President's Message National Director's Report Remote Sensing Symposium Early Registration Deadline:

Remote Sensing Symposium
April 4 – 6, 2006
Early Registration Deadline:
March 15, 2006
Student of the Year Application
Due: April 7, 2006
President's Message
National Director's Report
The holiday season is over and the days are starting to
get a bit longer. Spring is just around the corner.
As the Central New York Region moves into the new
year we continue to work on developing a strong value
proposition that will provide a basis for growing our
membership. A value proposition is a clear statement of
the tangible results a customer gets from using your
products or services. The more specific the value
proposition is, the better. I believe that Regions are the
foundation of ASPRS, and that Regions must provide a
strong value proposition for ASPRS to recruit and retain
new members. In our Region there are three specific
areas that we need to direct our energy towards:
y Relevant, topical, and valuable conferences,
y Strong relationship to activities at the National level,
y Service to the Region.
Conferences are one of the most visible ways the CNY
Region provides value to our membership, and the
broader geospatial community. In return, our past
support for conferences has provided a steady income
that has allowed the Region freedom from worrying
about meeting financial commitments, and the freedom
to experiment with new initiatives such as the annual
Remote Sensing Symposium (RSS). This year is the
fifth year of the RSS, and the Region continues to build
and expand on the symposium concept. We are
working with the Great Lakes Commission (GLC) and
SUNY-ESF Continuing Education to co-host a
combined Regional Data Exchange and Remote
Sensing Symposium (RDX/RSS) Conference, 4-6 April
in Rochester, NY (
RDX/RSS addresses the regional roll out of the global
and national earth observing system initiatives from
remote sensing, data management, and homeland
security perspectives, and promises (see Director, pg 2)
Please visit our website for
the latest CNYASPRS information.
Our fall technical meeting was held in Syracuse on
December 8th 2005 and was a success. The event was
well attended for such short notice. Unfortunately our
region Director Ed Freeborn was unable to make it
there. However, Charles Mondello, who is a candidate
for Vice President of ASPRS, graced us with his
Gregory Bacon’s presentation titled
“Object-Oriented Image Classification of Brownfields in
Syracuse was interesting and well received.
The planning for the April 4th - 6th conference “Remote
Sensing Across the Great Lakes: Observations,
Monitoring and Action” is currently in full swing. This
conference will be held at the Clarion Riverside Hotel,
Rochester, New York. For more information about this
event please visit The early
registration deadline is March 15th.
We look forward to seeing and talking to you at the
conference this Spring in Rochester.
Ron Frederiks
specification for aerial digital imagery products and
These and other activities carry on the strong tradition
of our Region to support the National level. In the
recent past members from our Region have provided
leadership for the PDAD, served on the Camera
Calibration Report, and supported remote sensing
education initiatives, as well as the 10 Year Industry
Forecast. I know these activities are far from a
comprehensive list of our Region’s contributions. If
you have participated in activities in the past, or are
aware of the contributions of Region members to the
Society or the profession in general that should be
recorded, Chuck Olson, National Director of the
Eastern Great Lakes Region, is interested in working
with us on recording this history.
Service to the Region continues as well. We continue
to track the redefinition of surveying in New York, and
to coordinate with National and NYS stakeholders to
facilitate the process. Expect more news on this front
in the year to come.
In summary, the CNY Region is working to provide you
with value for your membership dollars. As with most
things, though, your return is proportional to your input.
Becoming active in the Society and Region’s activities
will help you maximize your return on your ASPRS
investment. It is also your best insurance that CNY
ASPRS will still be around to support the ASPRS value
All the Best for a Happy & Prosperous New Year,
(Director, from pg 1) to be a very valuable event. In
addition to the GLC, the CNY Region is working with
the Eastern and Western Great Lakes Regions, and
asking our individual and sustaining members to
support this ambitious conference.
