
Let us construct an isomorphism between the linear spaces E and L(T ). Let
' 2 E. For any i 2 N let us dene a function ti : Ti+ ! R as follows. We set
t1 = 'T1+ . The function t1 is bounded. By Theorem 5 the function
t1 =
t1 (w) w
belongs to the space BPX (FX A). Now dene t2 as follows: for any w from T2+
we set
t2 (w) = (' ; t1 )(w):
It is clear that the function t2 is bounded. Further, the functions ti are dened
by induction: if t1 : : : tn have been already dened and are bounded, then for each
w 2 Tn++1 we set
tn+1 (w) = '(w) ;
ti (w)
where the functions ti are pseudocharacters, which are constructed in Theorem 5
by the formula (12). It is obvious that the function tn+1 is bounded. Now dene
a function ('), which we denote by t, as follows: if w 2 Ti+, then we set
t(w) = ti (w). It is clear that t 2 L(T +) and that the mapping is linear. Let us
show that the following equality holds:
Valerii Faiziev
ti :
If w 2 T1+, then (12) and Lemma 5 imply that for each i 2 the equality
ti (w) = 0 holds. Hence, '(w) = t1 (w) = t1 (w) and the equality (16) is valid.
Suppose the equality (16) has been already established for all w from ni=1 Ti+. Let
us prove it for w from Tn++1 . Suppose that w 2 Tn++1 . Then from (15) and the
denition of the functions tn+1 and tn+1 we obtain
tn+1 (w) = '(w) ;
'(w) =
ti (w)
ti (w):
Now from the relation tn+1 (w) = 0 for i > n + 1 we get
'(w) =
ti (w):
Thus the formula (16) is true for all w from T . The functions from the left and
right sides of the equality (16) satisfy conditions 1) and 2) from the denition of
the space E . Hence this equality will be true for all elements of F . Note that if
the i are bounded functions on Ti+, i 2 N and i are
pseudocharacters of F , that
are dened by formula (12), then the function ' = 1
i=1 i belongs to E and the
following equation
(')Ti+ = i for each i 2 N
holds. Indeed,
suppose that i are functions dened on the set Ti+, i 2 N such that
1 = ' T1+ and that for n 1 the function n+1 is dened by the formula
n+1 = (' ;
i )Tn++1 :
Then 1 = 'T1+ = 1 , 2 (w) = '(w) = 2 (w) = 2 (w) for each w 2 T2+.
Suppose that i i for i n. Then using the relation i (w) = 0 for i > n + 1, for
w 2 Tn++1 we obtain
n+1 (w) = '(w) ;
i (w)
i (w) ;
i (w)
= n+1 (w)
= n+1 (w):
i (w)
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free Groups
Thus the equality (17) is established. In particular the equality (17) implies that
the mapping is an epimorphism. Let us show that ker = 0. Indeed, suppose
that ' 2 ker then from (16) and (17) we obtain
(') Tk =
ti Tk+ = tk = 0 for all k 2 N.
Hence, for any k 2 N we have 'Tk+ 0 and ' 0. Thus, ker = 0 and is an
Denote by K (T +) the space of real function on the set T + satisfying the
1) TI+ is a bounded function for all i 2 N.
2) There is an " = "(
) > 0 such that for each pair of reduced words u v from
F the following inequality holds:
d #Auv ":
It is clear that K (T ) is a subspace of L(T +). Let us verify that BPX (FX A)
is subspace of E . It is clear from the conditions dening the space E that we
must verify only 3). Let us show that this follows from Lemma 2. Indeed, if
' 2 BPX (FX A), then the function 'T1+ is bounded. From the fact that ' is a
pseudocharacter it follows that there is c > 0 such that for any u v from F the
inequality j'(uv) ; '(u) ; '(v)j c holds. Let j'(x)j for all x 2 X . Then
Lemma 2 implies that j'(v)j jvj +(jvj; 1) c for all v 2 F . Hence, BPX (FX A)
is a subspace of E .
Theorem 6. Let the set T + satisfy the condition of boundness. Then:
1) The mapping is an isomorphism between the spaces BPX (FX A) and
K (T +).
2) Each element ' from BPX (FX A) is uniquely representable in the form
(w) w +
w 2T +
where 2 K (T ).
