Last year’s gems At least six more gems that know

Last year’s gems
At least six more gems that
every teacher of D1 should
Six Gems every teacher of
Decision Maths should know
Nick Thorpe
4th July 2008
The powerpoints are really
First fit decreasing algorithm
Extension Question:
Is first fit-decreasing always optimal?
Cascade diagrams
Diet 1
From the foods available,
what is the cheapest diet
which gives at least 2000
calories a day?
LP on a Diet
One of the earliest applications of
LP was in rationing for troops in
The linear program consisted of
nine equation in 77 unknowns. It
took nine clerks using handoperated desk calculators 120
man days to solve!
Diet 2 – Roast Chicken and
• At least 2000 calories
Just brocolli – yuck! Costs £4.48.
• Plus 25g of fibre
Still just brocolli!
• At most 1500mg of sodium
7 chicken and 3 brocolli – costs £6.36.
Yummy ☺
With your class...
Things in Excel
• Ask each student to bring in the nutritional
content for their favourite food, and the
price per portion. Or look up online.
• Start off in pairs looking for cheap diets
with basic nutritional needs satisfied,
constraints on quantity etc.
• Then try putting in 3’s – maybe using
online LP solvers e.g.
LP solver
There are many useful excel files in the MEI
Practise interpreting questions
Write on sheets
Although D1 is probably the most accessible
module, students do tend to underestimate
the rigor needed for the exam
Petrol (Simulations)
2-Stage Simplex
Do not waste time in lessons copying out
Encourage students to highlight the key
words and facts in questions, and to apply
the correct algorithms correctly!
Look online!
There are many applets which apply the
algorithms in an interactive manner
Which Algorithm?!
D1 is not just for weak students
The D1 exam in particular is trying to adapt
itself away from standard application of
procedures, into refinement and
improvement of standard algorithms.
Learn the Simplex Algorithm
The simplex algorithm is fundamental to D2,
but a knowledge of it will help to broaden
your understanding as a teacher of D1.
At the end of the day, most network
problems can be modelled and solved
using the simplex algorithm.
Have some fun!
There are many fun games which are
decision based (game theory) which will
develop process following and ideas of
refinement and improvement.
Theseus VS Minotaur
Last Biscuit
Simplex Algorithm
D1 Online resources
Every chapter contains
• A glossary of terms
• An end of chapter assessment –answers are in the teachers
Every section within the chapter contains
• A study plan
• Crucial points that students need to be aware of when learning
the material
• Notes that explain the topic and more examples than are in the
• Worked solutions to some of the questions in the textbook.
• A multiple choice test which can printed off and used in class or
be done online by registered students
All the activities in this powerpoint are
referenced either on the MEI resources
website or are online.
You can get free access by registering with
your local Further Maths Centre
This powerpoint will soon be available on