In addition to the RSS/RDX, the CNY Region has been
working closely with National, the Canadian
Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI), and the
Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CRSS) on the Fall
2007 Conference in Ottawa, Ontario. CASI is parent
organization of the CRSS, and ASPRS and CASI have
signed a memorandum of agreement to co-sponsor this
conference. The title of the conference will be “Our
Common Borders - Safety, Security, and the
Environment Through Remote Sensing.” The theme
will be harmonizing US and Canadian geospatial
activities across the world’s longest border, and will
look at the broader aspects of the regional issues
addressed at the RSS/RDX Conference.
Our Region continues to support National activities by
providing a candidate for President, being active at the
Division level, and participating in ASPRS panels and
initiatives. Mr. Charlie Mondello is a candidate for
ASPRS Vice-President, and has been very active in the
development of the 10 Year Industry Forecast. I would
remind everyone to send in their ballots, and I hope
they vote for Charlie. Your Region was represented
this past year in Primary Data Acquisition Division
development, and on the recent blue-ribbon
orthoimagery panel commissioned by the USGS.
Contact me if you would like more information
regarding the quality assurance guidelines, or would
like to see the draft language of a standardized
Ed Freeborn
National Director, CNY Region
Central New York Region News
Future Dates
Robert H. Brock, JR.
ASPRS Honorary Member
2005 - 2006 Region Program
Robert H. Brock, Jr. and Roy R. Mullen have been
selected as Honorary Members by the American
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
(ASPRS) through the ASPRS Foundation. One of
the highest awards an ASPRS member can receive;
there are only 25 Honorary Members at any given
time. Candidates are chosen by the Nominating
Committee made up of the past five recipients of the
award and chaired by the most recent recipient.
James M Anderson served as this year’s chair.
These awards will be made during the ASPRS 2006
Annual Conference in May in Reno, Nevada.
Initiated in 1937, the award is given in recognition
of individuals who have rendered distinguished
2006 CNY ASPRS 5th Annual Remote Sensing
Symposium: April 4th - 6th conference “Remote Sensing
Across the Great Lakes: Observations, Monitoring and
Action”. . Go to for further
Annual Meeting: May 2006
GIS Day 2006 will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2006.
ASPRS 2006 Annual Conference: April 30 - May 5, 2006
Prospecting for Geospatial Information Integration
Reno Hilton Hotel, Reno, Nevada.
ASPRS/MAPPS 2006 Specialty Conference
November 6-10, 2006, Digital Surface Modeling and
Automated Feature Extraction
Crowne Plaza Hotel Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas
Nominations for
2006 Region Officers
service to ASPRS and/or who have attained
distinction in advancing the science and use of the
geospatial information sciences. It is awarded for
professional excellence and for at least 20 years of
service to ASPRS. This is a life time award.
Robert H. Brock, Jr. received his BS in 1958 from
SUNY, his MS in 1959 from Syracuse University
and his PhD from Cornell University in 1971. He
began teaching at Syracuse University in 1959 and,
in 1967, he went to ESF to build the mapping
sciences component of the program. Brock was
Chair of the Faculty of Environmental Resources
and Forest Engineering at ESF from 1980-1999,
continuing to teach until his retirement in 2002. He
maintains active involvement with students at the
college by serving on graduate student committees
as an Emeritus Professor.
Throughout his career Brock was a consultant in
analytic and interpretive photogrammetry for many
organizations. His work has co-produced patents for
a System for Correlating Electronic Distance
Measurement and Aerial Photography for the
Extension of Geodetic Control, 1980; Radar
Calibration Using Direct Measurement Equipment
and Oblique Photometry; and a Surface for GPS
Relative Positioning.
Brock joined ASP (ASPRS) in 1958. From 197578, he represented the Central New York Region on
the ASP Board of Directors and served on the ASP
Executive Committee from 1976-78. He received an
ASP Presidential Citation in 1980 for organizing
and implementing the first student activities
program at a National ACSM-ASP Convention. He
is a Certified Photogrammetrist.