Proof. 1) Suppose that ' 2 BPX (FX A) and that j'(uv
) ; '(u) ; '(v)j " for
some " > 0 and any u v 2 F . Let (') = and i = Ti+ for i 2 N. Using (11)
we obtain the following equation that is valid for any u v 2 F .
Valerii Faiziev
#Auv =
d #Auv
i=1 Ti
i=1 w2Ti+
i=1 w2Ti+
i=1 w2Ti+
(w)#Auv (w)
(w) w (uv) ; w (u) ; w (v)]
(w) w (uv) ;
i=1 w2Ti+
i=1 w2Ti+
(w) w (u)
(w) w (v):
Now using formula (16), the denition of pseudocharacters i and formula (18)
we get
#Auv = d
#Auv +
i=1 Ti
i (uv) ;
i (u) ;
i (v)
= j'(uv) ; '(u) ; '(v)j ":
Thus, (') 2 K (T +). Now let 2 K (T +) and i = Ti+ . Then as was shown
above, if i are the pseudocharacters dened by the formula (12) and if
i then (') = , i.e.,
' = ;1 (
). Let us show that ' belongs to BPX (FX A). Let
" > 0 such that T + d #Auv " for any u v 2 F . Then
j'(uv) ; '(u) ; '(v)j =
i (uv) ;
i=1 w2Ti+
i (v)
i (w) w (uv) ; w (u) ; w (v)]
i (w)#Auv (w)
d #Auv ":
i=1 w2Ti+
i (u) ;
i (uv) ; i (u) ; i (v)]
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free Groups
Hence, ' 2 BPX (FX A) and is an isomorphism between BPX (FX A) and
K (T +)
The assertion 2) follows from assertion 1).
The following result was obtained in 6].
Theorem 7. Suppose that f is a quasicharacter of a semigroup S and that c > 0
is such that
jf (xy) ; f (x) ; f (y)j < c
for all x y 2 S . Then the function
1 2n
fb(x) = nlim
!1 2n f (x )
is well-dened and is a pseudocharacter of S such that
jfb(xy) ; fb(x) ; fb(y)j < 4c for all x y 2 S .
Corollary 1. Suppose that f is a quasicharacter of a group G and that c > 0 is
such that
jf (xy) ; f (x) ; f (y)j < c
for all x y 2 G. Then the function
1 2n
fb(x) = nlim
!1 2n f (x )
is well-dened and is a pseudocharacter of G such that
jfb(xy) ; fb(x) ; fb(y)j < 4c for all x y 2 G:
Proof. Theorem 7 implies that in order to prove that fb is a pseudocharacter of
group G it remains to verify that for each x 2 G the equality fb(x;1 ) = ;fb(x)
holds. From the relation fb(xn ) = nfb(x) for all x 2 G and n 2 N, we obtain
nfb(1) = fb(1n ) = fb(1). The latter is possible only if fb(1) = 0. Hence, jfb(1) ;
fb(x) ; fb(x;1 )j < 4c for all x 2 G and jfb(x) + fb(x;1 )j < 4c for all x 2 G. Whence
follows the inequality njfb(x)+ fb(x;1 )j = jfb(xn )+ fb((x;1 )n )j < 4c for all x 2 G
and n 2 N. This is possible only if fb(x;1 ) = ;fb(x). Now let k > 0. Then we have
fb(x;k ) = fb((xk );1 ) = ;fb(xk ) = ;kfb(x).
Proposition 1. Let A be a nite group. Then there exists T + satisfying the condition of boundness.
Proof. Let k be the order of the group A. It is clear that each class of A-conjugacy
is the union of at most k classes of conjugacy in F . From this fact we nd that
the set q \ P contains at most k elements. Hence, one can choose an element of
maximal length in the set q \ P . Hence, there is a set of representatives T of classes
of A-conjugacy belonging to q such that the following relations hold.
1) w 2 T if and only if w;1 2 T .
2) Every element w 2 T has maximal length among the elements belonging to
the set c(X ) and A-conjugated to w.
Hence, in the set T we can choose subset T + such that T + P + , T + \
(T );1 = and T = T + (T +);1 . Now it easy to verify that the set T + satises
the condition of boundness.
Valerii Faiziev
Proposition 2. Let H be an invariant subgroup of nite index k in a group G.
Then PX (G) = PX (H G).
