Xin Zhou

Xin Zhou
Phone number: +1 (650) 862 8308
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematics
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Research Interest: Geometric Analysis; General Relativity; Calculus of Variations
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute,
CLE Moore Instructor,
Postdoc fellow,
Stanford University,
Peking University,
Tsinghua University,
Ph.D. in mathematics,
M.S. in mathematics,
B.S. in physics and mathematics,
June 2013
June 2008
June 2006
• NSF Grant DMS-1406337, 2014-2017
• Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad, 2013
1. X. Zhou, On the existence of min-max minimal torus, J. Geom. Anal. 20 (2010),1026-1055
2. X. Zhou, On the existence of min-max minimal surfaces of genus g ≥ 2, arXiv:1111.6206v2
3. R. Schoen and X. Zhou, Convexity of reduced energy and mass angular momentum inequalities, Ann. Henri Poincaré, 14 (2013), 1747-1773
4. X. Zhou, Mass angular momentum inequality for axisymmetric vacuum data with small
trace, Communication in Analysis and Geometry, 22, (2014) 519-571
5. X. Zhou, Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0 and 2 ≤ n ≤ 6, J.
Differential Geometry, 100 (2015) 129-160
6. X. Zhou, On the free boundary min-max geodesics, accepted by International Mathematics
Research Notices, arXiv:1504.00971
7. X. Zhou, Min-max hypersurface in manifold of positive Ricci curvature, arXiv:1504.00966
8. H. Li and X. Zhou, Existence of minimal surfaces of arbitrary large Morse index, arXiv:1504.00970
9. D. Ketover and X. Zhou, Entropy of closed surfaces and min-max theory, arXiv:1509.06238
10. Y. Liokumovich and X. Zhou, Sweeping out 3-manifold of positive Ricci curvature by short
1-cycles via estimates of min-max surfaces, arXiv:1510.02896v1
Research Talks:
• “Geometric variational theory and applications”, Differential Geometry Seminar, UC Irvine,
Nov. 2015
• “Min-max theory in Gaussian space and Entropy conjecture”, Differential Geometry Seminar, Harvard, Nov. 2015
• “On the Morse index in the min-max theory of minimal surfaces”, PDE and Differential
Geometry Seminar, University of Connecticut, September 14, 2015
• “On the Morse index in the min-max theory of minimal surfaces”, Differential Geometry &
Geometric Analysis Seminar, Princeton, April, 2015
• “Min-max hypersurface in manifold with Ricg > 0”, V Workshop on Differential Geometry,
Maceió, Brazil, March, 2015
• “Min-max hypersurface in manifold with Ricg > 0”, Differential Geometry Seminar, Harvard, Dec. 2014
• “Min-max hypersurface in manifold with Ricg > 0”, Geometric Analysis Seminar, MIT,
Sep. 2014
• “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, Geometric Analysis Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2014
• “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, Brown Geometric Analysis
Seminar, March 2014
• “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, Berkeley Differential Geometry Seminar, Dec. 2013
• “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, Columbia Geometry & Analysis Seminar, Nov. 2013
• ‘Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0”, UCSB Geometry Seminar,
Oct. 2013
• “On the mass angular momentum inequalities”, MSRI Postdoc Seminar, Sep. 2013
• “Min-max minimal surface of high genus”, Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar, Stanford, May 2013
• “Min-max minimal hypersurface in (M n+1 , g) with Ricg > 0 and 2 ≤ n ≤ 6”, Stanford
Geometry Seminar, Oct. 10, 2012
• “Introduction to conformal method on vacuum constraint equations”, MSRI Mathematical
General Relativity Workshop, July, 2012
• “On the existence of min-max minimal surface of high genus”, Annual Geometric Analysis
Meeting, China, June, 2012
• “Some recent progress on mass angular momentum inequality”, Columbia General Relativity
Seminar, Dec. 2, 2011
• “Axial symmetry and mass angular momentum inequality”, Beijing Summer Program in
Mathematical Relativity 2011, June, 2011
Teaching at MIT:
Lecturer, 18.950: Differential Geometry, Fall 2015
Recitation leader, 18.03: Differential Equations, Spring 2015
Recitation leader, 18.02: Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2014
Recitation leader, 18.03: Differential Equations, Spring 2014
Teaching in a summer school at Peking University:
• Lecturer, Introduction to the Min-max theory of minimal surfaces, Summer 2013
Teaching at Stanford:
• Teaching Assistant, Math 51: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Spring 2013
• Teaching Assistant, Math 51: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2012
• Teaching Assistant, Math 53: Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, Winter
• Teaching Assistant, Math 51: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2010
• Teaching Assistant, Math 51: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus, Winter 2010
• Course Assistant, Math 161: Set theory, Fall 2011
• Course Assistant, Math 19: Calculus, Summer 2011
• Course Assistant, Math 173: Theory of Partial Differential Equations, Winter 2011
• Course Assistant, Math 217A: Differential Geometry, Spring 2010
• Course Assistant, Math 132: Partial Differential Equations II, Spring 2009
• Course Assistant Math 220: Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics, Fall