It’s that time again. The CNY Region of ASPRS is
soliciting nominations for the Region offices of
Nominations may be submitted on behalf of others
or by the nominees themselves.
The Vice-President serves a one-year term and then
automatically succeeds to the offices of President
and Immediate Past President in the following
years. Candidates for Vice-President are drawn in
consecutive years from the private, public and
academic sectors. The candidate for 2006 will come
from the public sector (federal, state, or local
government). The primary duties of the VicePresident include overseeing the Region’s annual
Students of the Year Awards, serve as Chair of the
Region Membership Committee, and act on behalf
of the President in that person’s absence.
The Secretary/Treasurer serves for one year, but is
eligible to run again for an indefinite number of
terms. There is no requirement that this person be
drawn from any particular sector. The primary
duties of the Secretary/Treasurer are to maintain
records for the Region, including minutes of
meetings and financial records. This person receives
and disburses Region funds and supervises fiscal
activities assigned to others in the Region. The
Secretary/Treasurer also submits interim and annual
fiscal reports to the Region and coordinates the
submittal of an annual Region Report to National
Serving as a Region officer is a very practical and
rewarding way to become actively involved in
ASPRS. It is also a chance to shape the direction of
what is, after all, your professional organization.
Nominations will be accepted through February 28,
2006. Nominees will be asked to submit short
statements explaining their background and why
they wish to serve. Please consider it!
For further details on these offices and the other
Region offices and activities, contact the
Nominations Committee Chair, Joan Zelinski, at
Joan Zelinski
Chair, ASPRS CNY Region
2005-2006 Nominating Committee
To find out the location of these images,
please send the editor an email.
Financial Statement
ASPRS Central New York Region
1 Jan 2005 - 31 December 2005
Dues (Regular and Student)
Student of the Year
Region Conferences
Dinner Meetings
Region Rebate
$ 104.00
$ 1,500.00
$ 186.11
$ 898.00
$ 896.00
$ 3,600.11
Dinner Meetings
Conference Seed money
Student of the Year
Symposium expenses
Mystery Photo 1
Base Shares (Savings Account)
12 Month Certificate
Share Draft (Checking Account)
$ 7,072.03
$ 4,087.50
Have you remembered your annual dues!
Region annual dues are $4.00 for members. Dues may be paid
at any Region meeting, or mailed to the Secretary/Treasurer.
Mystery Photo 2
Central New York’s ASPRS Vice Presidential Candidate:
Charles Mondello
Biographical Information:
currently a Senior Vice
President at Pictometry
International, a rapidly
growing Rochester, New
York company providing
imagery and orthophotos.
Charles joined ASPRS in the early 1990s, and has
served as Director of the Primary Data Acquisition
Division of ASPRS. As Director he created the
concept for a digital aerial guideline, an industry
guide to support users and providers of digital
remote sensing. Mr. Mondello also updated the
traditional aerial films guide during his tenure and
developed the concept for the division's support for
direct geo-registration, now an ASPRS division
For his outstanding service to the society, Mr.
Mondello is the proud recipient of three ASPRS
Presidential Citations. Awarded in 2001, 2003 and
2004, these citations acknowledge his continued
contributions to the society.
In 1999, Mr. Mondello was nominated by the
Forecast. He directs a team comprised of experts
from leading geospatial corporations. For the past
six years he has managed the forecast’s content
creation and results analysis. The product of this
hard work has provided the industry with a forecast
that imparts a definitive direction across its wide
breadth. At the completion of each phase, Mr.
Mondello has presented the results at a number of
national and regional conferences, to the US Senate
and to the leadership of our industry. These forecast
results have developed into one of the most highly
viewed and downloaded components of the ASPRS
Web site.