Proof. Let us show that each element from PX (H G) may be uniquely extended
to a pseudocharacter of the group G. Let ' be an element from PX (H G) and
c > 0 be such that
j'(xy) ; '(x) ; '(y)j c
for all x y 2 H . Suppose that A is a system of representatives of cosets of G by H ,
then each element g 2 G is uniquely representable in the form
g = (g)h(g)
where (g) 2 A, h(g) 2 H . By hypothesis the set
f(1 2) 1 2 2 Ag
is nite. Hence, there is > 0 such that
j'((1 2))j for all 1 2 2 A.
Now let '1 the function on G dened by formula '1 (h) = '(h), h 2 H 2 A.
Let us verify that '1 belongs to KX (G). We have
j'1 (1h12 h2) ; '1 (1 h1) ; '1(2 h2)j
= j'1 (1 2 h1 2 h2 ; '1 (1 h1 ) ; '1 (2 h2 )j
= '1 ((1 2 )h(1 2 )h1 2 h2 ) ; '1 (1 h1 ) ; '1 (2 h2 )j
= '1 (h(1 2 )h1 2 h2 ) ; '1 (h1 ) ; '1 (h2 )j
= '(h(1 2 )h1 2 h2 ) ; '(h1 ) ; '(h2 )j
= '(h(1 2 )h1 2 h2 ) ; '(h1 2 ) ; '(h2 ) ; '(h(1 2 ))
+ '(h(1 2 )) ; '(h1 2 h2 ) + '(h1 2 h2 )j
j'(h(1 2 )h1 2 h2) ; '(h(1 2)) ; '(h1 2 h2)j
+ j'(h1 2 h2 ) ; '(h1 2 ) ; '(h2 )j + j'(h(1 2 ))j
Now from (20) we get
j'1 (1 h12h2) ; '1(1 h1) ; '1(2 h2)j 2c + :
Thus '1 2 KX (G), hence '0 = 'b1 is a pseudocharacter of the group G. Here
'b1 is dened by (19). It is clear that '0 H = '. Let us verify that the mapping
' ! '0 is one-to-one
and maps PX (H G) \onto" PX (G). Indeed, if f 2 PX (G),
then ' = f H 2 PX (H G) and '0 coincides with f on subgroup H . Hence, the
pseudocharacter = f ; '0 vanishes on H . From the equality (gk ) = k(g)
for all g 2 G we obtain = 0 on G and f = '0 . Similarly we verify that if
'1 '2 2 PX (H G) and '1 6= '2 , then '01 6= '02 .
Corollary 2. If a group G is a nite extension of a free group F of nite rank,
then its space of pseudocharacters is described by Theorem 6.
Proof. Let X = fx1 x2 : : : xk g be a set of free generators of the group F and let
T + be the set from Proposition 1. Let A be the group of automorphisms of the
group F that are induced by conjugation by elements from G. From the condition
we have that the group A = A=Inn A is nite and we can apply Proposition 1.
Pseudocharacters on a Class of Extensions of Free Groups
From the niteness of the set X it is clear that every element of PX (F G)
is bounded on the set X . Hence PX (F G) = BPX (FX G). By Proposition 2
we have PX (G) = PX (F G) = BPX (FX G) and we obtain that the space of
pseudocharacters of the group G is described by Theorem 6.
We note that Theorem 6 may be used to describe the space of pseudocharacters
of certain innite extensions of free groups of innite rank.
Example. Suppose that F is the free group with free generators X = fxi i 2 Zg,
and that A is an innite cyclic group with generator a. Let G = A F be the
semidirect product such that F / G where A acts on F as follows:
xai = xi+1 i 2 Z:
By Theorem 2 from 6] we have PX (G) = X (A)+_ PX (F A), where X (A) is a space
of additive characters of the group A. Let ' be an arbitrary element from the space
PX (F A). From (21) it follows that ' is constant on the set X . Hence, we have
PX (F A) = BPX (FX A) and the problem of describing of the space PX (G) is
reduced to the problem of describing of BPX (FX A). Let T + be some set satisfying
the conditions of Lemma 1 and belonging to P + . It is easy to verify that T + satises
the condition of boundness. From this fact we obtain that the Theorem 6 describes
the space BPX (FX A) and therefore the space of pseudocharacters of the group
G too.
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Tver State Agricultural Academy, Tver Sakharovo, Russia
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