Mr. Mondello has a bachelor's and master's degree
in Imaging Science from the Rochester Institute of
Technology. Charles, his wife (an Albany native),
and daughter reside in Rochester. Mr. Mondello
has lived in Central New York for approximately 40
First, I wish to thank each of you for your support and
involvement in ASPRS. I have worked with members in
numerous voluntary ASPRS activities over the years. I
truly believe that the strength of our society comes from
its members and their voluntary efforts to create a
Society larger than just a collection of individuals.
The Society and its members reside in a time poised for
significant growth.
We will witness the public
accessing geospatial content in new and exciting ways.
The consumer markets are changing their visualization
of content from vector to raster representations. Search
engine providers are vying for maximum exposure, and
geospatial content has become one of the major factors
in their growth. Our industry, while historically
providing mapping in these segments, will see a vast
increase in the depth of geospatial data utilization.
Our Society must be positioned to support and grow
with these changes. We must provide a strong value to
our membership. This value proposition must be defined
and sculpted to enhance each level of membership. This
constantly changing environment dictates that leadership
must assess our member needs and provide the
professional support they require to fulfill their missions
across government, commercial, and educational
My charter will be to increase our society’s membership
as well as enhance the ASPRS value proposition for
each member. We have seen in the 10-Year Forecast that
we are in a growing industry. Yet, this is not reflected in
our membership. Therefore, we have a critical need to
assess how we, as a Society, can increase the benefit at
each level of membership-from the student to the
sustaining corporate member. At the same time, we need
those on the fringes to see the benefits of joining this
historically strong industry group.
We will continue to succeed in the areas in which
ASPRS is considered the industry leader: maintaining
our excellence in unbiased support of user requests for
geospatial answers and policies; providing a venue for
the sharing of diverse remote-sensing and
photogrammetric content; and the continued growth of
PE & RS as a journal defining technology, direction and
innovation across our industry.
It has been a privilege to support the society and its
membership both nationally and in Central New York. It
is an honor to be nominated for this position and I will
work hard to serve you in the future as your society
UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE students, this is your opportunity to obtain
some much-needed cash and to gain some recognition for yourself. Each year the
CNY Region presents a Student of the Year Award with separate categories for
graduate and undergraduate students. The prizes for each category are:
FIRST PLACE: cash award of $300.00, a one-year ASPRS membership, and a
SECOND PLACE: cash award of $200.00, a one-year ASPRS membership, and a
In addition to the above prizes, the first ten applicants (by postmark date)
will receive a one-year ASPRS student membership.
Students with an interest in photogrammetry, remote sensing, or geographic
information systems are encouraged to apply. You are not required to be a
student member of the Society at the time of application; however, you must be
matriculated in the Central New York Region (Upstate New York, Vermont, and
North Central Pennsylvania).
Application Procedure: Prepare and submit the following items:
1) A resume.
2) A current course transcript. Include this with the application: note that the transcript does not
need to be certified.
3) A completed ASPRS Year 2006 Individual Membership Application form with appropriate
documentation included (
4) A letter of application. The letter of application should detail any experience and
participation the student may have in photogrammetry, remote sensing, or geographic
information systems e.g. coursework, projects, research, or work experience. The letter
should also relate the expected role of photogrammetry, remote sensing, or geographic
information systems in the applicant’s career.
Please include a phone number and e-mail address where you can be reached.
Past First Place winners of a category may not apply for the same category.
Submit to:
Lindi Quackenbush
1 Forestry Dr, 312 Bray Hall
Syracuse NY 13210
Phone: 315-470-4727
Application Deadline: Friday, April 7, 2006 (postmarked)
Award winners will be informed of the results during the week of April 24, 2006 and will be honored at the Central New
York Region Annual Spring Meeting.
If you are interested in remote sensing, photogrammetry,
geographic information systems, land and natural
resources management, observing tools and techniques,
and web-based technologies for real-time data and
information acquisition and sharing – this conference is
a MUST!.
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Spaceborne Remote Sensing
Observing Systems and Activities
Applications to Monitoring Programs
Distributed Information Systems
12:30 am - 2:00 pm
Early Registration
ASPRS Members - $175.00 / Student - $75.00.
After March 15,
ASPRS Members - $225.00 / Student - $75.00
Training Seminars: $75.00 each
Clarion Riverside Hotel: Single/Double $77.00
Banquet Lunch
"Future Directions of the Semantic Web"
Dirk-Willem van Gulik,
Apache Software Foundation (Invited)
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Airborne Remote Sensing
Observing Systems and Activities
Applications to Monitoring Programs
Distributed Information Systems
Pre-conference Training Seminars
Tuesday, April 4th
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
8:00 am -12:00 pm
Banquet in the Grand Ballroom
Wetland Mapping Using Terrain-based Derivatives
(Richard Mussakowski, OMNR)
"Interoperable Distributed Modeling"
Dr. Philip Bogden
Beyond 2006: Archiving, Managing, and Repurposing
Your Geospatial Image Assets
(Ryan Burley, Lizardtech)
Thursday, April 6th
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 9:30 pm
Professional Airborne Digital Mapping Systems - An
Overview (Brian Huberty, USFWS)
Plenary Session:
Miki Schmidt, NOAA Coastal Services Center
"Coastal Remote Sensing Programs"
Robert Bukata, Environment Canada NWRI
"Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing Activities"
Maria Rey, Canadian Defense Research and
"Transborder Monitoring Approaches"
Emerging Technologies - LIDAR and Hyperspectral
(Tony Vodacek, RIT)
6:00 - 8:00 pm: Social Event: Informal Dinner at Dinosaur BBQ
Conference Agenda
Wednesday, April 5th
7:30-8:30 am
10:15 am - 12:00 pm
Registration and Coffee
Terrestrial and Marine Remote Sensing
8:30-9:30 am:
Keynote Addresses:
Observing Systems and Activities
Applications to Monitoring Programs
Distributed Information Systems
Adm. C. Lautenbacher,
Nation Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Invited)
"U.S. Observing Initiatives Affecting the Great Lakes"
Dr. Virendra Jha,
Canadian Space Agency (Invited)
"Canadian Observing Initiatives Affecting the Great
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Buffet
"Perspectives on World Wind and Google Earth"
Tom Gaskins, NASA
Visit the Website at “”
Officers of the Central New York Region
Ron Frederiks
New York State Department of
Transportation (NYSDOT),
88 Dumbarton Drive
Delmar, NY 12054-4406
(518) 439-7109 (voice)
Vice President:
Lindi Quackenbush
SUNY-ESF, 312 Bray Hall
1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY
(315) 470-4727 voice
(315) 470-6958 fax
Emily Constantine Mercurio
Institute for the Application of
Geospatial, Technology
199 Franklin Street, Suite 300
Auburn, NY, 13021
(315) 283-9422 (voice)
(315) 253-7335 fax
National Director:
Ed Freeborn
L-3 Communications,
Government Services Inc.
1300-B Floyd Avenue
Rome, NY 13440
(315) 339-6184 voice
(315) 330-4315 fax
Newsletter Editors:
Paul Szemkow
Environmental Resources & Forest
Engineering, 312 Bray Hall
SUNY-College of Env. Science &
1 Forestry Drive Syracuse, NY
(315) 470-6635 voice
(315) 470-6958 fax
Central New York Region's Home Page:
April 7, 2006
SUNY-College of Env. Sci & Forestry
1 Forestry Drive, 312 Bray Hall
Environmental Resources &Forest Engineering
Syracuse, New York 13210-2778
Council Members
Darryl Murdock
Eastman Kodak Company
1447St Paul Blvd
Rochester NY 14653
(585) 253-0112 voice
(585) 726-4100 fax
Joan Zelinski
PAR Government Systems Corp.
664 Pleasant Valley Rd.
Potsdam, NY 13676
(315) 268-0145 (Home)
(315) 268-1608 (Work)
(315) 268-1626 fax
Student Representative
Chintan A. Shah
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Syracuse University
335 Link Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244